
Shades of Imperfection(Edited)

-----A SlowBurn Teen Romance. Fayth Desirae Martins, a seventeen year old who's always finding herself at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Trouble always seems to follow her where she goes and she's yet to figure out why. Fayth leaves her old life and old school in hopes of starting all over in her new one. But when Fayth stumbles upon an horrendous act in one of the laboratories, it feels like she's back to square one again. Her blossoming feelings for Izaak D'angelis isn't helping her case either. Izaak Da'vion D'angelis, an eighteen year old often misunderstood. He puts on a hard front and keeps his personal life... personal. Izaak has secrets that haunt him every night. To his mates, he's the perfect jerk. Devilish looks, and a bad attitude. He never once tried to convince them otherwise, until her. But, you see, Izaak has his own demons, and most times they play with his sanity. Izaak isn't the only one with issues to deal with. As time progresses, it seems almost every one of his mates also have demons they're battling with.

NikksWrites · Urban
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25 Chs

Chp.17- Vanessa King.


"Sister shola!!"


"Sister shola!!" All three turned towards the invisible car that Bimbo Ademoye was sitting in with her head popping out. Bisola was kneeling on the floor and had her mouth wide open in shock, and so was Adesua and the other guy.

"See." Lase shoved his iPad in my face, blocking my view from the television. I pushed it away from my face and put some distance. I stared at the screen in confusion.

"what am I seeing?" I singsonged. Lase giggled, taking the Ipad back and placing it in front of him. He could've sat on the couch like a normal person, but little lase preferred sitting on the floor. He had his back to the tv and his knees on the floor, his eyes solely focused on the iPad he placed on the couch, leaning on one of the throw pillows. I stared for a while, then returned my gaze to the movie playing.

"See naw! see!" I sighed, closing my eyes and then opening. I turned to face him and his iPad once more and watched him play his game. It was a race car game which he was playing horribly. His car kept hitting walls, houses, shops, and people. I frowned.

"why are you killing them?"He stared at me long and hard with those big doe eyes of his.


"You're hitting them with your car. Don't kill them." he frowned.

"Is in the iPad naw! Is a game naw! I like killing them."

I tsked, "That's not good." Lase whined loudly and kicked his legs, he fell to the floor dramatically and I watched him with amusement.

"is a gameeee!"

"Lase," Dad walked in with a frown on his face. Lase was still kicking his legs and crying loudly on the floor. Jeezus. All I said was he shouldn't be hitting the character's in his game with his car. He was acting like I had just smashed his Ipad on the floor or something.

"What did you do." Dad scowled, taking large steps towards me. I blinked back in shock, opening and closing my mouth like a fish gasping for air.

"I-I didn't do anything -"

"Fayi said I should not kill- Fayi said I should not- Fayi said I not good." He fumbled with his words like he always did and pointed an accusing finger at me. I gasped, glaring at him.

"It's okay." Dad sighed, picking him up from the floor and into his arms. "Don't mind Fayth, hmm? Stop crying now." He patted him on the back softly and kissed his cheek afterwards. He spoke softly to Lase, patting his back whilst doing so, and walked away. I stared at his back longingly.

How long was he going to give me cold shoulder? I had to do something about it.

"What are you doing?" I shrieked, startled by my father's voice. I held my chest as he made his way over to me, snatched the remotes from my hand and aggressively pressed the off button. He glared at me and I gulped, shifting on the couch.

"I specifically told you no TV. Do you suddenly have problem understanding simple English?" Once again, my tongue was tied. I stared at him with slightly wide eyes, then with sadness.

"Don't force me to do something I don't want to, Fayth." He slammed the remote on the table in the middle of the room and turned to walk away.

"Daddy." I jumped up, grabbing him by the arm, stopping him from walking away. He froze, but refused to turn to look at me.

"Daddy, please. I know, I know what I did was wrong and I apologized. I swear I won't do anything like that again. Please don't do this to me." I pleaded with a quiet voice.

"I'm not used to seeing you so upset. I'm not used to you basically ignoring my existence. I'm sorry dad, please talk to me again. Please don't be mad at me." My lips trembled and my eyes brimmed with tears. Dad turned around finally and stared at me. His expression softened and he sighed.

"I won't lie, Fayth, acting like a tough Dad isn't easy. But what you did really hurt me. I really don't want you going back to your old self, Fayth."

He pulled me in for a hug and I smiled widely.


He placed his chin on top of my head and rubbed my back.

"I love you, so much, and no matter what you do I'll never stop loving you, okay?" I nodded my head, then buried my face further into his chest.

"I just want you to do better. I want the best for you and I worry about you so much. I don't want you getting yourself involved in another scandal, I don't want you getting bullied for no reason again. I don't want you getting into any trouble. Is that really much to ask for?" I froze.

Another scandal.


I already got myself unknowingly involved in one.


`Why did trouble follow me everywhere?

Was history really going to repeat itself in my new school?`

`No. I just won't say anything then. I'm just going to pretend I didn't see her sucking faces with our teacher whilst groping each other.`



"Welcome to our school's dance room!" Dazzline waved her hands around in a dramatic gesture.

