
Shadow Echo

In a dark medieval world where power is everything and art is completely forbidden, Robin, a young nobleman outcast by his own family, comes across an instrument left by a mysterious person. In the midst of the desolation, he finds solace and hope in the melodies that emanate from it. But this fleeting happiness vanishes when fate turns against him and throws him into the dark streets of low society. In this ruthless and lawless world, where only the strongest survive, Robin faces all kinds of situations. Facing his deepest fears and forging unexpected alliances, Robin becomes the symbol of a silent rebellion, the echo of the shadow.

MaXx_Zabdy · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Luna

I woke up in a dark cell, still feeling the impact of the knight's blow. I was confused and my body ached all over. It seemed that lately my destiny consisted of receiving blows.

My eyes got used to the darkness and I could better distinguish my surroundings. At that moment, I saw someone I recognized: the little girl who had been beaten. The marks could still be seen on her body, evidence of the abuse she had suffered.

The girl was passed out. I tried my best to approach her, but my body hurt too much, even more than when I was attacked by those thugs.

"Damn, that damn knight had incredible strength," I expressed in frustration.

At that instant, I remembered the badge Selene had given me. However, as I looked for it, I realized that I had been stripped of everything: the money, the badge and even my flute.

Too bad, I thought despondently, if only I had my flute.

But as if someone was listening to me, I was surrounded by a green light and felt something in my hands. It was the flute that a few moments before was not there, but now it was in my possession.

Without hesitation and seeing the suffering of that little girl because of her wounds, I decided to start playing. Just like last time, my body began to glow with a green radiance, my wounds began to heal and the flute was repaired. As the melody filled the cell, the cell lit up and I watched as the little girl began to heal.

I enjoyed the scene: the dark room in the mansion, the dim lighting in Selene's room, and now this jail. Places that were once gloomy and frightening were now filled with light and calm.

At that moment, the girl awoke and, surprised by her sudden improvement, began to hear something she had never heard before.

She was used to screams, insults and all kinds of noises, but this sound was new to her.

Then, she saw a young woman sitting in her very cell, blowing something. She seemed to be the one producing that beautiful sound.

Unfortunately, she heard the cell door begin to open. The young woman quickly hid what she was holding as the door opened. It was a heavy door, designed so that weak people could not escape, but it also made it difficult for others to enter. Eventually, however, someone managed to get in.

I had been using the flute to help the girl, but suddenly someone burst in. When I saw who it was, my anger increased considerably: it was the soldier who had beaten me, and probably the same one who had locked me in.

"Well, who do we have here, a gentleman with the insignia of the Fourth Division. What was your oath? 'I promise to help, protect and defend mankind' and here I thought my words carried little weight.

"Shut up, I'm just doing my duty," the knight replied in an angry voice. It seemed that my words had not sat well with him.

"Is that how your commanders told you, or is that how you deceive yourself?", I retorted.

"Don't insult my commanders," said the gentleman.

"I'm not insulting your commanders, I'm insulting you. Do they also drag the ideals they swore to protect along the ground?", I questioned him.

This further infuriated the gentleman, who took a step forward, probably to teach me a lesson. However, at that moment a hurried voice was heard from outside.

"Something has happened at the entrance, everyone must protect the Contractor," announced another soldier who had come running in.

The first soldier, though angry, could not disobey. He gave me one last hate-filled look before closing the door again.

"I'll see you around, gentleman. I hope you treat your contractor better than those you swore to protect. Otherwise, I'm afraid your contractor won't last long" I expressed as I smiled.

The door slammed shut, leaving an oppressive silence. But then, I heard a voice.

"Aren't you afraid of him? He's pretty strong," the girl said for the first time.

"I know he's strong, he knocked me down with one blow," I replied.

"Then why do you bother him?" asked Luna, the girl, curiously.

"Because if I can't beat him with my fists, at least I'll beat him with words. And by the way, what's your name?", I asked intrigued.

"My name is Luna."

"So tell me Luna, why is such a little girl in a place like this?"

You can find the original story in Spanish in my profile

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Translated with DeepL

MaXx_Zabdycreators' thoughts