
Seven Swords Of Sin

In the ancient kingdom Britannia, not so long ago, there reigned an unyielding king who came close to conquering the entire planet. However, it’s said that he was defeated by an unnamed warrior. According to the legend, he was regarded as the strongest due to his powerful but sinful blade, known as "EXCALIBUR". Before drawing his final breath, the king divided his sword into “THE SEVEN SWORDS OF SIN”. Seven swords are cursed weapons that choose their wielders on their own and instantly murder anyone else who is either unworthy of them or tries to wield them by force unless the wielder gives it up themself. Ace, a charismatic young man, starts his dangerous yet mystic adventure to find the SWORD OF GREED, making new friends and overcoming many obstacles along the way...

Elitrefy · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Scythe Pandemonium: Treasure Hunt III

"BEEP BOOP! Attention all hunters, the first Elemental Scythe has been found!"

"Wait, already? That was fast. Or perhaps I'm just slow...", Ace remarks, at last beginning his search for the Wind Scythe.

"This is unacceptable, master! No person in this treasure hunt is good enough to outshine you. The boar-human, who is for some reason now devoted to Ace, yells, "You need to find the Wind Scythe immediately and then show that Water Scythe loser, who is the boss in the final round."

Yes, I know all that, but why are you still following me? And what's up with the "Master" nonsense, too? Just call me Ace." "No, no, no, not even in my wildest dreams could I address you by your name! If you'd like, I can address you by any of these other titles: Lord, Boss, Leader, Sir, Conqueror Allmigh-" "Oh shut up already! Call me what you will, but at least don't follow me around. You are not my duckling, you know."

"You have proven yourself to be far more superior than me not only in strength by defeating me in just one blow but also in kindness by sparing my life even though you knew I had ill intent towards you," the boar-human says with diligence, sitting on his left knee with his right elbow resting on his right knee. He closes his eyes, "I now realize that you are deserving of the title of my master because of your bravery and acts of heroism! If I may, would you please allow me to introduce myself, my master? Master? Masterrr??", The boar-human opens his eyes only to discover that Ace has vanished from sight. Searching everywhere, he eventually discovers Ace attempting to pass through a hole in the wall.

Luxman wonders how someone could have located the Scythe so quickly after hearing the most recent announcement. There's another announcement. (The hunt has only been underway for an hour and a half.)

"BEEP BOOP! Attention all hunters, yet another Scythe, the Earth Scythe has been discovered. Honestly, these magnificent bastards this year are just too quick." Luxman cuts in, "This lady sure has got a foul mouth!"

"Uh... Uhm... I was referring to the fact that the winners of the Water Scythe room, "AMON," and the Earth Scythe room, "AERON," would be taken to their respective rooms to recuperate until the other two scythes are not found. But beware! We value the time of our guests who are currently viewing the live feed of each hunting room; if any of the scythes still remain undiscovered at precisely midnight, we will eliminate every participant from that hunting room and proceed to the final round.

Naturally, Luxman dismisses the entire announcement and screams, "DAMN THAT WIZARD JERK!" as soon as he hears the name "Amon," bursting into flames (not literally) "I have to find that Scythe as soon as possible and put that loser in his place even if it's the last thing I do. Even though I've already reached the summit of this highest volcano, I still can't seem to find the location of the fire scythe, and that is your fault, you annoying dead weights. Not only have you consistently irritated me, but you have also wasted my time, and for all that, I don't even receive an apology. HUHHH!? The person Luxman is speaking to is actually the leader of a group of hunters, who is being held in the air through his face by Luxman. The other hunters of the gang, who had planned to eliminate Luxman as soon as they discovered that he had found a clue leading to the Fire Scythe, are all lying on the ground beaten up and unconscious surrounding Luxman.

"Master, what are you even trying to do?" "Nevermind about that!", with his upper body on the other side of the wall, Ace yells, "Just help me get through this hole, will ya?" "All right, I'll try!" Ace's new apprentice begins to exert tremendous pressure on him with all his might. "Master, are you inside yet?" (Idk how to make it sound less sus T-T) "Eeeeee... Juuusttt aaa liiiitlllle bitttt moooreee!"

"Now is the moment, if you have any final words," Luxman declares, forcing his sword down the assailant gang's leader's throat. The gang leader instantly gets humbled and loses his menacing demeanor as he begins pleading for his life, saying, "No, please, I don't want to die. Anything but that. I haven't even gotten a chance to get married yet… Please spare my life. I'm a smart man, you know, and I could even help you locate the Scythe in exchange, just don't take my life please, I beg of you!"

"Hmmm? Help me find it, huh?", Luxman mumbles and drops the leader on the ground whom he had been holding up in the air by face for quite a while now. He then kicks a subordinate who is lying on the ground in an attempt to wake him up, saying, "Oye, small fry, wake up, I have a question for you." "What are you-" "Hoo? I don't remember asking you to speak", Luxman says, sending the leader a cold stare for speaking out of turn. Luxman now targets his stomach with a powerful kick after noticing that the subordinate's eyelids are moving indicating that he is actually awake and merely putting up an act of being unconscious. And I think you can understand what happened after that…

"So, tell me, small fry, how smart is your boss?" "In precisely what context do you ask, mister?" "Ohhhhhhhh! Nice question!" Luxman says with a sarcastic tone, putting his sword around the guy's neck this time. "He is one of our nation's best treasure hunters!" the man yells, raising both of his hands in the air, "I am sorry." "Should have said it sooner...."

"So, master, tell me why exactly did we cross that hole to get to this side of the wall? Is there any chance we could locate the wind scythe here?" "I'm not entirely sure, but I have a feeling this is a place where we can find something interesting. In any case, even though you are much larger than I am, would you mind explaining to me how in the world you managed to squeeze through that small opening, even though I was unable to do so on my own?" asks Ace. The boar-human says, flashing his metal knuckles, "Oh, I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier, but it seems the weapon I chose allows me to change my size at will." "Whoah! That is really awesome! That implies that you selected a magic weapon as well." "Wait, by 'also', do you mean that?" "That's right, hihihihihihi! I also selected a shield that is a magical weapon." "Master, that is just perfect! The strongest weapon is the only one that fits you the best. "Hey, aaaaa... Porky..." "MATSER, THAT'S NOT MY NAME!" "Ok, ok, sheesh... No need to yell. What's your name then?" "My lord, it's GELUB!" "All right, Gelb. I want you to get larger and search the area for anything of value that you may find." Gelub says, his expression lifeless, "But that's not how you pronounce it though," and he begins to make depressing boar noises. "What's wrong, Gelb? Are you carrying out the task or not?" "I apologize, master! Please give me a second," Gelub yells with all his might, growing larger and larger until, in a matter of seconds, his size has multiplied tenfold. In fact, he misjudges the growth in size and unintentionally breaks through the rooftop. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hold on... Shit, look what you did! Now, get a little smaller; you won't find anything like that. Regaining his former size, Gelub exclaims, "You won't believe what I found up there, master!" with excitement.

Thank you for 5k veiws :) I hope you enjoyed this 5k special long chapter. Also, my book has finally crossed 15k+ words benchmark so I hope you all would be kind enough to give the book ratings and suggestions which may help me improve!

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