The room was awash with the most vivid and enchanting colors I had ever seen, from the bold red and gold walls adorned with beautiful African prints to the magnificent chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Everything about this room exuded grace and class.

In the center of the room stood two figures locked in a dance. Their movements were precise, elegant, and rhythmic, as if they had been rehearsing for years. But one figure, in particular, caught my eye- a girl with purple box braids adorned with sparkling crystals, dressed in the school's skirt and just her shirt alone. She moved with an energy that was infectious, the kind of energy that makes your feet itch to dance. She spun and twirled effortlessly, her braids swishing with every step, her feet pounding the wooden floor in perfect time to the music playing from the speakers in the background.

The students who surrounded her watched her intently, their eyes transfixed on her every move. Some tapped their feet along to the music, others clapped in time, but most simply watched, awed by the display of grace and passion before them.

As the song came to an end, the girl with the purple box braids gave a final twirl and bow, eliciting cheers and applause from the watching students.

"Who's that?" I asked, staring at her with awe.

"That, is Vanessa Luna King, the greatest dancer in the whole of this school." Alyshia Jackson appeared behind me, her eyes also trained on the purple haired dance queen.

"What of Denise?" I turned to her asking. I heard Denise was also a dancer. A TikTok dancer like her Instagram bio stated.

Aaliyah scoffed." You can't compare Denise to Vanessa King, Fayth." Alyshia hummed.

"I mean, she's good. But Vanessa's the boss. She knows how to make her body work with the music. She's phenomenal. And plus she's more popular." She started.

"Denise has what, 500k followers? Vanessa has over 2million followers on her TikTok and Instagram. " Dazzline took over.

"She's known for her crazy dance steps and her style. Purple's her favorite color, so she wears a lot of purple." I raised my eyebrows at that.

"Purple hair, purple outfits, purple shoes, purple bag, purple earrings, purple water bottle-"

"Okay okay." I laughed." I get it. She loves purple."

"Love is an understatement." Alyshia snorted.

The song 'power' by Eltee played loudly through the speakers as three new people walked into the room, passing us by. I got a whiff of strong men perfume that could make any girl melt and was tempted to follow the new people with my eyes. I immediately recognized one of them from Aaliyah's birthday party. The T&D host that night. He walked next to a guy with black, gold highlighted dreads, and another shorter guy with waves-- I recognized that guy too. My eyes were specifically on the dreads guy. Gawd was he a sight to see.

Dreads guy had an impassive look on his face, his school shirt flying over his trousers, and his gold Rolex blinging with the room's light. His skin was chocolate brown, he was ripped, and his strides were filled with a powerful aura. I didn't fail to notice how everyone would step aside when he passed by, their heads low then raised to look when he passed by them.

"Who's that guy?" I just had to ask. Alyshia sighed dreamily next to me and I turned to her , amusement swimming in my eyes. Guess I wasn't the only one affected by his beauty.

"That's Angel Allendale. The hottest guy in E-High" Alyshia said. "He's also the most popular. Zephan is like second, then Izaak. Angel is the most attractive, most wanted, most athletic.... Woh! Angel is the dream."

Dazzline hummed and crossed her arms. All three of us watched as he made his way across the room and towards the crowd.

"His name is Angel, but his character is contradictory to his name." Dazzline began.

"He has the shortest temper, is cold, only associates with his two friends and some of the guys at the swimming team. He's also breaks like four girls heart everyday without much effort. You think Izaak is bad? Then you haven't met Allendale.He's the devil." Angel and his two friends stopped right in front of the purple dance queen who was now sitting on the floor with her legs criss crossed. Angel knelt down in front of her and whispered something in her ear. Purple dance queen gave the most beautiful and radiant smile and stretched forth her hands towards him. I watched, fascinated, as the said Devil pulled her up and into his arms, his lips tugging up into a small smile.

"It's no secret that Angel has a thing for Vanessa. The whole school knows it." Aaliyah saw the look on my face and said. I turned my head to her, then back to the two.

Alyshia giggled."One time he punched a guy in the eye for trying to ask her out on a date. He had a black eye for weeks! Such an ugly sight for a cute face." She tsked and Aaliyah laughed.

We spent the next few minutes with Aaliyah, Dazzline and Alyshia giving me the deets about form 12B, the classmates I hadn't met yet because we didn't stay in the same classroom. It turned out that our set was divided into two. Marigold and Sapphire. Ours was Marigold, and Class B was Sapphire. I told Dazzline and Aaliyah I had no idea about it, and they shook their heads and tsked, then told me they always sat with us during math and English. I honestly hadn't noticed. Aaliyah called me oblivious and clueless, and I gasped dramatically.

"Ooh, she's coming over." Alyshia squealed, unnecessarily hitting me in the arm in excitement. I glared at her and was about to say something to her when a voice interrupted.

"Hey guys!" Vanessa king was standing in all her beautiful glory in front of us, a radiant smile still on her face.

"Nessa." Dazzline grinned back and embraced her.

"What's up."

"Oh, I was just showing Fayth here,the school's dance hall." Dazzline responded. Vanessa turned her gaze to me and, if that was even possible, her smile grew wider.