
Shadow's Vow

"Shadow" follows the journey of Vikram Rathod, a young man living in the bustling city of Mumbai. After witnessing a crime in his youth, Vikram is haunted by a desire for justice, leading him to become a vigilante known as "Shadow." With the support of his friends, including Riya and her brother Ravi, a senior inspector, Vikram navigates the complexities of his double life while investigating his father's unsolved murder. As he delves deeper into the city's underworld, Vikram discovers clues that may unravel the mystery of his father's death. Amidst his quest for justice, Vikram receives an invitation to Ravi's wedding, promising a brief respite from his vigilante duties. However, as Vikram prepares to celebrate, he knows that his duty as Shadow never truly ends, and he remains steadfast in his commitment to protecting the streets of Mumbai.

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8 Chs

Chapter 7: "A Morning of Revelations"

The next morning, on the day of the much-anticipated exhibition, Vikram is roused from his slumber by the cheerful melody of his phone ringing. With a sleepy groan, he fumbles for the device, blinking away the remnants of sleep as he answers the call.

"Good morning, Vikram," Riya's voice chirps through the receiver, her words infused with warmth and affection.

"Mmm... good morning," Vikram murmurs groggily, his mind still clouded with sleep.

But before he can fully awaken, Riya's voice takes on a sense of urgency. "Wake up, Vikram!" she exclaims, her tone playful yet insistent. "You promised to pick me up for the exhibition, remember?"

Vikram's eyes snap open at her reminder, the fog of sleep dissipating as the realization hits him. With a sudden burst of energy, he springs into action, casting off the covers and hurrying to get ready for the day ahead.

As the bike horn echoes through the Ahuja mansion, Riya's heart leaps with excitement. She descends the stairs in a flurry of movement, her steps quick and determined as she rushes to answer the call of adventure.

Her father, Mr. Ahuja, watches her with a quizzical expression as she reaches the bottom of the staircase, her eyes bright with anticipation. "Where are you off to in such a hurry, my dear?" he inquires, curiosity lacing his words.

Riya's smile is radiant as she replies, "To the science exhibition, Papa. Maya's father is showcasing his latest research, and I don't want to miss it."

But before she can make her escape, her sister-in-law Priya interjects with a teasing remark, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "Oh, going to the science exhibition, are we?" she says, her tone exaggerated and slow. "And all dolled up too. I suppose Vikram must be waiting outside to sweep you off your feet."

Riya's cheeks flush with embarrassment at Priya's jest, her laughter bubbling up in response. "Oh, Bhabhi, it's nothing like that," she protests, her words punctuated by giggles as she darts past Priya and out the door, her heart racing with excitement for the day ahead.

As Riya emerges from the mansion, Vikram is engrossed in the mirror, meticulously ensuring his appearance is just right. Suddenly, a warm "Hi" cuts through the air, drawing his attention away from his reflection.

Turning towards the source of the greeting, Vikram is momentarily stunned by Riya's radiant beauty. His eyes drink in the sight of her, captivated by her graceful presence. For a moment, he forgets how to breathe, his heart skipping a beat as he takes in her every detail.

Breaking the spell of silence, Riya offers a sweet and warm "Hello," her voice like music to Vikram's ears. His lips part, but all that escapes is a stammered "H-He-Hello," his mind reeling from the sudden rush of emotions.

Riya's laughter dances in the air, a melodic sound that breaks through the tension. "Don't stare too long, Vikram, or you might just fall for me," she teases, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Unable to resist, Vikram meets her playful challenge head-on. "Can't I?" he responds, his voice barely above a whisper, his gaze lingering on her.

Riya chuckles softly at his response, her smile warm and inviting. "Aren't we getting late?" she asks, her tone light and playful as she gestures towards the exhibition.

Vikram gathers his composure with a nod, his heart still racing from the exchange. "Right, let's not keep Maya waiting," he says, his voice steadier now as he offers Riya his arm, ready to embark on their adventure together.

On the journey towards the exhibition, a comfortable silence envelops Vikram and Riya, each lost in their own thoughts as they navigate the bustling streets of Mumbai. The gentle hum of the engine fills the air, punctuated only by the occasional honk of nearby vehicles.

Suddenly, Riya breaks the silence with a question that hangs heavy in the air. "Why didn't you contact me in these three years?" she asks, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of sadness.

Vikram's gaze drifts to the road ahead, his mind racing as he searches for the right words to explain his absence. "You know how it is," he begins, his voice measured. "I was in Dehradun, completing my army training for a year. After that, I decided to return and start my own security agency. It's been a whirlwind since then—busy with work, trying to make a name for myself."

Riya listens quietly, her expression thoughtful as she absorbs his explanation. "And what about you?" Vikram continues, his curiosity piqued. "How did you meet Maya?"

A smile graces Riya's lips as she recalls the memory. "It was actually through my work," she explains. "I was attending a cybersecurity conference, and Maya happened to be one of the speakers. We struck up a conversation afterward, and we just clicked. She's been a great friend ever since."

Riya concludes with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting the fondness she holds for Maya.

As they reach their destination, Vikram parks his bike, and they make their way towards the grand exhibition hall. Riya effortlessly navigates through the crowd, flashing her pass to the security as they enter.

Vikram's eyes widen in awe as they step inside the hall, greeted by a breathtaking sight. The space is filled with dazzling displays of cutting-edge technology and innovative research projects, each one more impressive than the last.

He marvels at the sheer magnitude of the exhibition, his excitement palpable as he takes in the sights and sounds around him. From futuristic gadgets to groundbreaking scientific discoveries, there is no shortage of wonders to behold.

Riya looks over at Vikram, a playful glint in her eyes as she watches his reaction to the exhibition. "Impressive, isn't it?" she remarks, her voice filled with delight.

Vikram can only nod in agreement, his gaze still fixed on the myriad displays before him. For him, this is more than just a science exhibition—it's a glimpse into a world of endless possibilities, a testament to the power of human ingenuity and innovation.

Together, Vikram and Riya explore the exhibition, immersing themselves in the wonders of science and technology. And as they lose themselves in the marvels of the world around them, they can't help but feel grateful for the chance to experience it all together.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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