
Sexy Luna mate, rejects me

Alpha Axel kills the Luna of his pack which happens to be his mate because of his mistress, the moon goddess then place a curse on him that he will never find his mate until a thousand years. One thousand years has passed and they have both been reborn, only that the Luna is the only one who remembered what happened one thousand years ago. Alpha Axel suddenly gets rejected by his Luna, no one has ever rejected him, no one!

JJewel_01 · Urban
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12 Chs


Chapter 10

 The lights from the cabin illuminated outside, where the little reunion was taking place, the round table was filled with foods, drinks and fruits of different kinds. 

 Axel was still squatting in his space, as he watched them talk, eat, laugh and rekindle on old memories. 

 Mary, on the other hand, was so clung to Louis like he was her second skin, probably to spite Eleanor but his mate kept sipping on her glass like an unbothered queen and talking with the others.

"So far, everyone here is either in a relationship, engaged, or married. Eleanor, how is it going?" Mary suddenly asked, looking at her amusedly.

"That's enough" a girl with black hair interrupted and gave Eleanor a small smile.

"Stop it, Mary" Louis added

"Should we talk about your situation, Hannah? Sorry to say but you are the worst of us, you are neither in any category" Mary said with a scoff.


 Everyone was quiet, no one defended Hannah.

"Every time we come for a reunion as you call it, do you really have to rub my life on my face?" Hannah said, with tears welling in her eyes.

 Eleanor dropped her glass in anger and said to mary.

"Yes, you are better than everyone else, isn't that enough for you?"

"I was just trying to remind you that time isn't on your side anymore, when Hannah butted in, everyone can agree with me that I'm a very generous person, I have helped almost everyone in this table, it's how good I am, I'm just disappointed that Hannah didn't end up with a better man, I care about her" Mary said, feigning sadness.

 Hannah's face immediately softened in pity. She had been very soft-spoken and had a fragile heart, ever since school days.

 She hardly got angry with anyone and when Mary said she cared about her, her heart immediately softened. She didn't mind coming to the reunion every time, even though she was always laughed at, Mary has done a lot for her in many ways.

"Liar!" Eleanor suddenly screamed, banging the table and everyone looked at her surprised, they had never seen her like this before.

"You are just using them, pretending to help and mock them in the process, you are not a good person in any way" she said 

"Really? Take a look around you Eleanor, you are in my cabin, I gave you food, drinks. You are enjoying the moment, do you still think I'm. not a good person?" Mary asked, smiling evily, as Eleanor scoffed

"Then, I will leave" Eleanor said but Louis held her hands. Mary saw it and immediately got jealous.

"Please don't…" he said, whispering.

"I told you, I didn't want to be here in the first place" Eleanor shot back.

"Oh Eleanor before you leave, I want to show you something" Mary said as she went into the house and came back with a glass containing something and a box. Louis recognized it at once and wondered what Mary wanted to do.


 She first opened the glass that contained a beautiful bouquet of flowers and held it smiling, smelling the fragnance.

"Louis, got it for me" she said and there was some gasping everywhere.

"So?" Eleanor asked

"What are you doing, Mary? You told me to get you flowers on your…" Louis was saying but got cut short by Mary, who didn't want Eleanor to hear it.

"And this too" Mary continued, opening the box that had a beautiful personalized necklace, Eleanor recognized it at once, it was one of the B-gems new collection that was strictly for lovers.

"You guys are dating, so?" Eleanor asked

"No, we aren't, I don't know what Mary is doing" Louis stood up, trying to explain.

 One of their classmate chuckled 

"You guys are obviously dating" he said and everyone burst out laughing at the scene, Eleanor scoffed and yanked her hands off Louis, as she intended walking away but saw Axel with flowers and a box of what look like chocolates

"Who is that?"

"I haven't seen him before"

"One of our classmates didn't miraculously turn handsome, did he?" Came whispers from all directions

"And who might this handsome lad be?" Mary said smiling, as she wanted to hold Axel but he drifted, as his eyes was concentrated on Eleanor

"Hi Eleanor" he said

"What are you doing here?" Eleanor asked, glaring at him, she knew he had been there all along but she wasn't expecting him to come straight to the reunion table with flowers

"Is he your boyfriend?" A classmate asked and there came an "ooohh" from all of them.

"I love the flowers, it's so romantic" one of the girls gushed, Mary was so jealous and upset to see Axel came for Eleanor, Louis looked on confused because he had never heard of Axel but he sensed that he was a werewolf.

 Eleanor, seeing Mary looking defeated, smiled.

"Yes everyone, he is my boyfriend," she said, as she collected the flowers from a very surprised Axel. He felt like his world had just been completed. Did she just call him "boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" Louis asked, looking very surprised

"Hey, you are welcome, come sit with us" the girl beside Eleanor said and stood up, going to sit somewhere else, gesturing for Axel to sit at the now empty seat beside Eleanor, everyone returned to the table.

"We were just talking about Eleanor not being in a relationship when you showed up" Mary said, swirling her glass.

"Never knew, she hid a Greek god like you" a girl said, excitedly.

"I can totally see why she did that. By the way, is that not a chocolate box from LEXTON" another girl asked and everyone's eyes were set on the innocent brown box.

"That's true" Mary said, dejectedly

 How could Eleanor have all the good stuff?

"I remember when I tasted their chocolate caramel, hmm, it was so delicious, quick open it" Hannah said happily.

 Eleanor nodded and opened the box, seeing it's menu.

"It does have chocolate caramel" Eleanor said and everyone sprang up to look at it, salivating.

"Thanks boyfriend" Eleanor said as she closed back the box smiling at Axel.

 Today was the best day of his life, he was grinning from ear to ear. Even if this encounter was fake, he relished this moment.

"So Axel, what do you do?" Louis asked sipping his drink, almost glaring at him, he just came out of nowhere.

"I own a company," Axel simply said.

"What company? Everyone can be a CEO this days. Like me for example, I own a shoe company, everyone is pretty established. Except people who just want to remain working under someone and who just can't get up the ladder for many years" Mary said, looking at Eleanor.

"Four years, mary. I have been a model for four years, does that sound like many years to you? I love what I do and I don't care if I go up any ladder or not" Eleanor stated

"I wasn't referring to…" Mary was saying, when Axel interrupted her.

"I'm the CEO of LEXTON company" Axel blurted 

 "What!" There was gasps everywhere.

"You mean we are sitting with a millionaire?" Hannah asked.

"Multi-billionare, actually, he also have some assets all over the world" Eleanor stated

 Axel looked at her amusedly, but with an air of pride.

'It's okay mate, you can show me off, that's what Mary wants, afterall' he thought

 Mary looked surprised and embarrassed at the same time.

"I didn't know, it's nice to meet you" she said.

Mary and revenant must be twinnies in their past lives, who agrees with me?

JJewel_01creators' thoughts