
A Bomb

"Excuse me?!" Kieran dropped the game back on the shelf as he flexed his muscles like he was ready to fight. "Say that again."


"Or you'll do what? Beat me to a pulp? That's the only defense you've got going for you. Last time I checked, I'm still smarter than you."


"But let me show you who is stronger," Kieran approached Alex as Greg tossed a can of beer to Kieran hitting him on the head. "What was that for?"


"Fighting in your boss's office? That must be a new low," Greg sighed standing to his feet to stretch his arms.


"Did you hear what he said to me?"


"I did but it doesn't matter. Why do you have to take everything at depth value? All I'm saying is you should forget what he said to you and get the game so we'll play it."


"I mean, if you say so, sure."


He got the game as the two played on the couch for almost an hour before Kieran had something else to spice up the game.