Here was a man clearly no stranger to the finer things life offered.
And he had chosen her, disgraced and unwashed as she appeared, as today's interest.
Downing the drink in one gulp, Petra tossed back lustrous hair and flashed a grin both inviting and predatory. "As long as you're buying, handsome. I suppose I could do worse company than a king in this rat's den." Her companion chuckled appreciatively at the cheeky tone, signaling for two more rounds.
"I found this online," he said, bringing up his phone to show a video of her being embarrassed and tossed out of the store.
It had been turned into a meme which had her closing her eyes with her hands. Her cheeks flushed with hot red embarrassment.
"Where do you find that?" She whispered under the rowdy bar as he shrugged.
"The normal place I would find such things. Social media."