
Shade -Shop of the night (On Hiatus)

Akirai had been "Unique" ever since she was a child- Orphan, unwanted, stubborn- a street rat. But Akirai became "Unique" in another way after she died in an unfortunate hiking accident, a landslide- there was nothing to be done. But of course Akirai´s stubborn self didn´t let it end there.

Lumina_Wraith · Urban
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23 Chs

Evolution? Already?

Akirai, for a long time, made no move to stand up, or even change her position on the ground, she was absoloutly drained from this encounter, and Akirai had no worries for other Beasts as this was the territory of the snake she had killed.

No Beast would dare aprroach unless it got lost, this was likely why the boar from before was alone, it had gotten lost and the snake had plans to make it its meal but Akirai had rudely interrupted it and thrown a big wrench in its plan, making it angry and attack her.

She looked at the sky and saw the colours change, a few moons peeking out from between clouds and leaves, from her position from the ground, Akirai counted 3, but who knew how many there truly were, the foliage was too thick to look through, and Akirai was vastly disinterested in how many moons this Realm had to begin with, this information may be important for others, but for her it was completely irrelevant.

She kept chatting with Sylvie, the other keeping her replies short and clipped, not that Akirai minded.

Hours had passed before Akirai made a move to rise and the day had turned into the deepest of nights, the forest around her was completly shrouded in darkness, only the hole in the trees, the new clearing in this seemingly endless forest had the moonlight as a source of light, only a few plants glowed in the dark.

It gave off an eery vibe that was interrupted by the moonlit clearing, the fallen tree with the snake pinned under it and the long dead boar were still withing view and made for a gory sight, under the barely lit sky, it seemed as if these Beasts could rise up at any second.

Akirai stood on semy shaking legs and stretched, her muscles protesting loudly, her neck cracking lightly from staying in the same position for a long time, it gave out three clear cracks she rotated her neck to the left and it gave off two more cracks to the right before she let her head fall back into place and turned her attention to the snake, squished under the tree like a bug under a shoe.

Its eyes had long lost focus, but it seemed to still be breathing ever so slightly, she rose her brows in suprise, that thing had a will of steel to still hang on after so much time had passed.

Seeing that it was as good as dead, she ignored it and looked toward the only other wild Beast in the surrounding area, it seemed to move and Akirai tilted her head, that thing was as dead as a doornail by now, why was it moving?

She went towards it, knife in hand and guard up, ready for an attack.

Just as she was but a meter from it did its stomach burst open, Akirai jumped back on instinct and looked at the now gut covered area surrounding the boar, a meter long, fat, pitch black larvea raised its head toward her.

"You sure are a messy eater, aren´t you, Lynn?" She asked, greatly amused, she picked it up in her arms, patting the left over gore off of it, she didn´t mind the clothes, they were a lost cause by now, had been for a while.

"Are you done with that boar?" She asked gently as she patted the still blood smeared Lynn, she nodded and Akirai smiled at her.

"Good job love." She reassured her small Beast before going towards the snake, she wanted to see if Lynn wanted to eat this Beast as well, the half dead snake didn´t even raise its head at the approaching human and Beast.

She tried poking it with a stick, it didn´t move, she poked it with her shoe, or what was left of it anyway, she really needed new clothes after this...

It made no move, didn´t even flinch, but Akirai was still wary, after all, on earth, more people suffuredfrom snake bites after the snakes were already dead, a dead snake was still a dangerous snake afterall.

She picked up a very thick branch and pried its mouth open with another stick and stuffed the thick branch in its mouth, then poked it again, it snapped its mouth shut...

What to do now, she wondered as the little larvea in her arms sensed her dilemma and puffed itself up before spitting something on the snake, it was a light purple cloud of something and Akirai tilted her head to the side, waiting.

The snake stilled and Akirai had a hunch so she tried again, but this time the snake made no move, it seemed to be paralyzed.

"My, my, Lynn! You learned an attack!" She said in delight as the little larvea puffed itself up again, but this time not to prepare an attack, but in pride for being praised, Akirai giggled and set the small being down on the back of the head of the snake, she´d leave the rest to Lynn, what happened now happened, Akirai just had to sit back and watch.

And she did just that, she settled a few meters away from the two Beasts, one dead and one very much alive, it was outside of any blood splatters but still close enough to intervene if anything were to happen, she sat down on the ground and wondered if she should continue her search for plants to take back, she was, afterall, rudely interrupted by the annoying snake before.

She walked to the fallen tree but couldn´t see the crown from where she stood, she sighed and turned to another target, the clearing was filled with fallen trees, she started to pick up the fallen fruits, once she was done with this, she went around the clearing to look for new plants to take, she´d ask Sylvie about them and then stored them.

It didn´t take long before she was done with picking the fallen trees clean and she turned her attention to the snake carcase, it lay still, unmoving.

Akirai turned her attention to the surrounding plants and looked for a few that would fit in her store, a fern in the distance caught her eye and she went over, telling Sylvie to identify it for her.

[Rai-in Fern]


[A Rai-in Fern, it commonly used as a calming medicin, as it produces a sap that, when taken, has a calming and relaxing effect.]

Akirai rose a brow and looked at the two meter tall, lush and dark green fern and nodded, her mind made up.

"We´re taking this with us." She said as she began to gently unearth the plant, once the roots were free, it disappeared into her storage.

She went around the clearing, taking a few plants and flowers with her, her store was so bland, it could use a little colour.


Akirai stayed in the clearing for a week, waiting for Lynn to finish whatever it was that she was doing, the first few days, nothing happened and she lived off of berries she found, and had Sylvie identify them to avoid getten poisoned and drank from her water, and a small stream not half an hour walk away from the clearing.

After around three days, small Beasts began to appear, she only noticed this on the fifth day as another boar wandered into the clearing, she killed it with her tactics of using the Beasts strength against it, resulting in a few more fallen trees.

She ate boar meat that day.

Akirai also found it fascinating to watch the scenery change in front of her, the once lush plant live cleared away under the sunlight and became more easy to walk through, the new grass growing so fast that this luxury didn´t last for more than two days before the clearing became overgrown and Akirai had to cut the grass away to a managable height to avoid Beasts sneaking up on them.

New flora and fauna began to grow under the new conditions and the sunlight served to attrackt more Beasts.

Akirai killed most of the Beasts that approached with relativ ease, only a few were a challenge to her, but none of them could compare to the snake she´d killed.

Most Beasts were level 2-5, the only level 5 being she saw being a fox that she killed by stabbing it in the eye, she got a few wounds from that fight, but they healed quickly enough not to be a concern.

It was as the second week approached that the snake finally made a move, it crumbled into ashes as a being crawled out from underneath.