
15. My Brain On You

The ringer from Luna's cell phone rang, and when she saw who was calling, it was her boyfriend, Lucas Lewis. So, despite being in the midst of a busy work schedule, Luna Lee still took the time to answer the call.

"Hi, Bae."

"Oh, hi."

Has the check been completed? What was the result? " Lucas asked.

"It has been and the results are fine. You don't have to worry.

"I'm really sorry for not being able to accompany you for an obstetrical examination," Lucas said, sounding regretful.

However, Luna just giggled in amusement.

It's okay, dear. Really. Ah, can you guess who I met at the hospital earlier? "

"Who?" Lucas asked curiously.

Gerry, Lucas. Do you remember him? My friend's older brother, Alicia, Gerald Olson

"Oh, he is.

"Lucasresponded so flatly. He was a little jealous to hear Luna Lee was so excited by the encounter with Gerald. Moreover, Luna mentions some detailed meetings unintentionally on the day.

Ah, Gerald Olson.

Lucas did not want to consider him someone to be feared. But nevertheless, there was a period in the past that forced Lucas to feel that Gerald Olson was a very important rival.


(Back to the past...)


Almost, Lucas just managed to kiss the lips if only the police car hadn't arrived so quickly. Lucas should not have agreed immediately when Luna Lee asked him for advice on whether to call 911 or not.

Lucas cursed softly, along with the money, as a police car pulled over not far from his car, and then two police officers with big bellies got out of the siren car. The

Two police officers walked over to Luna and Lucas, who were standing in front of the hood of the car.

Asked to confirm, "Are you Miss Lee, who called 911?"

"Yes, it's me."

"And who are you?" a police officer asked Lucas as he looked him up and down.

"I'm Lucas Lewis. I'm the one who went for a drive with Miss Lee and the owner of this car that broke down. Miss Lee also seems to have mentioned me on the phone. Isn't that right, Luna? "

"That's right. I've told the 911 call officer that I was with a friend, "Luna Lee confirmed.

Okay, so Then, can we see your ID cards? "

Very cooperatively, Luna and Lucas reached into their respective pockets and bags to take identification cards to show the police officer. After confirming that these two people were really ordinary civilians, the two police officers finally decided to remove the rope used to tow Lucas's car to the nearest police station.

Unfortunately, at that moment, the two of them had to separate because Luna Lee was asked to sit in the police car while Lucas was in his own mobio controlling the wheel.

"Miss Lee, please get into our car. We will take you to your residence, "said one of the police officers."

"And what about Lucas?" Luna pointed at the man next to her.

He'll still be in his car, Miss. Someone has to control the steering wheel so he can follow us properly. "

"But..." Luna looked worried and uneasy about leaving Lucas alone.

Seeing the sad look on Luna's face, Lucas Lewis quickly calmed her down.

Oh, don't worry about me. I'm in my car, Luna. After all, someone has to drive, doesn't it? "

Is that so? Alu really feels bad for you, Lucas. Sorry. "

It's okay. "Get in there," Lucas said, cocking his head at the police car that had tied the rope to the underside of Lucas's car.

"Then how about a drink at the bar?"

"We can do that another time."

"Are you going to promise that?" asked Luna, hopefully.

"Yes, I promise. Now come in. "

Luna also walked to the passenger seat of the police car, and along the way home, Luna often looked back to see if Lucas was back there. Realizing that Luna often looked at him, Lucas responded with a smile and a wave of his hand.

After about a ten-minute drive, Lucas' car had to stop at the nearest police station. Meanwhile, Luna returned to continue her journey home with an officer escorting her to her flat.

"Thank you, sir," said Luna Lee, closing the back door of the police car.

You're welcome, Miss. I'll excuse myself. "

The police car slid away, leaving Luna Lee, who climbed the terrace steps to go to her flat in Langsi. Halfway up the stairs, Luna Lee realized that she was still wearing Lucas Lewis' blazer.

"Oh, no. I forgot to return it! " Luna Lee muttered, then patted her own forehead.

He felt guilty. But not with the owner of the blazer.

Lucas, on the other hand, felt happy at the police station on the outskirts of town, despite the fact that he was eventually separated from Luna Lee in such an unusual way.

After parking his car in the police station area, Lucas immediately called his personal driver at the time, Peter York, to pick him up.

My car suddenly stopped on the side of the road and... Oh, yeah, I'm okay... The thing is, I'm at the police station right now. So can you pick me up now, York?....Yes, yes... I will send the location. "

Lucas also hung up the phone and sent the point of the mocking location. And sure enough, less than twenty minutes later, a luxury car arrived in front of the police station to pick up Lucas.

"Ah, my pick has arrived, sir," Lucas said to the police officer in the office. He got up from his chair.

Before leaving, Lucas left some bills with the police officer who was with him, then said

If you don't mind, sir, I'd like to leave my car for the night. Tomorrow morning, I guarantee someone will pick it up. This is for the parking fee. Thank you. "

Then, Lucas Lewis walked briskly to his pick-up car.

"Did you wait too long, Old Young?" asked Peter York politely.


"Are you feeling hungry, Young Master?" Ask the York driver again.

"No, no. Just start the car, "Lucas ordered.

And along the way, Lucas often smiled while looking at the scenery outside the car window. From the reflection in the windowpane, he realized that Lucas had lost his blazer. In the next second, Lucas remembered that his favorite blazer was still worn by Luna until the last second of his farewell to Luna an hour ago.

Luna Lee

The girl immediately caught Lucas Lewis' attention that night. The girl who made Lucas Lewis immediately turned to him when the cat-eyed girl accidentally passed in front of him with a glass of wine. The girl instantly made Lucas Lewis's heart flutter, even though he only looked at his back. The girl who made Lucas Lewis dare to come over and talk about the moon shining brightly.


"Luna," Lucas hissed subconsciously.

"Yes, young master?" It was York who replied, "Did the young master say anything? Does the young master need anything? "

"Yes, here."

"What is it, sir?"

"Starting tomorrow, I will transfer to Royal Dean University."

The driver could only gape in disbelief.

(To be continued)