
Chapter thirteen

(At the sea side)

(Vincent & Cassandra see Elena and they break the kiss)

Vincent: (shocked) Elena?

(Elena furiously runs off)

Vincent: ELENA!!!

(He goes after her, leaving Cassandra)

Cassandra: (puzzled) Vincent! Where're you going?!

(Vincent runs after Elena, He then catches up to her & holds her to prevent her from running further)

Elena: (angrily) Let go of me!

Vincent: (guilty) Elena, wait wait wait, Please allow me to explain...

Elena: (enraged) Explain what exactly? Huh? There's nothing to explain, I caught you red handed kissing Cassandra!

Vincent: No, She's the one who kissed me and that's because she thinks I'm still in love her. Look, I thought she died in a plane crash but she didn't, she survived and I found her here in Seattle, I had to help her

Elena: So your own way of rendering help is by kissing? Huh? (furtherly angry) I should have known this was going to happen! (stream of tears race down her cheeks)

Vincent: (remorsefully) Elena please don't talk like this, I still love you...

Elena: No you don't! Clearly, You used me to replace Cassandra and now that you know she's alive, You've gone back to her (she cleans her tears) I've been such a naive moron! I made a mistake by falling in love with you, Vincent Manuel! (She runs off once again)

Vincent: Elena! Come back!


(Cassandra, while searching for Vincent, sees a middle-aged woman)

Cassandra: Excuse me ma'am, Umm... Have you by any chance, seen Vincent Manuel? I'm looking for him

Woman: (confused) Who is that?

Cassandra: Vincent Manuel... The famous book writer that lives here in Seattle?

Woman: Sorry but I don't know who that is

Cassandra: You're kidding right? Who on earth doesn't know Vincent Manuel, He's a famous book writer! He's tall about 6'2, tan skin, dark brown hair, hazel-green eyes...

Woman: (confused) You should ask someone else, Excuse me. (she leaves)

Cassandra: (she rolls her eyes) Ugh, These Seattleans are just good for nothing! Brainless folks! (she hisses)

(Cassandra finally finds Vincent, Shortly after Elena leaves him)

Cassandra: Ahah! There you are, I've been searching all over for you... (she notices his sullen mood) Is everything okay?

Vincent: (he stares at her without saying anything)

Cassandra: Why'd you run off like that?

Vincent: Cassandra, I need to make this clearer to you, I'm in love with someone and it's not you... It's Elena

Cassandra: (shocked) The fisherwoman?

Vincent: Yes, She's the love of my life. But listen, I'm gonna fulfill my promise to you to get you treated so you can remember and locate your family, Alright?

(Vincent walks off, leaving behind a dejected Cassandra)


(Elena searches for her mother and just in time, she sees her entering the sea subconsciously)

Elena: MAMA!

(Luckily, She rushes to her and carries her out of the water)

Caitlin: (closing her eyes) My child, Is it you?

Elena: Yes mama, I'm here (She hugs her tightly)

(Elena sees Simon & Orora passing by)

Orora: (following him) Simon, Please forgive me, I'm so so sorry for everything

Simon: Stop pestering me, Okay?!

Elena: Simon! Please help!

Simon: (he leaves Orora and runs to meet her) Elena... What's wrong?

Orora: (she walks up to them and looks at Elena) What are you doing with this mad woman? You're a fisherwoman not a psychiatrist!

Elena: This is my mom!

Orora: Well that makes complete sense

(Elena furiously grabs a fist full of sand and pours in it in Orora's eye)

Orora: (screaming uncontrollably) Aaaaaaahhhhh! My eye!

Elena: No one talks about my mama that way! (To Simon) I need your assistance to get her back home

Simon: Sure no problem

Orora: (while closing her eyes) Simon, Where are you going with her?

Simon: As you just heard, I'm taking her mom back home

Orora: No no no, What about me? You can't just abandon me here... My eyes are burning!

Simon: Then wash the sand out of your eyes with sea water (To Elena) Let's go!

(Elena and Simon ignore Orora & carry Cailtin back home)

Orora: What? Sea water? But that's gonna sting (She manages to squint her eyes open but doesn't see Simon anywhere) Arrrgggh!


