
sexual preference:none

Tiffany kim is going through a sexual stage in her life which makes her more than confused. Was her sexual preference being none, bisexual or straight.we just have to seat down and watch the one she would choose.However, she meets a stranger who gives her the pleasure she seeks.

Zanda_May · Urban
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17 Chs

chapter eleven:*unbelievable*

The next morning I found my self alone on the bed. I looked around but I didn't see anyone. I looked under the blankets and saw I was naked. So It was not a dream I really had sex a wonderful one infact. I got up and wore my clothes it was unbelievable that I had a passionate night with a stranger who made me reach cloud nine. My girlfriends and stepsister were asleep on a couch. I was a little bit jealous of them so this was what they felt when they made out with guys. I went over and tapped them hard to get up.

We drove back to my apartment and clean up.

"Hey, where were you last night?". Jennie asked me and I stared at her like a fool. 'Oh' was the only thing that I could say.

"I think she did it". Amber said making me to blush red.

"No way". Jennie said closing her mouth with her palm.

"Congratulations". They all said to me.

I snorted and said. "It's not like it's my first time". They all froze looking at me. Oh no I had exposed myself they fired me with questions making to laugh. I was so happy I had such people in my life.

After cleaning up they all left for the airport. I was left alone again but this time I had a goal. I was going to find my one night stand man.

I packed into the new house my family bought me. Leaving my gloomy apartment. I had not seen my neighbor for a long time and sometimes I waited for him at my work place but he didn't show up. When my boss noticed my glances at the door he told me that my neighbor relocated with his new girlfriend. That was sad to hear but it didn't matter much to me. what mattered was my one night stand man. I went to the club everyday in search of him.


I used his scent, that night he smelt like fuchsia mixed with lavender scent.what a unique scent. Funny right. I went around sniffing men some thought I was crazy while some thought that I was trying to make advances. I was going crazy no one had ever made me feel that way. I even started sleeping with men but none of them made me feel that way. I got drunk and slept with men but it was futile and like that I went back to square one. I stopped sleeping around and continued my solitude life. I should have never slept with that man if I knew he was going to disappear.

I focused on my studies and left everything behind. My exams were fast approaching and the semester holiday was around the corner. I had decided to go home when I was done with my fourth year exams maybe I might meet someone special.

Weeks passed and everything was still the same I took a leave from my boss for my exams.

One time I met Glenda and she only smiled at me I think she was having more fun now seeing that she was happy.

The month came to an end I was done with my exams and my fourth year was over. It was time to go back home.