
Shadow Maiden

She who came from the shadows. She was born a ruler. She does not have the power of the shadows. She was the Shadow. However, she was not ready. She deemed herself unworthy. And so she asked to be sent to a place far away from where she belonged. Along with a few gifts. Her journey is still starting... For she has a duty, as the Shadow Maiden... *** So yeah, I don't know how to make a proper synopsis. I just made somrthing that sounds cool but I don't know. Anyways, yeah. First things first, MC is a woman. Yeah, and this is mostly gonna be adventure and stuff, with little bit of slice of life(don't know yet). Sooo there's gonna be plenty action but I'm not good at that so please forgive me if it looks garbage. Also, this is not a solo leveling fanfic. It's a multiverse but since I don't really have in-depth information about the plots of other animes/novels/manga (i don't remember the in-depth plot of the things I read and watched) so it's probably gonna be a original worlds, with little bits of references.

Polarys · Urban
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3 Chs


[The host can choose the world you'd like to be tranferred into:

Cerniac, the world of pure spirits and tainted ones; Derminiet, the world of dark beings; Khaos, a dimension that is always strifed with chaos; Haroe, the world of variety of races and dimensional enemies; Itrius, a world that is the center of many major events in the multiverse]

I looked at the choices and got the gist of every world. However, I don't know which is much more advantageous for me as I don't really know what I need at the moment. So I asked the system for its input.

"Which one do you recommend, system?"

[Based on the current status of host, I recommend the world of Itrius as it will allow the host to get used to her powers and possibly gain more along the way. This is mainly because of the many unexpected events happening in this world. It is as if the whole multiverse revolves around it as dimensional beings, ambiguous experts and many characters, famous or infamous, all go to this world as if they are moth attracted to light. Of course, it presents the most danger to host due to its unpredictability but with host's talent, it would not be a problem to use this world as your stepping stone.]

'A dangerous world... But a small price to pay for power. Wait, did the system say status? Oh, right, I had a status panel.'


The panel expanded and was decored with gold outline surrounding the panel along with the original blue. I looked at the information about myself in simplified form.


[Name: N/A]

[Sex: Female]

[Age: ???]

[Race: ???]

[Title: Shadow Maiden, The Fated One, Kin of Void]

[Traits: Curious, Naive, Innocent, Untainted, Kind, Determined]

[State: Restricted]


[Vitality - Immortal(Restricted)]

[Strength - Basic(Contained)]

[Energy - Uncommon(Restricted)]




SHADOW(Beyonder) (Beginning(?) - ???%)

-An authority that solely belongs to N/A. Still in its infancy stage due to N/A's insufficient control.


VOID(Beyonder) (Beginning(?) - ???%)

-An authority that was given to N/A by the void asit recognized her as the fater one. Still in its infancy stage due to N/A's sufficient control.


??? (???) (??? - ???%)




Singularity (Beyonder) (Max)

Irresistible Charm (Rare) (Beginning - 0%)

Adaptability (Rare(Upgradeable))














'Hmm, this seems comprehensive enough. But why is there so many questions marks at the upper half of my status? My age and race, the skills.'

[That is because the system has deemed it not necessary for the host to know of it currently as doing so would only endanger the host or confuse her priorities.]

'That is true. Considering the things that happened just now, it would probably just confuse or terrify me more when more variables are added. So good job on that, I guess?'

[Thank you, host.]

'Oh, you're welcome. Hmm, it's kinda tiresome to hear system and host over and over again. So I'll just call you Sis and you call me... Hmm, I just realized I don't have a name. Sis, give me suggestions for names.'

[Changing system name to Sis... Sesrching for suitable personality to match the name... Big Sister module installing... Big Sister module installed]

[Ara, there are lots of names that I think would quite suit you, but there are 4 I'd like to suggest: Amiella, Lunairre, Aurelia, Irisiel]

(A/N: Here, put your suggestions and I'll consider it)

I looked at the names Sis suggested and thought about them for a long time. However, I couldn't pick as they all sounded pleasant to the ears. So I left it for later.

