
Shade -Shop of the night (On Hiatus)

Akirai had been "Unique" ever since she was a child- Orphan, unwanted, stubborn- a street rat. But Akirai became "Unique" in another way after she died in an unfortunate hiking accident, a landslide- there was nothing to be done. But of course Akirai´s stubborn self didn´t let it end there.

Lumina_Wraith · Urban
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23 Chs

Raids and Akirai

Akirai didn´t fly back to her flat, instead she booked a hotel room for the two days the shop needed to be repaired, after that, she planned to live on the second floor of the shop.

And Akirai once again, didn´t sleep much, too preoccupied with something new- newer than this world at least- and found that there were so called hunting groups -Raids- on which people teamed up to brave the Zones and hunt for fame and glory, or Beasts and treasures.

The treausures mentioned came from within the Rifts that had announced the new era to this world- the Rifts themselfs were small worlds- each different from the other in size and climate, bit once the Rifts fused with earth, the treasures were left to be found.

Raids were hosted very often, to keep the population of Beasts down, for one, to hunt for Beasts to tame and sell, to find plants and herbs to help their Beasts and themselfes advance, or just to train, the demand for raids was there.

And Akirai had stumbled upon a Forum that hosted one such event in Forest edge.

It was a beginner Hunt, organized by the Government to train beginners and help them get stronger- to some extend, it was said that such raids were very strict and not very rewarding for the individual.

The Military was leading this Raid, and most spoils would go to them, along with Beasts and other Materials found there, how the distribution worked? She had no idea, but she´d get to know it, so she wasn´t very worried.

Akirai applied for the Raid, or Hunt, for the next day, and got accepted, they asked her if she had a Beast, or Battle pet, the name changed depending on preference ,and when she told them, no she didn´t, the sent her a list of supplies- unless she had them, they couldn´t bring her along as it was to dangerous.

Because, while the Military would take care of the Civilians, the couldn´t do everything, so they required this to make sure that in cases of emergency, they could at the very least survive until backup arrived and or fight back.

The rules were simple -at the surface- follow orders, don´t wander off, don´t fight, don´t steal, don´t harm others and don´t harass the others.

They seemed normal and simple, too simple- but Akirai knew better than to assume or ask questions, and a little detail that most would miss was the fact that they didn´t mention how these offences would be punished, she had an inkling that she didn´t want to find out either.

The gear needed for the raid was mostly standard gear and they could be rented for the day- or bought, as she looked at the price- she started to sweat a bit, renting it for the Raid costed 150 Credits- and with her measly 290 Credits, she couldn´t afford to buy them, so she settled for renting them and was told that they would give her the gear tomorrow at the Raid, she agreed, transfered the money and went to bed...

She woke the next day to her alarm at 10.am -the Raid beginning at 11:30.am and freshened up for the day, she also brought some stuff along with her, she may have gear for the day, but she felt better to take some extra things along as a precaution- she had practically lived in the wild in her last live- she didn´t survive by being uncautious and unprepared, while she had the devils luck, skill also counted into her continued survival.

She wasn´t able to scrape up much, but she felt that, along with the rented gear- she could make due.

She, of course, had rations and water for the day, along with a hunting knife she´d bought- for protection- and a bagback that belonged to the Father of the old Akirai- he had been a low level hunter before an accident killed his only Beast and injured his leg irreparably and he quit.

It was old, but in good condition, and as a bonus- Akirai REALLY liked it too.

The bagpack was also partially packed with a few things- it had a rope and hooks in it along with a flashlight and a flare.

Akirai took a shower before she headed out and looked at her body in the mirror, she noted that until this point, she´d never really looked at herself.

She was pretty, not outstandingly so, but she wasn´t an eye sore either, she had dark red, nearly brown hair that ended at her thighs and charcoal coloured eyes specked with grey and brown.

Her body was okay and Akirai could see that this body was built more for speed and agillity than strength, something Akirai was happy about as her old body was also built like this, she had a round nose and round eyes, along with full lips.

All over her body and face were freckles and while some may find them unappealing, Akirai found them very adorable.

All in all Akirai was quite the looker... if it weren´t for the fact that white, light, and noticable burn scars covered the left side of her body, that included half her face and both her hands were covered in the white scar tissue from the fingertips to well over the wrist.

Once again, some may find this offputting, but Akirai had a taste for scars, she absolutely loved them, for her they were far from ugly and for her, they didn´t show weakness- like some believed-for her, they showed strength, the strength to survive and live to tell the tale, and Akirai loved her appearence, the scars showed that she was a survivor, and while the marks on her arms were remenants of her drug abuse- she still adored them, because while they showed a low point in Old Akirais live, now they showed that she´d made it- gotten herself out of that hole.

So, Akirai found her body perfect the way it was.

Akirai walked out of the shower, fully dressed, mind you, with a soft smile on her face.

Her appearance made her so comfortable, for the first time in a long time, that this feeling of satisfaction didn´t leave her- she wondered if there were a lot of people who felt this way since she had never felt this good in her old body, for some reason.

Although she had gotten this body, this life, through a very unorthodox method, she´d live her live to the fullest- she had old Akirais memories, had nearly re-lived her live, so she could claim pride in her appearence and her actions.