
Chapter Two

In the opulent club, a lavish sanctum was reserved for Charles, the billionaire gangster, and his entourage.

Kyle stood out among the glamorous crowd. Her piercing gaze swept the room, her eyes lingering on A-list celebrities and wealthy socialites who could only dream of entering her father's inner circle.

The air was thick with the aroma of expensive cigars and fine wines, and the soft hum of hushed conversations.

Suddenly, the glass door slid open, and a mysterious figure with striking deep blue hair strode in, commanding attention. A bevy of admirers flocked to his side, their eyes fixed on him with a mixture of fascination and adoration.

Kyle's curiosity was piqued; she craned her neck to get a better look, her gaze burning with an intensity that left no doubt she was a force to be reckoned with. The room's occupants, well aware of her reputation, wondered what had captured her attention so fiercely.

"Baroness, shall I have that person brought to you?" Charles whispered, his voice low and discreet, as he leaned in close, his eyes locked on hers.

The club's din and clinking glasses masked their exchange, ensuring only Kyle heard her father's offer.

Kyle's response was swift and laced with a hint of disdain, "No, Father." She hated to appear eager or vulnerable, so she straightened up, her gaze snapping back to the array of fine wines and crystal glasses on the table, her expression a mask of nonchalance.

The sudden movement and her sharp tone betrayed her interest, however, and Charles's eyes narrowed slightly, his mind working overtime to unravel the mystery of his daughter's fascination with the enigmatic stranger.

After a few minutes of laughter and banter with his associates, Charles inclined his head towards Kyle, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "You familiar with these gentlemen, Baroness?"

Kyle's response was laced with a hint of boredom, her gaze drifting towards the blue-haired enigma, now more visible as the crowd around had thinned. "Your...gangster friends, dad," she said, her voice a gentle whisper, her eyes locked on the stranger's sharp features, the piercing eyebrows now visible, adding to the aura of mystery surrounding the mysterious person.

Charles's eyes flicked towards the blue-haired stranger, his gaze lingering for a moment before he turned back to Kyle, his voice low and measured. "Are you certain you don't want me to bring that person over, Baroness?"

Kyle's response was swift, her words a clever deflection. "dad, what about our night? Are we not going to rekindle our special moment?"

She tried to divert his attention, but Charles's focus remained fixed on the mysterious figure. "We will, my dear, but we may start later than expected. I hope your delicate body can endure the wait?" His tone was laced with a hint of concern, but Kyle's curiosity was piqued.

"Why the delay?" she asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Charles's expression turned serious, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "I have a meeting with my associates and other...gangster leaders who acknowledge my authority. It will take about an hour, and as you know, I would never expose you to that world,"

Kyle's voice was a gentle whisper, her eyes locked on her father's, "And where will our special night unfold, Father?" She smiled coyly, "I dread being seen by the guards afterward, sweaty and exhausted."

Charles's expression turned warm, his voice low and intimate, "We'll use the secondary mansion. A short drive from home, where we can savor our privacy. Just like our earlier agreement. I promise, only the two of us, lost in our own little world." His words dripped with affection, hinting at a deep understanding and a special bond between them.

The mention of their earlier agreement and the secluded mansion created an air of excitement and anticipation, suggesting a splendid night, one that Kyle had been looking forward to.

"I need to slip into something more suitable for our night and gather a few essentials," Kyle said, her eyes flicking towards the gangsters who waited with restrained urgency.

Charles rose from his seat, his hand extended to hers, and Kyle took it, her fingers intertwining with his.

As they made their way out of the club, Kyle couldn't resist one final glance at the enigmatic stranger. And in that moment, their eyes met, locking in a sparkling connection that seemed to suspend time. The air was electric, the tension between them palpable, and Kyle's heart raced with a thrill she couldn't ignore.

Kyle's gaze snapped away, her chest rising and falling with a sudden quickening of breath. "That mysterious woman with the blue hair is haunting me," she thought, her mind racing as they made their way to the sleek, waiting cars.

Charles slipped into a Rolls-Royce, alone and imposing, while the other gangsters paired up in separate luxury vehicles. Kyle settled into a sporty car, her eyes drifting towards the departing figures as their escorts split off in different directions. She checked her phone, the time glowing like a beacon in the darkness: 10:46 PM.

As the cars glided smoothly along the deserted road, Kyle's thoughts wandered back to the enigmatic stranger, her mind consumed by the mystery of the woman with the deep blue hair. The silence was almost palpable, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine and the soft thrum of her own heartbeat.

The cars came to a halt, and Kyle stepped out, her stilettos clicking on the pavement as she hurried inside. The elevator doors slid open, revealing an opulent space with understated elegance and lavish finishes. She entered, and the doors whispered shut behind her.

With a press of a button, the doors to an inner room opened, revealing a grand room that resembled a high-end boutique. Kyle slipped off her heels, placing them delicately alongside other expensive pairs in a sleek compartment. She moved further in, opening a glass case to reveal an array of sneakers. Selecting a pair of blue ones, she slipped them on, the soft leather enveloping her feet.

