
Seventh Reincarnation (SR)

Name: Seventh Reincarnation Author: Andi Candra Genre: Action, Romance, Immortal, Male Protagonis, Overpowerd Synopsis: Brandon is just an ordinary young man who can be found anywhere among the 8 billion people on earth. However, the Third World War broke out, and he was killed along with other civilians. After his death, he found himself in a dark place without light. Just when he thought he would spend his time in the boundless shadows, he finds himself reincarnated into an anime world. Brandon thought he would reach the pinnacle of life, have great wealth, and be surrounded by beautiful women. But that was just a mere delusion, he died at the age of one month after his reincarnation. Then, he kept reincarnating again and again, but always ended up dying young. Brandon's behavior changed his destiny?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime und Comics
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154 Chs

Giving Present

"This place never changes."

Ars sat on the sofa crossing his legs, His behavior was completely inappropriate. However, Marie didn't mind and maintained an amiable smile on her pretty face.

"This is all because Grandpa didn't want to change the decoration of this villa, he said this place is full of memories." She said.

"Little Marie, did you know that this villa area used to be a slum?"

"I know Grandpa turned the slums into this villa, that's all I know."

"Before Nicholas reached the peak of his career, he lived in a slum area. Maybe the reason for building a villa here is because he feels nostalgic."

"It turned out like that... Grandpa never told me he was from the slums."

This was the first time Marie had heard this, if her uncle hadn't told her, she would never have known.

"Not surprising because you don't know, Nicholas didn't like to tell his story when he was poor."

Ars remembered his friend's personality and already suspected that his descendants didn't know their grandfather's true past.

Marie desperately wanted to ask Ars' true identity, but she held back and made small talk first.

While the two were conversing, Sebastian came pushing a trolley.

"Sorry to interrupt the discussion, young miss."

As a butler, he displayed elegant etiquette.

"En, is the banquet ready?" Slightly nodding, Marie asked.

"The chef and other staff are working as hard as they can, please wait a moment."

Sebastian put the tea on the table, then put a box of cigars along with cutlery and a lighter in front of Ars.

Ars took a cigar from the box, looking at the brand, he said with a smile.

"Louixs... You know my favorite cigar very well, Sebas. It wasn't wrong for Nicholas to choose you to be the butler that time."

"You… Could it be Mr. Ars?"

Sebastian's old body trembled slightly after hearing the other party's words. If before he still had doubts, now he was certain that the young man in front of him was really his master's friend.

Ars didn't answer right away, cut the end of the cigar, lit the end, sucked on the cigar, then exhaled the smoke from his mouth.

"Long time no see, Sebas. You've aged, I barely recognize you anymore."

"You really are, Mr. Ars... How could... Your appearance is still the same as it was 20 years ago."

Even a person born like Sebastian couldn't help but be shocked after receiving the other party's confirmation.

"That is the question little Marie asked me, you also want to know?" Ars enjoyed smoking a cigar and spoke lightly.

"If you do not mind." Sebastian said bluntly.

"Uncle Ars, don't make me curious any longer, what's the secret to your eternal youth?" Marie said in a spoiled tone.

"No secrets."



Marie and Sebastian were dumbfounded, in their minds, Ars might have drunk the Water of Life, Elixirs, Philosopher's Stone, or some other Herb of Immortality.

The answer was very unexpected.

"I know you guys are confused, but I'm telling the truth. From the start, I wasn't a human like you guys."

Seeing the confused reactions of the two, Ars didn't rush to clarify, and sucked on the cigar in his mouth.

He was an active smoker even before he was reincarnated. Now that he is immortal and cannot suffer from disease, he feels it is a loss if he does not take advantage of his immortality to smoke.

"Uncle Ars isn't lying, is he? An immortal or something, it's just a children's bedtime story." Marie pouted and felt played.

Sebastian didn't express his opinion, and patiently waited for the next explanation.

"Naturally, you don't believe it, after all it has been 500 years since the appearance of the Demon, those who knew about it have long since died, and they have not left history for the next generation."

"Well, let me tell you the story buried by the human ancestor."

Ars begins to tell the story of the Demons who almost exterminated humanity 500 years ago, and Idaten who stopped them. Of course, this story is based on the known version of Rin.

He often goes to the human settlement to play, but through the books in the library, he doesn't find a book that records the history of the Demon invasion 500 years ago. Not only that, he had never heard of humans discussing Demons, as if they didn't know the existence of Idaten and Demons.

He suspects that humans who lived at that time did not want future generations to know about the suffering they experienced, so they agreed not to leave any information about Demons and Idaten.

After all, history is written by victors, even though it wasn't humans who defeated Demons, but Idaten. However, the remaining Idaten, that is Rin, she does not know about this matter, and even if she knew, she would not care.

10 minutes later, the story ends.

Marie and Sebastian who knew the truth became speechless.

If someone else told them this story, that person would be considered insane. But both of them have to believe because Ars has shown proof of his immortality.

"It must be very difficult for Mr. Ars."

Sebastian looked at Ars with a different look.

"Why do you say that?" Ars asked confused.

