
Chapter four

(Later on)

(Elena returns home that evening)

Elena's grandma: Welcome home my dear, How was your first day at work today?

Elena: It was nice actually

Elena's grandma: (she notices Elena's coffee-stained shorts) What happened to your shorts?

Elena: Oh, Ummm... Mr Leon's daughter, Orora accidentally spilled coffee on it but I'm sure she didn't mean it. I'll just go wash it off or something

Elena's grandma: Okay. I've already prepared supper... Tacos and cheese

Elena: Mmmm, I know it's gonna taste very yummy. I'll be right back! (she hurries into the bathroom)

(Back at Mr Leon's house)

(In the living room)

Mr Leon: Christian, We need to talk...

Christian: I'm listening Papa

Mr Leon: Now that you've graduated from high school with many distinctions, What course do you plan to study in college?

Christian: Well Papa, I've made up my mind to study Zoology... It's my dream

Mr Leon: (he suddenly gets angered) What did you just say?!!!

Christian: I want to study Zoology, Papa

(Mr Leon furiously hits his son in the face with brute force)

Mr Leon: Zoology?? What sort of invalid, inconsequential course is that? And what do you plan to do with the degree once you graduate from college? Get a job in the zoo and start taking care of filthy animals? Huh? ANSWER ME!!! (Christian remains silent) Now listen to me young man, You are either going to study Medicine or Pharmacy and that's final!

Christian: But Papa... You can't choose for me, the course I'm to study. I'm old enough to decide! (This angers Mr Leon the more and he hits Christian in the face once again. Orora and Helen are alerted by the noise and rush into the living room)

Orora: Papa, What's the matter?!

Mr Leon: Can you imagine your brother?! He shamelessly told me he plans to study Zoology in college... What absurdity!

(Christian angrily walks out on his father)

Mr Leon: (sighs) That boy wants to bring shame to my name. Look at you, You studied Engineering and came out with flying colours, Helen is studying Biochemistry... reasonable courses and here he is, talking about Zoology! (He growls in anger)

Orora: Calm down Papa, I'll try to talk to him

Mr Leon: You better do!

(Orora & Helen goes to Christian's room)

Orora: (knocks) Chris. (She knocks on the door again) Chris come on, Open up. Helen and I want to speak with you

Christian: (from inside the room) Go away!

Orora: Chis we just want to speak with you, Who knows if you'll feel better afterwards?

Christian: Orora! If you want me to feel better then you'll go away!

Helen: (to Orora) Maybe it'll be best if we just let him be

Orora: (sighs) Fine


(In Atlanta, USA)

(Vincent takes Cassandra to a club)

Vincent: Are you enjoying yourself?

Cassandra: (dancing) Yeah! Thank you for bringing me here Vincent! (She pecks him on the cheek)

Vincent: You're welcome. Uhh... I need to go to the restroom, I'll be back

Cassandra: Sure babe

(Shorty after Vincent leaves, A tall, handsome, young man walks up to Cassandra)

Young man: Hey!

Cassandra: (seductively) Hi!

Young man: I wonder why an elegant lady like you would be all alone, Where's your date?

Cassandra: He left! (she smirks)

Young man: Well that's disappointing, I'd like to give you this necklace... (he takes out a shiny diamond necklace from the jewelry box in his pocket) As a gift. It's worthy of your beautiful neck.

Cassandra: Wow, Its so pretty! Would you put it on me?

Young man: Sure (He wears the necklace on Cassandra's neck)

(Vincent returns from the restroom and sees them)

Vincent: Cassandra?! What the hell are you doing with this man?!!!

Cassandra: Vincent please keep your voice down. Don't create a scene.

Vincent: Who's this man?

Cassandra: He's just a friend

Vincent: A friend? (He furiously turns to the young man) What do you want?!!!

Young man: Chill man, I only approached her because she was alone and I thought you left her here, that's what she told me.

(Vincent looks at Cassandra)

Vincent: Is this true?

Cassandra: I didn't mean it that way...

Young man: Ummm... I'll be going now (He immediately leaves)

Vincent: (angrily) What's wrong with you, Cassandra? Why did you tell him I left you here when you knew I was in the restroom ?

Cassandra: Oh, Come on Vincent, Why're you getting angry because of that?

Vincent: Why wouldn't I be? (He notices the shiny diamond necklace around her neck ) And what's that on your neck? Oh, He even gave you a necklace! (He rips the necklace off Cassandra's neck)

Cassandra: Vincent! That was a gift! Why're you being so insecure?

Vincent: I'll be in the car! (He angrily leaves the club)

Cassandra: (thinks) I wonder what's wrong him

(Hours later)

(At Vincent's house)

(Vincent and Cassandra just return from the club)

Cassandra: Vincent, I've been apologizing to you for hours, I'm sorry about what happened at the club

Vincent: (he furiously stares at her) Really? You're sorry?

Cassandra: Yes I am, That man just approached me as a friend, nothing else. (She touches Vincent's chest) And besides you're the only man I can ever love... (she sexily takes off her clothes bit by bit while seductively looking at Vincent) Sooo, Do you forgive me?

Vincent: I, Uhhhh....(he finally relents) Come here... (He grabs Cassandra and starts kissing her, He then takes off his clothes, and in no time, He and Cassandra are already making out passionately)

(Back in Seattle)

(At Mr Leon's house)

(Elena's Grandmother visits Elena)

Elena: (excitedly) Grandma! (She hugs her)

Elena Grandmother: (she looks around) Wow! What you told me is true, his house is really huge, how much is he paying you again?

Elena: $500 per month, Grandma

Elena's Grandmother: Woah, that's so much money

Elena: Yeah, it is. And in about three months, I would've made enough money to treat my mom.

Elena's grandma: I'm so happy about that...

(Just then, Orora walks into the kitchen)

Orora: Elena!

Elena: Yes Miss Orora?

Orora: Who's this old woman you brought in here?

Elena: She's my grandma, Miss Orora, she was just visiting and she brought me my lunch

Orora: (scoffs) Hmm, I bet she did!

Elena's Grandmother: Hello. I brought soup (she takes a soup bowl out of the bag and gives it to Orora) You can have some...

Orora: (enraged) What the heck!

(Orora throws the bowl of soup to the floor and it pours away)

Elena's grandma: Aaaah! (She stares at the spilled soup) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!

Orora: I don't want your dirty soup, You old fool! Who knows the amount of harmful microorganisms in it, Or maybe it was poisoned, you witch! (She pushes Elena's Grandmother to the floor)

(Elena walks towards Orora and brutally slaps her across the face)


(Orora holds her cheek as she glares at Elena in shock)