

A Month Prior...

"What?!" The voice of a certain individual thundered through the ornate halls, reverberating with a potent mixture of anger and disbelief.

The two guards stationed outside the door exchanged uneasy glances, their faces etched with trepidation. They knew better than to intrude upon their superior's volatile mood. Behind the guards, a high-stakes conference was in session, and it was imperative to tread carefully.

"Calm yourself, West," a voice of reason interjected, slicing through the tension that hung in the air like a storm cloud. The speaker, a figure of authority, directed their gaze toward the irate individual who had just vented their frustration. West, the man in question, huffed audibly, his flared temper slowly receding like a retreating tempest.

It was abundantly clear that the outcome of this meeting bore significant consequences, demanding a measure of composure and restraint, even in the face of astonishing revelations.