
A man named Brass...

Adrian and Lilith walked briskly through the small town's quiet streets, their eyes scanning for any sign of a place to rest. In their escape attempt, they had left their horse behind, 

The short trek and earlier chaos had left them both exhausted and eager to find a place to rest for the night.

As they rounded a corner, they spotted a modest inn with a warm glow from its windows. The wooden sign above the door read The Rusty Spoon. Seeing it filled them with relief, and they made their way inside.

They entered the inn to find a cozy common room with a few travelers scattered around, nursing drinks and chatting quietly. A fire crackled in the hearth, adding comforting warmth to the room, which was a welcome contrast to the chaos they had just escaped.

Adrian approached the counter, where a grizzled innkeeper stood polishing a glass. "We need a room for the night," Adrian said wearily, passing over a few coins.