
gay 1

Both sat there on the patio of their Utopia, sat and enjoyed some flower tea, something they found recently, before that dreaded battle had happened. Both loving it's naturally sweet flavour and bright blue colouring.

"I'm glad we managed to defeat him." Zamasu spoke, the dragon humming before replying, "toughest enemy yet." The enemy a giant armadillo with drilling capabilities had them spending two weeks trying to not only find it but defeat it once and for all, having caused them innumerable issues for the last two years.

"I'm glad we finally found what works, although we've fused before this was different." Zamasu agreeing, "it was much more powerful than usual, which was great, it offered us a simple solution to a very annoying two year problem." The dragon nodding his head.

"This tea is also very good, glad we found it." The dragon looking at it's neon blue colour that reminded him of their Aether, "I wonder why it took us so long to find it though, I mean it's not like we haven't been to Earth before." The dragon replying, "maybe it only appears like once every few years and we just kept missing it or something." Zamasu figured that may of been the reason.

"What's next on our itinerary?" Asked Zamasu, "honestly? I think a trip to the City of the Gods to see everyone might be a good idea, we deserve a break after dealing with that bullshit honestly." Zamasu replying, "sounds like fun, it'll be nice to see Aureen again, whether we are together or not anymore." The dragon nodding. "Will be interesting to see Grav as he loves to think he's above me, it's nice to pretend you know." Zamasu laughing, his dragon always was funny.

Both eventually realising that he was the top of the hierarchy of Gods here and that no one was above him, so anyone pretending to be, was doing just that pretending.

Zamasu got up suddenly and went inside, put his cup down into the sink and walked back out, the dragons cup still relatively full, he huffed as he'd have to wait, he didn't want to force his dragon to stop drinking. He sat back down and just watched as the Utopia thrived, no carnivores and so nothing cruel or brutal to see. Just animals living their best lives.

"I can feel your need for me from even here," Zamasu's face suddenly beet red, "I can't help it, sue me!" The dragon laughing as he took another sip, "just finish already before I lose my godly composure and ravage you where you sit." The dragon smiling at him as he smiled back, "you can wait." His smile turning and the dragon chuckling. "Don't pout, it's ungodly of you." His face frowning instead. He got up and entered the house again, he'd wait inside he supposed.

When Shenron was done he flew into the house and pushed the Kai against the wall, turned him around and started pounding into him, Zamasu screamed at the abrupt intrusion despite his self lubricating powers, he hadn't expected that at all. The dragons breathing fast and his pounding the stuff of legends, they couldn't have sex at all for weeks as they prepped themselves for the fight, both moaning legends now until their bodies once again got used to regular sex.

When the dragon cummed Zamasu turned them around and inserted into him, earning a sharp gasp, he waited for his lubrication to work a little more and than pounded into him too, the dragons head flying back and slamming into the picture frame behind him. Both gasping as the pictures glass broke and the whole thing came down onto the ground. Zamasu stopping his thrusting a moment as he fixed the photo with his powers, than taking the dragon to their room instead and continuing there.

"I know we can fix it, but I don't think we need to wreck it in the first place." The dragon nodding as Zamasu led him to their room. "Stick your ass into the air." He asked him, his tone full of lust, the dragon doing what he was asked to do and Zamasu inserting himself anew, the bed making a damned ruckus as he was a beast in heat. "Fucking hell Zamasu and I thought I was bad, ahaha." Zamasu unable to process his words right now, his mind a flood of pleasure.

The dragons ability to process thought going to the dogs soon after as well. Both moaning like absolute legends.

By the time they finished night was coming around, the Utopia bathed in moonlight and stars filled the sky, with a rare overhead aurora appearing, the both of them spending the night on the roof to enjoy it. "Today was a good day." Zamasu laughed, the dragon smiling, "I wish it could be like that always, but we can't spend all day everyday just fucking each other, gotta live our lives too." Zamasu humming.

"Tomorrow we should go feed, I'm starting to feel the hunger rising," the dragon agreeing, "yes, would be dumb not to go earlier and instead wait until it gets bad." Zamasu snuggling to him as the overhead sky moved over the course of the night, both falling asleep up there and getting awoken to soft animal sounds and the light in their eyes.

"Mmm," both moaned as they got up, looking around them at the early morning Utopia, as both stood their stomachs growled, both laughing, "yep feeding time, tea later on and than could you possibly make lasagna today?" The dragon nodding. "Traditional or simple?" Was all he asked, "traditional." The dragon nodding again.

Zamasu took his hand as he held it out for him to take, the dragon teleporting them both to Earth, the city center, the biggest one, because unfortunately they had to starve a bit for the fight and couldn't drink as much as usual, so both had a chance of being positively ravenous right now. Shenron landing them smack dab in the middle, the humans scaring as two beings just suddenly appeared, their screams triggering Zamasu and his face transformed first. He charged and dug his fangs into the closest human, the rest screaming and running away the dragon catching one by the hair and moving her close.

"Fight all you want human, you stand no chance against us," she fought hard, doing absolutely nothing to him, eventually managing to cut him, he bled a bit before he healed right before her eyes, she screamed and he held out his arms to show her his power. "Weak, ahaha, so so weak, but you tried I suppose, it was a good try too." He smiled and she screamed higher. His fangs digging deep into her jugular and her screams turning high pitched now.

Zamasu looking towards him and smiling, before tossing his human away, she wasn't dead, but her vein was severed, she'd bleed out soon. Zamasu coming up behind Shenron's girl and stabbing her with his blade, her eyes sharply looking down at the sudden burning pain in her lower half, her eyes large and teary. "What a ruckus, you think that disgusting noise will save you? Really?" He laughed unimpressed, she moved her hands to his blade, he removed it, severing her fingers as he went and she fainted looking at the leftover hand stump.