(At Elena's house)

Elena's grandma: How is she now?

Elena: She's okay. I'm just glad I saw her in time before she could drown herself

Elena's grandma: This is devastating

Elena: That's not the only thing

Elena's grandma: What else happened?

Elena: Vincent and I are over

Elena's grandmother: (shocked) What?! How? When? Why? Was it a mutual decision?

Elena: I broke up with him, I saw him kissing Cassandra so I told him it'll be best if we ended our relationship

Elena's grandma: Oh no, Why is this happening? I don't want you both to fight, You're Vincent and Elena, together you're "Viena" and everyone loves a good "Viena"

Elena: Well "Viena" is no more, I'm just going to live my life and continue my job as a poor sad maid.

Elena's grandmother: That's too sad to hear (she hugs Elena) Everything will be fine one day, I know

Elena: (sniffles) I hope you're right.

(Next Day)

(At Mr Leon's house)

Elena: (thinks) What do I do if Vincent comes here? Should I speak to him or ignore him? I'm so confused

(Orora walks in, behind Elena)

Orora: Hey you! Fisherwoman!

(Due to being lost in her thoughts, Elena doesn't notice Orora)

Orora: (angrily) Elena, Isn't it you I'm talking to?! (she snaps her fingers in Elena's face, bringing her back to reality)

Elena: (blinking her eyes continuously) Ohhh...

Orora: (eyeing Elena with contempt) What were you thinking about?!

Elena: (sadly) Nothing.

Orora: (she folds her arms and giggles) Awwnnn, I see... You're upset because Vincent Manuel has been moving around with the strange woman that appeared here in Seattle few days ago.

Elena: No, I'm not!

Orora: Don't even try to hide it because it's so transparent. You're hurt he abandoned you and has gone for someone better. You're old news, Fisherwoman!

Elena: What?

Orora: You heard me right! Mmm, I wonder what he'd be doing with Cassandra by now? She's hot and you... You're just mucky and disgusting! (she laughs)

Elena: (infuriated) Thanks a lot! (she grabs her cleaning materials then walks off to another room)

Orora: (she smiles in satisfaction) Stup!d idiot, This is just the start... I'll frustrate you till you hang yourself, It's me and you in this house! (grinning diabolically)

(Later that day)

(At Elena's house)

Elena's grandma: (she hands Elena a coffee mug) Here's your coffee...

Elena: (she collects it then takes a sip of the coffee) Thanks. (she takes a deep breath) I think I'm ready to quit my work at Mr Leon's mansion

Elena's grandma: Are you sure about this?

Elena: Yes grandma. I've made a reasonable amount of money so far, I could even ask Mr Gilbert for a loan if the money I made won't be enough to treat my mom... I'm certain he'll assist me

Elena's grandma: That's better my dear, It's high time you depart from that evil household. Maybe your Mom was right after all, Evil surrounds it

Elena: Totally. I despise that evil man so much, along with his bratty dumb daughter, Only Helen and Christian are different. (pauses) May his soul rest in peace.

Elena's grandma: Amen. But I'm elated all your suffering will soon be over

Elena: Me too

(Just then, Elena & her grandma hear loud terrifying screams)

Elena's grandma: (alarmed) My goodness, What was that?!

Elena: (puzzled) I have no clue...

(They go out to check what's happening and they see the villagers running around like chickens with their heads cut off & Mr Leon approaching with Orora and numerous bodyguards)

Elena: (To one of the villagers) Levi, What's happening?!

Levi: (panicks) It's Leon Parra-Knowles, He's here to demolish our houses!

Elena: (furtherly confused) What? Why?

Levi: Vincent Manuel sold out the portion of land where our houses were built on to Leon Parra-Knowles and he's here to demolish our houses to build his own. He's on his way with his daughter and multiple thugs and crawlers!

Elena: (angrily) Demolish what? This must certainly be a joke (fed up) I've had enough of this! I'm not going to fucking allow those people to oppress us any longer! (To the Seattleans around) EVERYONE, FOLLOW ME!!!

