
Seven Swords Of Sin

In the ancient kingdom Britannia, not so long ago, there reigned an unyielding king who came close to conquering the entire planet. However, it’s said that he was defeated by an unnamed warrior. According to the legend, he was regarded as the strongest due to his powerful but sinful blade, known as "EXCALIBUR". Before drawing his final breath, the king divided his sword into “THE SEVEN SWORDS OF SIN”. Seven swords are cursed weapons that choose their wielders on their own and instantly murder anyone else who is either unworthy of them or tries to wield them by force unless the wielder gives it up themself. Ace, a charismatic young man, starts his dangerous yet mystic adventure to find the SWORD OF GREED, making new friends and overcoming many obstacles along the way...

Elitrefy · Fantasie
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12 Chs

The Seven Swords of Sin

"Not so long ago, there reigned an unyielding king, although a mighty ruler he was still known as the most benevolent ruler of his time. During his rule, he came close to conquering the entire planet. However, it's said that he was defeated by an unnamed warrior from a small village that fell under the sole area he had yet to conquer. According to the legend, he was regarded as the strongest due to his powerful but sinful blade, known as "EXCALIBUR"." The boy retorted, "But isn't it ironic to consider a weapon, and a sword at that, sinful?" The elderly man remarked, "Perhaps you are right; after all, most weapons, like swords, are meant to kill." "By the way, old man I've been meaning to ask you why are you telling me this story. When will you respond to the straightforward question, I just asked of you?" "What? You had no notion why I was babbling about this legend? Anyway after the legend is over, you will understand it. So, let's continue for the time being"

"Before drawing his final breath, the king divided his sword into "THE SEVEN SWORDS OF SIN" or at least that is how they are known nowadays" "Wait what do you mean nowa…" "So, the seven swords are supposed to be cursed weapons that choose their wielders on their own and instantly murder anyone else who is either unworthy of them or tries to wield them by force unless the wielder gives it up themself. Every sword of sin has chosen its owner for this generation although the sword of greed, which is also regarded as the strongest and moodiest of the seven, is an exception to it. It's thought that..."

 "Zzz… Zzz… Zzz…" "Are you paying attention to me?" "N- N- No… I mean yes, Of course, I am." "Yeah? Then what conclusion did you draw from this legend?" "As I said, old guy, I'm not here to listen to legends; rather, I'm here to find out whether or not it's true that the Sword of Greed can grant a wish. If it can, then I'll be the one to wield it." "Huh? Although many stories claim that the sword of greed has the power to grant any wish, however, I don't think you heard a word I said at all. The swords pick their owners; the "SWORD OF GREED" will never pick an innocent and dunce kid like you who is honest and straightforward as its owner" The boy answers in a serious tone, "Believe me, if you think I'm innocent, you're very wrong.", as his smile vanishes for few. Soon though, he returns to his happy-go-lucky personality and says, "And I am 19 so don't call me a kid! Anyways, if anybody is going to wield the Sword of Greed, it is going to be me.", with his determination filled crimson-red eyes.

"Whatever, feel free to give it a try, but I highly doubt it will recognize you as its owner. Let me now explain how to reach..." The boy cries, "No!" as he abruptly closes his eyes. "Hold it! I'm done listening. If you merely tell me what I need to do to accomplish my goal, how do you expect me to have fun?" "Okay… Well, that's certainly unexpected. I can't wait to see how you turn out to be in the future." Said the old man. "So why don't you accompany me on my adventure? It will be fun. Even though I don't know you and you look like you may kick the bucket because of being too 'experienced' any second now. And by the way, I have a question for you... HOW WOULD YOU DEFINE GREED?" asks the boy, however, as he opens his eyes, the old man sitting right in front of him just a few moments earlier had now vanished into thin air. "Wait! Where- Where did that old man go? Can't believe an old guy can be this fast. Well, whatever let's just go home and sleep now… Oh… yeah… I forgot… I don't have a house."

Doesn't it seem impossible?" "Yes, it is difficult to imagine that an entire village may burn to the ground in a single night." "He is to blame, isn't he?" "You are correct, he has committed this dreadful sin, I grant you that." "I detest this kid!" "He must be executed." "Yes, burn him to death." "No, Hang him!" "Boil him!" "Crush him!" "Death to him!" "Death to him!" "Death to him!" "Death to him!" 

"No… No… No… No… No!" "No need to yell. As I said, we are closing so you need to go home kid." "Oh wait, I'm still in the bar, so it must have simply been a bad dream. Thank God!" As the boy leaves the bar, he notices a sinewy and powerfully built man standing outside, half-naked, with shiny wet hair, appearing to be frozen from the cold and damp weather. Even though his height suggests that the person is about the same age as him, the boy thinks it would be best to ignore him. However, the stranger waves his hand towards the boy almost like he is calling him.

The boy walks towards him and immediately says, "Look man, I don't have any money to give you I am quite broke myself, although I wouldn't mind if you were to give me some money for my journey." The man replies, "Shut up! I am not a beggar, I don't need any money and why would you ask a beggar to lend you money?" "So, are you a beggar or not?" "Of course, I am not, you dummy, I was just speaking hypothetically!" "Hippo? Why are you talking about hippo? Look man, I know hippos are cool but I am not really in the mood to talk right now." "Not Hippo! It was… Ahhh! Leave it. I heard you were talking about wielding one of the swords of sin, is it true?" "So, you are a beggar and a stalker too?" "How come you still think I am a beggar, are you dumb or what? Besides, I am not a stalker I just overheard your conversation with that old man", the man retorts and mumbles to himself, "Can't believe how fast the elderly people have become nowadays!" "Yeah, I was amazed myse…" "Okay enough with the chitchat, now answer my question, do you think you have what it takes to wield a sword of sin?" "Of course, I have. Let me clear it to you, if anyone is going to wield the Sword of Greed, it is going to be me."

"That settles it, I'll challenge you to a duel, and shatter your arrogance right here and right now." "Nah, I'll pass" "The rules are sim… Wait, you what?" "I said, I'll pass. I don't like fighting in cold weather." "Hey! You can't do that, don't you have any honor at all? You must be wondering why I'm challenging you, if I may hazard a guess. Okay, then I'll explain why I'm so furious with you and why I'd like to fight you." "Look man, I don't really care abou…" "A few days ago, I challenged the wielder of wrath to a duel with the goal of taking home the wrath sword if I prevailed. I'm embarrassed to admit, though, that I lost rather heavily. ACHOO!", the stranger sneezes and discovers that there is smoke everywhere, "Hey! Where is all this smoke coming from?"

He notices the boy sitting on the ground grilling fish and taking pleasure in his warm dinner while he looks for the source of the smoke. In a furious tone, the man questions, "What do you think you are doing?" "I thought you would take a while, so I decided to have a midnight snack", the boy retorts. "You want some?" As the boy offers him mostly eaten fish with nothing but fish bones in his hands, the man becomes enraged, grabs a twig off the ground, and leaps toward him. The boy instantly defends himself by blocking the twig with the fish bones in his hand. The stranger remarks "Ohh, seems like you are not all talk after all." "Hey! What's with this sudden attack, at least warn me first." "I'll ask you to duel with me once again." "Fine, do as you wish, I accept your challenge!"