"My god these humans never cease to make me cringe, she fainted from something like that really? What a wuss …" the dragon smiling before attacking his lips, tasting his prey, "mmm yours tasted better." The dragons face turning sad, Zamasu capturing his lips again, "don't be sad, that's only one mortal, no way your full right?" The dragon nodding, "so yeah let's go get some more." The dragon smiling and Zamasu now holding his hand out for him to take instead, he took it as both skipped on over to more prey.

The dragon and him laughing the whole way there, this was fun. The humans watching as a dragon and elf man skipped around town, horror lacing their features when the blood was spotted even from afar. Those that ran away screaming being targeted first.

Zamasu flew towards one and stabbed her, her hands going down to stop his hands going any further into her, her eyes tearing up as her midsection burned white hot pain, his smile not even making it into her thought process as she couldn't process much beyond the pain. When she was about to scream he dug his fangs into her, the feelings coalescing and her mind going blank and her unable to voice anything at all anymore.

The dragon attacking a guy from behind who was kissing his girlfriend against a wall. The girl pinned to the wall beneath her boyfriend and Shenron's arms and hands, crying loudly as she couldn't move, her boyfriends face scaring her too, a mix of severe pain and shock. She started to scream and so he compelled her to be quiet, she had no choice but to comply, the fear staying and tears staying, she was simply compelled to shut up.

Sudden shock on her face and the dragon smelled new blood, Zamasu spearing him from behind to hit her, her voice caught in her throat, she looked down and spat up blood, the blade catching higher up. "I wanted her to feel the fear before I feed on her Zamasu …" the Kai realising he may of gone a bit blade crazed. "Sorry, I was having so much fun." The dragon moving his head around, a near 180 and kissing him, Zamasu's face bright, "don't worry it's fine, I can always do this again sometime." The Kai smiling thankful he didn't take massive offence.

When he removed his blade the dragons head was thrown back, smacking him in his face, the dragon realising he struck something behind him. "Goodness I am so sorry." He said when he turned around and Zamasu was holding his bleeding nose. "Good thing we're immortal." He laughed, the dragons face lightening up. "I could never be angry at you, I love you too much." The dragon smiling, "I love you too." He replied, because it was customary to do so when one of them said those words. Zamasu kissing him, before the dragon went back to his meal.

Zamasu watching the dragon as he continued to feed, going down his body and to his ass, that beautiful ass that when pounded into made such beautiful sounds and that head that moaned like royalty, he loved this dragon so much, he couldn't believe how lucky he was. 'He is royalty though I suppose, hierarchy of the Gods after all.' He smiled reminding himself of that part of his dragon.

He moved himself closer, removed his pants and had them around his ankles and entered the dragon suddenly, his head slamming into Zamasu's again and the Kai laughing hard at how funny this had gotten now. "Fuck Zamasu, I'm so sorry, but fucking hell, ahhh." Zamasu continuing to laugh, "move in time with me, stop feeding." The dragon timing his movements with him and stopped feeding to make that possible. Both moaning messes, the humans around them all dead or dying, both fucking right there against that wall, if anyone walked into them they'd tear them to shreds.

No one had however and so once done they both went to the mall to enjoy that for a bit and to buy some stuff because why not enjoy eternity?

Upon returning home both were pretty exhausted because of the mall, both laying down on their bed and letting a minor sleep take them. Waking up an hour later to make tea and Shenron made that traditional lasagna.

"Mmm, absolutely delicious, you really know how to cook which I'm glad for because if I was the only one who cooked … that would kinda suck." The dragon laughing and doing that hand and face movement like shucks. Zamasu getting up and hugging him before kissing him, "I love you." He said as he pecked his lips, the dragon replying, "I love you too." As he continued to peck his lips, than he slid his tongue inside and a full out make out session had entered kitchen stage.

Zamasu pushing him against the counter and picking him and placing him on the countertop, he put his head down to give the dragon head, Shenron unable to control his moans at all, he pre came and cummed quickly, the Kai swallowing it all down, the dragons face lustful as he watched him. The dragon pushing his head up to capture his lips again, "did you want me to do anything or was this a give the dragon head moment only?" The kai laughing, the dragon chuckling.

"No this was all for you only, I'm good, maybe later or tomorrow, I want to go wash, we fell asleep and than made tea and dinner all bloody," the dragon nodding as he got off the countertop, "just tell me when beautiful and I'll pleasure you too." Zamasu leaving with a smile as Shenron got all their dishes into the dishwasher and than headed for the shower himself after seeing himself in the length view mirror, he looked a damned fright to well anyone but them.

Zamasu meeting him in there as he pushed him up against the wall and inserted the dragon into himself, before turning around, his hands on the wall and the dragons shocked face disappearing as he thrust into him, Zamasu's gasp sharp and than pleasure filled him to his rims.

"Are you sure this is all you want today?" The dragon asking, Zamasu nodding his head, "yes, it's not that I'm saying no to a blowjob, just that I feel like being penetrated today for some reason." The dragon understanding, "I'd never force you into anything, if you don't have a mood that's just fine." Zamasu smiling but the dragon couldn't see it as he was facing away from him, but he knew he smiled.

Another day gone and both awoke to the day they'd go to the City of the Gods, Zamasu getting ready first as the dragon made some quick lunches for their travel and some travel tea.

"All set?" Zamasu said as he eyed the dragon coming towards him, "yes, let's go." Zamasu grabbing onto his hand and the dragon teleporting them over there. Both looking around oddly as it looked a little worse for wear, had the armadillo done this? Hmm they had to investigate