
Interruption and Interrogation

They continued like that until Jasper broke the kiss.

"You know what," Leo said as soon as they parted their mouths. "I don't want us to stop yet."

Jasper chuckled lightly as if pleased by his answer. "Good because neither do I."

Jasper's hand wrapped around his waist and moved down towards his ass.

Leo gasped when Jasper squeezed and kneaded his cheeks causing him to shiver in delight.

"I've been wanting to touch your bottom since," Jasper confessed. "But I didn't have a chance to get to you earlier."

"Well, you got to me now and how does it feel?" Leo asked curiously.

"It feels good, very nice actually. But more than that, it makes you feel alive and happy which is something I haven't seen in a long time." Jasper replied honestly. "And I am glad I did."

"Me too." Leo admitted shyly. "So..." Leo's voice trailed off.

"So..." Jasper winked. "Still not attracted to me?"

Leo knew he was teasing him but couldn't help suck his bottom lip between his teeth.

The moment his mouth opened wide enough for him to speak properly, he stuttered. "N–no... Umm..."

Jasper laughed loudly at his reaction then leaned forward once again pressing his soft wet tongue against his lips.

Leo moaned softly into the kiss while restraining himself from touching Jasper as well.

"What is going on here?" a voice called from behind Leo, freezing both men at the spot.

Both of them turned around slowly to see an older woman dressed in aqua green robes walking towards them with her arms crossed over her chest.

She looked stern yet kind of motherly which made sense considering she was someone important within the kingdom.

"Lady Lillian!" Leonard exclaimed in surprise seeing one of his old Acquaintance approaching them.

"H–How did y–you find us? And where are your guards?"

She smiled warmly at him and shook her head. "They're busy elsewhere and I've come alone today."

"Oh really now? You never told me that."

"I didn't think it was necessary."

"Well it certainly isn't anymore."

Lillian chuckled softly and walked past them both to stand beside Jasper. Her gaze fell upon him briefly before looking back at Leo.

"I heard you saved my son's life," she began and placed a hand gently on Jas' shoulder. "Thank you."

Leo gaped at them. He knew Lilian was the second princess of Acrilia—the underwater kingdom but never knew she had a relationship with Jasper.

Sensing his shock, Jasper smiled sheepishly. It was one thing to be like this with him but to get caught by his mother. That would definitely put a damper on their fun times together.

Leo nodded humbly and gave a small smile before turning to look at Jas again. "You don't have anything to worry about, Lady Lillian." Leo assured her quickly. "He won't play pranks again like that."

Jasper snorted lightly but kept quiet otherwise.

Lillian nodded appreciatively then glanced down at the naked Jasper.

She tutted. "Where are your clothes? I see you were busy tempting the first commander of the mighty King Azazus's armies. What if he'd been there instead?"

Jasper blushed heavily at her words causing Leo to chuckle softly.

"It wasn't intentional," Jasper mumbled quietly.

"Of course not," she replied sarcastically which earned her a chuckle from Leo.

Right now Jasper looked no more than a kid and not the alluring merman who was seducing him moments ago.

"So... What do you plan on doing?" Leonard asked instead, trying to get things moving along faster than usual.

Jasper shrugged his shoulders lightly. "I'm not too sure myself actually. I guess there won't be much point in staying here after all so maybe I'll return home first."

"That sounds good enough for me," Leonard replied with a nod of approval.

"Then let's say our farewells here and part ways." Jasper lifted his eyes to Leo's face. "It was nice meeting you."

The merman held out his hand which Leo took without hesitation and shook firmly.



Leonard watched as they left together and felt relieved that their encounter ended peacefully. But still, he couldn't help but feel sad that their sweet time was gone like a fleeting momemt.

He had been right when he thought that Jasper was hiding something from him; though it seemed nothing major since the man hadn't tried lying to him.

He sighed heavily, feeling conflicted inside.

"What is it? You seem troubled," Lillian spoke up beside him startling him. She looked at him curiously while tilting her head to one side. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes! Yes, everything's fine!" He quickly assured her before turning towards where she stood beside him.

"So how long has it been since we last met anyway?" Lillian asked after some time had passed.

"A few days ago actually," he answered truthfully. "We've been busy lately so haven't seen each other as often but I'm glad things are going well for you these days."

"Thank you," she replied simply smiling warmly at him. "It feels good to be able to live my life without having to constantly look over my shoulder."

"That must feel nice," he agreed wholeheartedly. "I can imagine being free from all those worries would make someone happy."

"Yes, indeed." She laughed lightly and shook her head playfully. "But enough about me, let's talk about you instead."

"Me? What do you want to know about me?" He raised a brow curiously.

"Well first off... How old are you?"

He blinked in surprise before answering, "Twenty seven."

She gasped loudly which made Leo laugh out loud.

"What? Why?" He inquired curious by her reaction.

"You're only twenty seven?" Her eyes widened in shock. "You're still young!"

"Well yeah... But I don't see what the big deal is here." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"No no! You're too young! And I bet you would taste just as lovely. Now I see why my son's attention was instantly captured.

"Interesting huh?" Leonard mused thoughtfully as he considered this new information. "I guess that makes sense."

"Of course it does!" Lillian exclaimed happily. "And besides, if I hadn't stopped you guys, I bet you will be down on your knees for my son," she stated proudly.

"Jasper?" Leo questioned confused again.

"Duh, sure. Hmm I may just have to set a meeting for you two again. Jasper will agree once he hears of this."

Leonard remained speechless just staring at the young woman who did not seem to have aged one bit since the last time they saw.

He was sure she would be over some fifty years of age yet her beauty bested every young lady in the kingdom. No wonder her son was relatively handsome too, inheriting his hair from his mother though hers was a lighter shade.

"I can see that he likes you," she added, smiling brightly.

Leo smiled and then he stopped in his tracks, looking at her. "I thought you were returning with Jas."

"Jas..." she hummed, her eyes sparkling with delight. "You two are on the abbreviated name basis."

"I mean Jasper."

She brushed him off and shook her head. "Don't stop on my account. Anyways, I just wanted to check on this."

Leo's brows drew together, confusion spilling into his eyes.

"Yes, I needed to confirm if you like him too."


"I think I just found my answer. Bye. I need to visit my father in Acrilia. Take care."

She did not give him time to respond before turning around and walking away quickly leaving Leo standing there dumbfounded by what had just happened.

Leo shook his head and lowered his gaze to his crotch. He was having a situation that still hadn't gone down but now the sweet smiles of Jasper's face kept appearing in his memory.

'Tsk, I am losing it right? I should probably head back to the castle first. Too much has happened today and even if I didn't get my alone time, I am glad I got something great.'

He chuckled at his won thoughts as he made his way to where he tied his horse.