

# And I was the darkness... it was inside of me. It's growing inside of me. Everyone thought monsters are fictional characters, but for me monsters are among us. They wear pretty masks and hide themselves among us. When they find a perfect chance, they will devour you alive. That's when you will know the true color of the world is black. The eternal black will swallow you whole. Next thing you know, you are also part of it. You are one of them. PLAGIARISM PROHIBITED THIS STORY WAS AUTHOR'S IMAGINATION SHARE/LIKE/COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE

canon_Homes7 · Urban
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20 Chs




That night, after finishing some work, I realized I had forgotten to bring some important documents for my case. I headed home, a place that had witnessed so much tragedy in my life, yet still brought me a sense of comfort. I messaged Zeraf to let him know I would be coming home late, knowing he was busy and not wanting to disturb him.

I read the nameplate on my gate that read 'HOPES'. My home was engulfed in darkness, much like my life. It felt completely surreal. I was born into a prestigious family, my parents famous personalities. But both of them had died in a horrific way, and I had no clue what was happening in my life. It felt as though I was doing pointless things while rejecting the things I truly desired. And sometimes, I couldn't even remember what I was doing. Something just felt off.

It wasn't just a minor case of depression. The memories of my life from the ages of 11 to 18 were all jumbled up. After my mother's death, everything seemed to become a blur. Only my uncle and my father knew about these things. They didn't let Zeraf in on the details because they didn't want him treating me differently. I had been raised well, but lately, I felt like I was becoming more and more of a burden to Zeraf's family.

With so many questions swirling in my mind, I opened the door to my darkened house. I flicked on the lights to reveal a perfectly clean living space. It was a relief to see. I glanced at the family photos, most of which were from my childhood. But then I noticed the photos from when I was eighteen.

Wait, what? To my surprise, the girl in the photos was the same girl from my dream. She was wearing the same uniform. I took hold of the photo. What on earth was going on? Why couldn't I recognize her face, yet she felt so familiar? My mind was racing, searching for answers.

Frustrated, I threw the photo to the floor, but something caught my eye as it happened. There was something coming out from the photo. As I picked up the pieces, I realized it was a small key, hidden in the frame.

A key? I had never noticed this before. It was so small, it seemed like it could be the key to someone's diary. I rushed to my father's room, searching for his diary, but found nothing. I then checked my mother's room, but she had no habit of writing a diary. Finally, I turned to myself, but I didn't have the habit either.

The pain in my head began to intensify, but this time, something flashed in my mind. The eighteen-year-old girl in the photo was writing something in a diary, and then it was handed over to my uncle.

What could it be? Could it be in my uncle's office? Could it finally provide me with the answers I so desperately sought? My mind descended into chaos once again. I gathered what I needed and headed towards Zeraf's house. It was time to find some answers.

#To be continued


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