

"Don't deny it. You want it." Killian said to me, stroking the nape of my neck with his thumb. His face is so close to mine and I forgot to breathe. I gasped when he pushed my dress higher, revealing my thighs to him and let his hands rest between my thighs. I tilted my head to the side to avoid his lustful gaze, penetrating deep into my soul. "Your body craves it." He said, firing kisses down my neck till his lips touched my hard, naked nipples. That sent shivers down my spine. My body erupted with goosebumps and I exhaled sharply. I want to speak, but I can't. He has that much effect on me. His tongue played with my nipples and I mewled. That felt so good. "You want me as much as I want you." He whispered with his lips pressed on my skin. I shouldn't be doing this. I know I should stay away from this man but how can I when he invades my thoughts daily? When he's the only one my body wants. It's frustrating because no matter how hard I try, I can't say no to him. And I am this close to making the worst mistake of my life. I swallowed, trying to fathom the words out.His fingers brushed my core and I jerked forward, pressing my body on his. "I don't want you." "You're lying." He said, playing with the strap of my thong with a lazy finger. My eyes rolled back in my socket with pleasure. I am lying but he's making it so hard. "We shouldn't be doing this, Killian." Killian? Do I really have the right to call him that? "Give me one reason why and I won't touch you." "Because you're my best friend's Fiance."

Runo J Uwerhiavwe · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
83 Chs



My eyes open when a knock on my door wakes me up. Confusion is the first thing I feel and I roam my hand on my bed to look for my phone.

I check the time. It's six thirty pm.

I still feel so fucking sleepy. Another knock draws my attention to the door. With a groan, I climb down from my bed and sluggishly make my way to the door.

"Yes?" I yawn while opening the door. My eyes widen when an unfamiliar face visits me at the door. Sleep left my eyes faster than it came. "I don't know you..." My brows furrow. I look around in my room but no one is inside. She's definitely not a guest of any of my roomies. They never invite anyone over without being present in our room. "Did you get the room wrong?"

"Hazel..." The lady looks at a jotter in her hand then looks up at me. "Summers?"

I swallow, staring at her skeptically. "Yeah?" I raise a brow. That's my full name.