"Idaten not only saves humanity, you are the saviors of the world, but none of the next generations of humans know about it, this is very ironic." Sebastian spoke his mind.

Even Marie looked at Ars with shame, because of the human ancestor's disrespectful behavior towards their savior.

"Ah, you two don't need to be troubled. Even though I said Idaten went to war and ended up sacrificing itelf to seal the Demon, I didn't participate in the war 500 years ago, because I was only in the peaceful generation."

Ars cleared up the misunderstanding.


Marie and Sebastian looked at each other.

"How long has Uncle Ars lived?" asked Marie curiously.

"Hmmm.... It's hard to count accurately, around 80 years I think. I'm not that old, even Nicholas is older than me."

"80 years... Uncle Ars doesn't look like an 80 year old at all."

"Little Marie, don't equate me with a human. Besides being immortal, I am also eternally young."

"I also want to stay young forever."

Marie was slightly envious of Idaten's racial talents.

The door to the room opened, and a beautiful maid said the banquet preparations were ready.

"Young miss, Mr. Ars, come to the dining hall."

In front of the other maids, Sebastian returned to butler mode.

"Let's go, Uncle Ars."


They went toward the dining room.

Arriving at the dining room, Ars saw a large table filled with lots of food that could feed ten people.

"Isn't this too extravagant just for lunch?" Ars glanced at Marie who was already sitting in the chair.

"These were all specially prepared for Uncle Ars." Marie covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Mr. Ars always eats a lot, so I decided to prepare a lot of dishes." Sebastian touched his chest lightly.

"That was a long time ago, you still remember."

Ars wanted to sit down, but a maid pulled out a chair for him, then he sat down.

"Please enjoy, Uncle Ars, I hope the taste suits your taste."

Using a knife and fork, Marie started to eat the steak.

Ars tasted the lobster dish first, and after eating, he gave his compliments.

"En, this is delicious."

"I will convey Mr. Ars's compliments to the chef."

Sebastian slightly bowed and said respectfully.

"Yum... Yum... Yum..."

Idaten can live even if they don't eat, but that doesn't mean they can't have meaning. Ars enjoyed the food at the table, and most of the food was eaten by him.


"Phew~... I'm full, thanks for the hospitality."

At the entrance of the villa, Ars patted his flat stomach, even though he had eaten a lot, his stomach did not become distended.

"No, no, no, in fact I'm happy to be able to host Uncle Ars, please come another time."

Marie wanted to maintain good relations with supernatural beings like Idaten.

"Well, little Marie treats me much better than your father." Ars said.

Nicholas has a son named Hendrik. Ars didn't really like him, because the boy didn't inherit his father's wise nature, and his nature was very arrogant and hedonistic.

He even doubted whether Hendrik was Nicholas' biological son or not. If it weren't for the lack of tools to check DNA, Ars would have asked his friend to do the test.

"Hahaha... Father is just a bit eccentric..." Marie laughed dryly at her father's immoral behavior.

Ars wanted to leave, patted his forehead, and remembered he hadn't said anything important.

"Oh, right. I forgot to mention this, as a meeting present from me, I will give little Marie a promise."


Marie's eyes shone brightly. A promise from Ars is more valuable than gold and diamonds, after all her family is already very rich.

"Yeah, I will protect your family for three generations. During that period of time, no one will be able to interfere with your family, no matter who! So, use that time to develop properly."

Ars didn't want his friend's family to be destroyed by the depravity of his successor, therefore he made this promise.

After three generations of protection, he didn't care if his friend's family was destroyed or not. Can only blame the later generations for not being as good as the previous ones. This could be considered a reward from Ars for having Nicholas fill his boredom.

"Thank you very much, Uncle Ars."

As a smart woman, Marie knew how precious that promise was, so she didn't have to worry about attacks from other families or factions that wanted to stop their family from growing.

Unknowingly she jumped into Ars' arms.

"By the way, Sebas, do you know the location of Sodom City?"

Pushing away Marie who was hugging him in excitement, Ars turned to Sebastian and asked.

"I know, Mr. Ars wants to go there? From the news I heard, Sodom City is a place where people who like the same sex gather, it's not a good place."

Sebastian says what he knows and suggests not going.

"I know, my reason for going there is not to take a vacation, but to destroy Sodom City."

A dangerous glint flashed in Ars' eyes.

Even if it was just a glimpse, Marie and Sebastian felt how terrifying Ars' anger was.

"Sodom City is 1000 kilometers from Mathias City, please use this map."

Sebastian took a map from under his jacket, and gave it to Ars.

Opening the map, Ars saw the path to Sodom City.

"En, then I will go first."

Holding the map, Ars said goodbye, and his figure disappeared as fast as the sky.

"Uncle Ars looks very angry."

Marie wondered what the people in Sodom City were doing to make Ars angry.

"I don't know, young miss wants to investigate?" Sebastian asked.

"No need, send someone to report the destruction of Sodom City, I wonder how it was destroyed by Uncle Ars."

Marie walked into the house. She didn't doubt whether Ars could destroy a city or not, she was just curious about his method.

"Understood, I will carry it out." Sebastian replied.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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