(Elena, her grandma, Nate, Levi and numerous Seattlean villagers go to face off against Mr Leon, Orora and his army of large bodyguards)

(In Seattle)

(Elena, her grandma, Nate, Levi and numerous Seattlean villagers go to face off against Mr Leon, Orora and his army of large bodyguards)

Elena: (furiously) WHAT DO YOU WANT HERE?!!!

Mr Leon: (grins) Nothing much. You stenchy villagers will just have to give way for my big ginormous project (To his bodyguards) Get these filthy people out of here!

Orora: (she laughs)

(The bodyguards attempt to chase the villagers away but they bravely stand their ground; Elena then walks forward to face them)

Elena: (to the bodyguards) We're not going to allow you take what's ours, These lands belong to us! You can't chase us away!

(Orora squints her eyes as she glares at Elena with immense hatred)

Mr Leon: (smirking devilishly) Not anymore, You see... Vincent Manuel sold this land to me so it's mine now! (To his bodyguards) Are you incompetent fools just gonna let this girl order you around? Get all of them out of here!

(The bodyguard advances forward one more time but Elena stands in front of them)

Elena: Hey hey hey hey! (She assumes a defensive stance, ready to fight them)

(Many more fishermen back Elena up and assumes defensive positions as well)

Fisherman: (he takes out a big knife and points it threateningly to the bodyguards) Stay back!

Mr Leon: (mocking him) A knife? Really? What're you gonna do with it? Chop us in halves like you do to your fish? (he laughs evilly)

Fisherman: If that's what it takes to protect my family, Then precisely!

Mr Leon: (he then takes out a gun, scaring the villagers the more) You all better get the fuck out peacefully so no one gets hurt!

Orora: What're you still waiting for, Papa? Shoot one of them dead so the rest will know you're not here to play!

Mr Leon: Accurately. (he cocks his gun then points it to the villagers while smiling) Who wants to die first...?

Villagers: (they all scream in fear) Aaaaaaahhhh!!!

Levi: (He sees Vincent approaching) Look! It's Vincent Manuel!

(The villagers looks on as Vincent approaches them)

Vincent: (walking closer to them) What's the matter here?

Levi: Vincent Manuel please, We have nowhere else to go, If you allow this evil man to demolish our houses... Where will we go?

Vincent: (confused) What are you talking about?

Levi: You sold this land to this wicked man knowing fully well that we live here, It's unfair!

Vincent: Wait a second... (To Mr Leon) This isn't the portion of land I sold to you

Mr Leon: (puzzled) Huh?? Yes it is!

Vincent: No it's not (he shows Mr Leon a copy of the contract) Look at this, I have 3 portions of land here in Seattle and I didn't sell this one to you, It was the second I sold to you, You should have read through it.

Mr Leon: (he looks at the contract in anger) Damn it! (To Elena and the other Seattleans) This isn't over!

(Mr Leon, Orora and his bodyguards finally relent and leave)

Vincent: (he focuses his attention on Elena only) Are you alright?

Elena: Yes, I'm okay. Thank you very much

Vincent: You're welcome anytime (Elena is about to leave but he gently draws her back) Elena, Please we need to talk...

Elena: Listen Vincent, I'm grateful for what you've just done for I and my Seattlean family but we can't get back together, I'm sorry. I simply can't afford to have my feelings toyed with again! (She eventually leaves him)

(Back at Mr Leon's mansion)

(In the lounge)

Mr Leon: (he paces around furiously, with a cigarette stick in his left hand) Arrrgggh! This is so fucking annoying, I really wanted to destroy those stup!d villager's houses so I could get my revenge on Elena

Orora: I wanted that as well but there was nothing we could do. You had no right to that land since it isn't the one that Vincent Manuel sold to you... The contract says it all!

Mr Leon: I know that but still...

Orora: (sighs) So what do you plan to do now?

Mr Leon: I'm still speculating

(Just then, Someone knocks at the door, Orora goes to open it & sees Rayna standing at the threshold)

Orora: (rudely) Excuse me, What are you looking for here?!

Rayna: I'm here for Simon, I checked his house for him and he wasn't there so I figured this place is the only place he would be!