'I'll decide on it later. There's nothing much I can gain from asking the skills for now as my proficiency is low to uncover its truths for the meantime. Sis, can you tell me about the Titles and these vitality, strength and energy?'

[Certainly! The titles are just ephitets with effect depending on its name and who bestowed it. For example, The Fated One. My analysis confirmed that you are what I was waiting for and so you gained the title The Fated One as I bestowed it to you naturally as par for the course. It's effect is a boost to everything you have. Though, it will only take effect once you finally start to do something. The others like Shadow Maiden is an ephitet born from the fact that you are the only Shadow-born that is female and is destined to lead the Shadown realm denizen. And the Void of Kin probably stemmed from your interaction with the void. Their effects are probably max Affinity with their respective elements and other boosts to overall performance.]

[Moving on to the Stats which are Vitality, Strength and Energy. These are the indications of your raw power. Vitality refers to the overall factors that concern with your life, like health, lifespan, your toughness as in defense, eveything that encompasses life. Strength refers to the raw Physical Power you can use. Things like power, agility, reflex, etc.. Anything that will help contribute to your raw Physical Power is included in the Strength. Lastly, Energy. It refers to the quantity and quality of your energy.]

[And the words next to it are the grades for the Stats. It's hierarchy looks like this:












[There are much more grades above Divinity but this should be enough grades displayed for now. This grading system is almost the same with the skills but it has two grading system. One which evaluates the skill rarity and the other evaluates the proficiency in that skill. Their respective heiradchy is this:




















I just stared intensely at the explanation given by Sis and looked over to my status. I had a pretty weird status, to say the least. Especially with the restricted state of mine and Beyonder-grade skills that were so many it felt like it was a common skill. Despite my insufficient knowledge of the power level outside, I know that I'm pretty strong even if my strength is just at the Basic grade(although it's contained).

I conginued to stare at my status to see if there was anything else unusual besides the unusualness of my whole status.

'Ohh, the system features. Explain them to me please.'

[Right away! The first feature is Inventory. It allows you to stors your items or things in a separate dimension that is perpetually in a stasis state. Although you would eventually learn how to do this on your own with the subconcept of VOID and with SHADOW, it is still not available for you as your proficiency is currently low. So this inventory will be convenient for the meantime.]

[Next is the Exchange. It allows you to trade with the system for a power or anything with anything of equivalenf value with anything you own. Like power, energy, etc..Anything can be exchanged here for anything.]

[Next is the Recharge. It allows the host to get something randomly from the system as long as sufficient energy is put into it. It can range from something bad to something amazing.]

[Next, the Gifting feature. It allows you to gift something that is otherwise accessible only to you, to others. Like powers for example. However, you will lose that power if you gift it to someone. Another example would be soul-bound items.]

[Lastly, the quest. These are tasks issued by the system for the host to complete. The host is able to refuse a quest anytime she wants. There are no penalty involved as the system is solely focused on helping the host. Every time a quest is completed, the host is rewarded based on the initial reward and the performance rating. There are different types of quest like Spontaneous Quest, Daily Quest, World Quest, Emergency Quest, and Breakthrough Quest. The Spontaneous Quest is a quest that is issued when something happens in the vicinity of the user. The Daily Quest is issued to give a little bit of something for the user to do. The World Quest is issued when the World requests the host to do something for the world. The Emergency Quest is issued when something is endangering the host or someone closed to the host. The Breakthrough Quests are extremely hard quests issued by the system for the host to grow quickly.]

[There are other features that are still locked so the host should do her best to unlock the whole experience of the system.]

'Hmm, those are convenienf features. I really like them. Especially the Exchange and Recharge. It follows the principle of 'Equivalent Exchange' and 'High Risk-High Reward', respectively. Although the Recharge doesn't really seem like it poses a high risk.'

"Close Status"

The floating panel disappeared and the whole void appeared in my vision. I took in the sight of the whole void and took a big and deep breath. I looked around for a while before saying in a serious tone.

'Sis, I would like to go to the world...'

Give me suggestion for names or choose which you like from the ones I suggested.Just comment what you choose from my suggestions or give me suggestions.

Polaryscreators' thoughts