Still wearing her gown, Kyle ventured deeper into the room, passing by racks of clothes organized with precision: gowns in one area, shirts in another, and so on. The soft rustle of fabrics and the gentle hum of the room's ambiance accompanied her as she explored this luxurious sanctuary.

With a gentle touch, Kyle opened the glass case and selected a mini skirt, its fabric whispering as she lifted it out. She moved to the adjacent section, choosing a long-sleeved top with a bold clout drawn at the front. As she changed into the outfit, she discarded her earlier gown into the clothes hamper, revealing a sporty ensemble that belied her luxurious surroundings.

Kyle's eyes sparkled with excitement as she checked her table watch, the bold digits displaying 11:38 PM. She applied a light pink lip gloss, her natural beauty shining through the subtle hint of color. With a confident stride, she exited her room, a sport bag in hand, and made her way downstairs.

Her expression turned serious, a mask of determination as she walked out of the building, the cool night air enveloping her. The sport bag hung firmly from her shoulder, a symbol of her intent.

As the car glided up to the mansion, the exterior illumination cast a romantic glow, hinting at the enchanting night. Charles, dressed in a sleek short-sleeved shirt and round-neck white top, beamed a warm smile as Kyle stepped out. She embraced him, and he asked, his voice low and husky, "Are you certain you're ready, my dear?"

Kyle's response was laced with a playful chill, "As long as there are ice cubes, I'm cool."

Charles chuckled, his eyes sparkling with delight. "I'll do anything to make nights like this hold. You know that."

As they entered the mansion, Charles opened the door to reveal a shimmering pool in a dimly lit room. The soft lapping of the water against the edges created a soothing melody. The house staff, their faces averted, hastily exited the room, avoiding Kyle's piercing gaze. "I thought you said we'd be alone," she remarked, her tone sharp as ice.

Charles's response was smooth, his voice a gentle caress, "They had to prepare the ice and other essentials. No excuses for not lasting longer, Baroness." The air was heavy with anticipation, the promise of a night to remember hanging precariously in the balance.

Kyle's voice rang out, confident and bold, as they strolled alongside the pool, "I'm bursting with energy, and we both know I'm unmatched when it comes to force and speed. My accuracy is unparalleled, unbeatable!" Her words echoed through the space, a declaration of her prowess.

Charles's response was a gentle challenge, "Let's see how much you've improved after four months of training, Kyle." As they entered the room behind the pool, the transparent glass roof above seemed to dissolve, leaving only the night sky and the moon shining brightly above them. The atmosphere was electric, the moon's silvery light casting an otherworldly glow over the space.

The floor, covered in a soft, vibrant green artificial grass, stretches out like a verdant canvas, inviting archers to take aim. Four sturdy, sleek archery targets stand like sentinels, spaced evenly apart, their bright, colorful rings a striking contrast to the room's warm, earthy tones.

"Ah, my trusty equipment!" Charles exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I wouldn't dream of forgetting your arrows and bow, dad. You know me too well!" Kyle smiled mischievously, producing a sleek, black bow and a quiver full of arrows from the shadows. "I always come prepared for our little competitions." She handed him the quiver, the arrows rattling softly as he took it.

"Then let the game begin!" Charles declared, his voice echoing through the room. He positioned himself gracefully, his bow and arrow at the ready, facing the clout with a focused intensity.

Kyle's eyes sparkled with mischief as she popped an ice cube into her mouth, her face setting into a determined mask. She bit down hard, the coldness spreading through her cheeks, and positioned her arrow with a fluid grace. The simultaneous shots rang out, and Kyle hit eight rings, while Charles scored a perfect ten.

"Eight isn't bad, considering your four-month absence," Charles said, a triumphant smile playing on his lips. But

Kyle ignored him, her eyes fixed intently on the target as she readied her next shot. This time, however, her arrow flew wildly off course, missing the mark entirely.

"Baroness, what's distracting you?" Charles asked, his voice tinged with concern. "If you were angry or happy, you'd have hit a perfect ten. But your mind is elsewhere."

Kyle's jaw set stubbornly, her eyes flashing with a hint of irritation. "I'm fine," she insisted, but Charles pressed on. "You can't focus if your mind is elsewhere. How are we supposed to play like this?"

With a defeated sigh, Kyle dropped her bow, her gaze drifting away. "That blue hair..." she began, her voice trailing off sharply. "Never mind." The unspoken words hung in the air like a challenge.

Charles's silence was palpable, his eyes fixed intently on the target before he finally spoke up. "Let's hit it," he said, his voice low and even. Kyle positioned herself, her curiosity about the blue-haired stranger still simmering beneath the surface.

"Dad, have you seen that person before?" she asked, her eyes locked on the target. "I mean, the one with blue hair."

Charles shook his head, his brow furrowed in concentration. "No, I don't frequent the same places twice in a year, and today was my first time at that club this year. Besides, I don't stay long enough to recognize anyone."

Kyle's gaze narrowed, her voice steady. "That's a she, with those eyes and brows."

Charles chuckled, his shot hitting a perfect ten. "You might end up with a girlfriend, Kyle!"