Orora: Go fuck yourself, you crazy psycho!

(Orora attempts to slam the door in Rayna's face but Rayna uses her leg to wedge the door then enters into the house)

Orora: What the heck... You better get out of here while you're still in one piece!

Rayna: I'm not leaving here till I see Simon

(Mr Leon sees Rayna and approaches her)

Mr Leon: Who are you?

Rayna: (boldly) I'm Rayna, I came here for Simon and I know you all have him (she places her hands on her waist)

Mr Leon: You bitch, Aren't you aware that you're trespassing?

Rayna: So what?

Mr Leon: Leave now before I call my bodyguards to manhandle you... And trust me, They will not go easy on you!

Rayna: Fine but I'll be back! (She leaves & Orora slams the door at her)

Orora: (about Rayna) Papa, Can you imagine that thing?

Mr Leon: Forget her. We have way more important matters on our hands. (squinting his eyes angrily)

(Later that evening)

(Simon returns home from a bar)

Simon: (he looks around and sees everywhere scattered) I wonder what kind of giant rat invaded my house

Rayna: (she comes out from one of his rooms) This giant rat!

Simon: (frightened) Rayna? What the hell are you doing in my house?

Rayna: I came for you my darling, Let's leave Seattle and go to Kroger town which is my hometown, And we'll live happily ever after as husband and wife. Wouldn't that make you happy, baby?! (she smiles)

Simon: Are you sick or just naturally dumb? I don't have feelings for you so leave me alone! Why can't you comprehend that? Oh wait... I forgot, It's because you're so fucking dumb!

Rayna: (angrily) I knew it would come to this... (smiling evilly) Which is why I came fully prepared!

Simon: Huh??

(Suddenly, A tall huge man appears from the shadows and knocks out Simon from behind using a bat)

Rayna: (To an unconscious Simon) We have a loooong night ahead of us... (To her hired goon) Get him in the truck!

(Back at Elena's house)

(Nate visits her)

Elena: Hey Nate

Nate: What's up Elena

Elena: I'm awesome. What brings you by?

Nate: I came to let you know I've located a hospital in Mexico city where your mom can be treated

Elena: (overly excited) Oh my God! Really?

Nate: Yes (He shows her an image of the hospital) It's called Life Long Hospital. The doctor there, Dr Harrison Patel, is a professional and a top notch psychotherapist in Mexico City, He's able to treat any kind of mental illness or disorder.

(Elena immediately jumps on Nate and hugs him tightly)

Elena: (she squeals with extreme happiness) Aaaaahhhh! (calmly) Wow, This is great news! I already have about $3,000 plus all the money and gifts I've received from Vincent Manuel and Mr Gilbert, so that's totaling $6,500... I'm so so happy!

Nate: Don't worry, I'm going to support you and help you with your travel documents, passports and all of that. Okay?

Elena: Thank you so much Nate (she hugs him again)

Nate: That's what's friends are for

Elena: Indeed

Nate: I'll be taking my leave now, Goodnight!

Elena: Goodnight... (When Nate leaves, Elena goes to her mother's room and sits beside her, while she sleeps) Don't worry mama, It will all be over soon (she lies down beside her mama)


(At Vincent house)

Vincent: (entering the lounge) Hey Mom

Vincent's mother: Where is Cassandra?

Vincent: She's in her room, sleeping.

Vincent's mother: How did she take what you told her?

Vincent: Well, She was really downcast.

Vincent's mother: She has to accept reality, Elena is the one for you and not her.

Vincent: Yeah...

Vincent mother: You should watch her closely, There's something about her that I don't like. But I wouldn't want to judge her because whatever I say is my opinion about her which might not exactly be the truth but just keep a close eye on her.

Vincent: I will

Vincent's mother: Anyways, I'm happy you chose Elena.

Vincent: Yeah but she's still furious with me

Vincent's mother: It will definitely take time for her to heal my son. Just be patient and I know that in the end, Love will thrive...

(Unknown to Vincent and his Mom, Cassandra has been eavesdropping on their conversation all along. She overhears everything and is overly enraged)