
The Embarrassment

Like that was not enough he had to also face off against this monster again. How many times would Damien continue to be a thorn in his flesh? 

Greg sighed looking for a way to hide himself for he knew meeting Damien would end badly for him. He looked around, finding a bush to hide in, but it was too far to run there. 

"I've got to do something," he breathed. "And I've got to do it fast."

The bouncer looked at him one more time getting ticked off as he pushed the man down in the most embarrassing way possible.

"Get your ass out of here!" he yelled, flexing his muscles like he was ready to get into a fight. "And if I ever see you here again, I'll make sure you end up in a hospital."

Greg could see that it was a threat which could be carried out and he did not want to have any more problems with the law. He could see that he was already pulling crowds. 

To avoid any more confrontation, he knew the only option would be to leave the place to avoid Damien and his sharp mouth.

"I'll go," he sighed to his feet, trying to use the crowd as a cover to escape the eyes of his nemesis but that ended badly as he was caught in his steps.

"Well, well, well," Damien chuckled with his girlfriend behind him. "If it isn't the poorest man on the block. What are you doing here? Last time I checked they don't invite poor people into the club. Shouldn't you be scrubbing a toilet or something?"

Everyone around him including the bouncer laughed.

"I mean, let's be honest here," he continued, not holding back with his insults. "You're nothing but a mistake and my family was very generous to let you in. Even with that you're still a very big mistake. 

"In fact, I'm sure that when you came into our home and my grandfather saw you, he saw a joke.

"He took pity upon you and decided to help you to elevate your status but even that failed because you are nothing. You will always be nothing. I'm sure the old man is wailing in his grave by now.

"Do you think that ratting me out to my grandmother would have you being held up like a hero? Oh I'm not done with you yet. By the time I am done with you you will regret your entire existence."

He walked around with more of his goons showing up as Greg trembled where he stood. The realization that he could be beaten up in front of this club again had him trembling. 

"Please, you guys have already beaten me once and I've already apologized. I've been humiliated enough. Let me go. We don't need to carry on like this."

His pleas fell on deaf ears as Damien was gearing up for another bout of violence.

The last beating had made him pass out and they had almost killed him. Why would they not leave him alone? All he had done was try to defend himself in front of his wife's grandmother and that had earned him a beating. 

What did he need to do to show that he was not going to expose them any longer?

"What do you want from me?!" he yelled, seeing the goons laughing with Damien. Everyone around laughed and seemed to give them space as they did not want to help him.

He was nothing to society. He was a joke, an anomaly, a curse. No matter what he did to help or to appear human to everyone around him, they treated him like trash.

He had appeared in a different place to start his whole life afresh and instead here he was being traced and insulted. 

"You know, I just want to club right and that can only be done after kicking you out of here and giving you the beating of your life," he laughed with the others around him, laughing even louder. "In fact, I have a better idea of what I think you're here for.

"Maybe you're here for a new family? Is it because I kicked you out of mine? Look, I know I don't want you back but it doesn't mean you have to leave. We still don't have enough slaves with you gone.

"I mean, check this out, if you leave, who will I bully? The other servants can't take the punishment you can. Me and the boys want someone who is manly enough to take our punches and that is where you come in."


"Shhhh," Damien hushed the man before he could say anything. "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking or you will have an ass whooping right now."

Greg's face was swollen with rage and fear as he tried to control himself from doing anything hysterical. 

If he made any sudden move he could get beaten or worse killed. They had almost killed him before, what was stopping them from doing it again?

Damien put his arm around a terrified Greg as a friend would do and he started to talk in a calm tone like he actually cared.

"You see Greg, you ain't shit and you will never be shit. I keep repeating this so you would know your place in life and know that no matter how hard you try you will not amount to anything.

"So we kick you out of our family and you come here looking for another one to stick yourself to. What are you? A leech? So that's what you are! A fucking leech. Maybe that's why you're trying to get into this club.

"There is no one here who would look at you and see anything good in you. Anyone who would do that is blind."

Damien pointed to a girl with her drinks on the road.

"Will you go out with this loser?" he asked her as she spat on the ground.