Her face turned cold, her response swift. "I told you, I have no interest in that aspect of life." She hit a ten, her arrow flying straight and true. Charles smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "By the way, you've never had one!" Kyle's said sharply, her arrow hitting another ten.

Charles's words hung in the air like a challenge. "If you take my part, you might need a donor and a surrogate mother one day."

Kyle's response was laced with a hint of longing, her arrow flying wide and hitting a five. "Why is it that I don't even know which features of the donor I possess? I look like your doppelganger, except for being a lady with no testosterone."

Charles's eyes narrowed, his shot hitting a perfect ten. "Curious!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with intrigue.

He lowered his bow, his gaze piercing. "Honestly, I've never met the donor. I can't picture what features of hers you have."

Kyle's voice was tinged with a hint of melancholy, her arrow hitting a seven. "I cannot imagine life with a mother. I might hate myself for having one."

Her words hung in the air like a secret, her next shot hitting another seven. The silence between them was palpable, the only sound the soft hum of the archery range.

Charles's voice dropped to a whisper, his words laced with a hint of nostalgia. "I had a mother before the crash. She was sweet, and I hope you had met her." His arrow flew wide, hitting a three, as if reflecting his emotions.

He lowered his bow, his gaze clouding over with memories. "I had a sister and a father, but they all make me angry." His voice was laced with a hint of bitterness, his eyes flashing with a cold intensity.

He positioned his bow again, his movements precise and calculated. The arrow flew straight and true, hitting a nine. Kyle's eyes met his, her question piercing the silence. "Are you angry because they didn't stay alive or because they died without you?"

Charles's response was icy, his voice devoid of emotion. "They left memories that I hate remembering, like I'm doing now. After getting rid of those involved in their death...I still don't feel accomplished." The air was heavy with the weight of his unspoken emotions, the silence between them a palpable force.

Kyle's voice was a gentle breeze, soothing the tension in the air. "I can only imagine, Dad! Use your anger in the clout while I use my skills." Her words were a gentle prod, encouraging Charles to channel his emotions into the game.

With a fluid grace, Kyle pulled the arrow, her movements swift and precise. The arrow sped through the air, almost invisible, and hit the target with a resounding thud, scoring a perfect ten within the blink of an eye.


On Charles' birthday night, after he had indulged in merriment with his fellow gangsters, he ordered the guards to escort Kyle to her room. But Kyle, assertive and independent, dismissed them mid-way with a veiled threat, refusing to be confined. She made her way to the private pool, alone and unaccompanied, and slipped out of her clothes, revealing a stunning red bikini. Just as she was about to take the plunge, a figure with deep blue hair caught her eye, sitting in the shadows and gazing at her with an unsettling intensity.

Startled, Kyle leapt into the pool, the water enveloping her like a shield. She surfaced, her voice cold and detached, "What are you doing here?"

His enigmatic smile emerged from the shadows. His voice was like honey, sweet and enticing, as he said, "I'm afraid I'm without a room for the night. I'll have to spend the rest of it here."

Kyle's gaze narrowed, her voice icy. "That's not true. There are enough rooms for all invited guests."

The stranger leaned in, his face illuminated by the soft light, and Kyle's heart skipped a beat. His chiseled features and piercing blue hair, which fell rakishly across his forehead, made him impossibly handsome.

"I received a late invitation," he explained, his eyes locked on hers, "and by the time I arrived, all the rooms were taken."

Kyle looked away, her eyes flashing with a hint of amusement, and remained silent as she swam laps, trying to shake off the stranger's unsettling presence. Minutes passed, and the chill of the water seeped into her bones.

Eventually, she emerged from the pool, her gaze falling upon the stranger, now slumped in a chair, his face pale and lips turning blue. Kyle's expression softened, and she touched his forehead gently, only to quickly withdraw her hand at the coldness of his skin.

"Stupid! Are you planning to die on my dad's birthday morning?" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of concern and annoyance. She slapped his face gently, trying to rouse him.

The stranger's eyes flickered open, and he stared directly into Kyle's eyes with his piercing turquoise blue gaze, sending a shiver down her spine.

Kyle looked away, her voice cold and detached. "Come to my room."

The stranger's eyes widened, and he blinked twice, as if he was dreaming. "Do you mean it?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

"You can freeze out here," Kyle said, her tone unyielding, as she turned and walked away.

The stranger's eyes snapped back into focus, and he jumped up from the chair, hurrying to catch up with her. His long strides easily kept pace with hers, his eyes fixed on her with an intensity that made her skin prickle.

They entered Kyle's room, and she tossed a blanket at the stranger with a chilly gaze. "You look too cold to sleep on the floor again, which might kill you before dawn." She paused briefly, her voice softening slightly. "We can share the bed, but make sure your gaze doesn't meet mine, and you must leave before I open my eyes in the morning."

The stranger nodded, his eyes locked on hers. "I'm Tored. What's your name?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Kyle's stare turned glacial. "I may have to throw you out tonight if you continue like this," she warned, her voice firm and commanding.

Tored's eyes widened slightly, but he nodded again, his gaze never leaving hers. "I understand," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"you are daring" Kyle said coldly, her legs moved uncontrollably to tored and she kissed him.