
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

XXXIX: Bonds of Peace and Understanding

When Michael saw three figures of immense power before him, he raised an eyebrow and carefully assessed them. The newcomers radiated magical energy that was hard to ignore, but despite the initial tension, an atmosphere of peace and mutual respect prevailed.

Michael's voice was steady and curious as he remarked, "Well, this is quite the unexpected gathering. I sense incredible magical power from all of you. I am Michael, leader of the angels. May I ask who you are?"

Hades, who exuded an air of authority, introduced himself with a smirk and a deep commanding voice, "Greetings, Michael. I am Hades, the God of the Underworld. It seems we've stumbled upon each other in this tranquil setting."

Beside Hades, Beelzebub chuckled mischievously, his presence exuding a playful and unpredictable aura. "And I'm Beelzebub, the Great Lord of Flies. Don't worry, we're not here to cause any trouble... well, at least not today."

A third figure, calm and ethereal in appearance, nodded in acknowledgment. "I am Lucilius, Primarch of Light," he introduced himself, his calm demeanor contrasting with the immense power he possessed. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Michael. We have come seeking a peaceful exchange and perhaps a chance to understand one another better."

Michael felt relieved as he sensed no immediate threat from these powerful entities. He responded, "I appreciate your intentions. Peaceful encounters are always welcome. Tell me, what brings you to this realm, and what knowledge do you seek?"

Hades leaned casually on his staff and explained, "Our purpose here is twofold. First, we've come to witness the beauty of this realm, explore its wonders, and learn from its inhabitants. Second, we wish to interact with the beings that hold the most power in this world."

Beelzebub grinned, unable to contain his mischievous nature. "Of course, that doesn't mean a little friendly competition is out of the question. Perhaps we could engage in a friendly sparring match, just to test our mettle against each other."

Lucilius smiled warmly and chimed in, "Indeed, Beelzebub, a friendly contest can be an excellent way to deepen our bonds. But let us not forget the value of peaceful discussion."

Michael nodded and appreciated their openness and willingness to engage in peaceful interaction. However, a question lingered in his mind. "I agree wholeheartedly. Let us embrace this opportunity for friendship and growth. But I must ask, how can you two be Hades and Beelzebub when they already exist? And you two look nothing like them."

Kazuki, who had been quietly observing the conversation until now, sighed and began to explain. "It's hard to explain," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness. "But I was the one who brought them here. I wanted to avoid others knowing about them, mainly talking about Hades and Beelzebub, but it seems like it's a bit too late for that."

Michael's eyes flickered with a mixture of determination and trust as he turned his attention to Issei, sensing the potential within him. With a swift motion, he summoned a gleaming sword, its hilt adorned with intricate engravings and an ethereal glow. It was the Holy Sword, Ascalon, a sacred weapon of immense power.

Gently, Michael presented the sword to Issei, its weight seeming to carry the weight of destiny. "Issei, I bestow upon you the Holy Sword, Ascalon," he spoke, his voice resonating with a deep sense of purpose. "May its divine light guide and protect you in your journey."

Issei's eyes widened in astonishment and awe as he accepted the Holy Sword, feeling its energy course through his veins. He could sense the purity and righteousness imbued within its blade, a weapon meant to vanquish darkness and uphold justice.

With a reverent nod, Issei brought forth his own sacred artifact, the Boosted Gear, a powerful treasure that held the essence of a legendary Dragon. He concentrated his focus, merging the Holy Sword, Ascalon, with his Boosted Gear, allowing the two extraordinary artifacts to intertwine and strengthen each other.

As the fusion occurred, a radiant glow enveloped Issei, his aura intensifying and expanding as the combined power of the Holy Sword and the Boosted Gear surged within him. It was a harmonious union, an embodiment of light and power destined to bring about extraordinary feats.

Once the merging was complete, Michael watched with satisfaction, his eyes filled with confidence in Issei's newfound potential. He understood the responsibility that came with wielding such immense power, and he knew Issei was ready to embrace it.

Michael's gaze shifted towards Kazuki and Asia, his eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and recognition. Slowly, he approached Kazuki, acknowledging his presence as the Monarch of Shadows. "You must be Kazuki, Monarch of Shadows?" Michael questioned, his voice resonating with a sense of intrigue.

Kazuki met Michael's gaze, his expression composed yet attentive. "Correct," he replied, his voice steady and confident.

Michael's attention then turned to Asia, the girl standing beside Kazuki. His eyes softened with warmth as he regarded her. "And who is this little angel?" he asked, a gentle smile forming on his lips.

Asia, filled with a mix of awe and respect, stepped forward and introduced herself. "My name is Asia. It's an honor to meet you," she said, her voice carrying a gentle sincerity.

Michael returned her greeting with a nod, his presence radiating a sense of calm and reassurance. "The pleasure is all mine, Asia," he replied, his voice carrying a touch of kindness.

Turning back to Kazuki, Michael addressed him directly. "There is going to be a conference between the three factions," he informed him. "You are welcome to join if you'd like."

Kazuki's interest was piqued at the mention of a conference. He contemplated the invitation for a moment before responding, "Sure, I'd love to go. How about you guys?" He included Hades, Beelzebub, Lucilius, and Asia in his question, seeking their opinions.

However, before they could answer, Michael spoke up once again, granting his permission. "You can bring them," he said, his words affirming their inclusion in the conference.

With a serene smile, Michael bid farewell to them all, a sense of fulfillment accompanying his departure. "May our paths cross again, and may your endeavors bring light and harmony to your realms," he expressed, his voice carrying a touch of warmth and encouragement.

As Michael disappeared into the distance, the lingering echoes of his presence lingered, a reminder of the profound encounter and the bonds forged through understanding and respect. Issei looks at his upgraded boosted gear, filled with a newfound determination to wield its power for the greater good, honoring the trust bestowed upon him.

As Issei stood there, still immersed in the awe-inspiring aftermath of his encounter with Michael, a familiar voice reached his ears. It was Rias Gremory, his crimson-haired peer and the woman he held a deep affection for. Her presence brought a sense of comfort and familiarity amidst the magical energy that surrounded them.

"Issei, we should head back to the school," Rias said, her voice laced with a mixture of concern and determination. "Gasper has been making great progress in controlling his powers, and your guidance would mean a lot to him."

Issei's gaze shifted from the Holy Sword, Ascalon, to Rias, a spark of excitement and pride lighting up his eyes. Gasper, their vampire comrade, had always struggled with harnessing and controlling his unique abilities. The prospect of witnessing his friend's growth ignited a sense of purpose within Issei.

Nodding in agreement, Issei joined Rias, the two of them leaving the tranquil setting behind as they made their way back to the school. Along the journey, they exchanged words of encouragement and shared their hopes for Gasper's progress.

Upon arriving at the school, Issei found Gasper engrossed in his training, his determination evident in the focused expression on his face. Issei approached him with a smile, his presence radiating a sense of support and camaraderie.

As Issei observed Gasper's efforts, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Gasper had indeed made remarkable strides in controlling his powers, showcasing a level of mastery he had never before achieved. It was a testament to his dedication and the guidance of his friends.

Encouraged by the sight before him, Issei approached Gasper and offered words of praise and encouragement. He celebrated Gasper's achievements and assured him of his unwavering support in his continued growth.

Gasper's face lit up with a mix of relief and joy, his gratitude evident in his words of appreciation. The bond between the three friends deepened as they shared a moment of triumph and celebrated the progress they had achieved together.