


Mommy is angry with me again, I try so hard to be a good girl, I need to try harder. When I closed the door to go outside, I heard her say something to daddy. "Get rid of her! The money wasn't enough, not to bring this curse upon our house".

Was she talking about me? Am I a curse?

I walk down the dark path, towards the alley that leads to the allotment, I like to spend my time there, where I can't get in anyone's way.

I don't often go out at night, it's dangerous. People talk about something called 'Snatchers'. They are an organisation that is known for buying children from parents and guardians, however, it is said that they linger in the shadows and snatch children, never to be seen again.

As I approach the alley, I feel myself being pulled in, I try to scream but something is covering my mouth. Oh no!

"Where did she go"?

"Don't look at me, she couldn't have just disappeared, keep looking"!

Just then I see two men, dressed head to toe in black, run past the alley I am being held in.

I'm slowly turned around to face whoever it is that has pulled me in, maybe even saved me.

I look up to the man who is towering over me. It's hard to see his face in the dark, but I can make out certain features. His eyes are a piercing shade of violet, unlike any I have ever seen before and his hair is as white as snow. There is a kindness in this man's eyes and something in my core tells me I know him. Why is he so familiar? Why do I feel safer than I can ever remember feeling, I feel content in his presence.

As I stare at him, he stumbles back slightly, clutching the side of his shirt. It is then I see that he is bleeding. I gasp in shock, it looks bad.

" Oh no...what should I do," I ask, my voice shaking. I've never had to help someone who was wounded, in all my seven years I cannot recall ever seeing blood up close.

He smiles, his lips parting to reveal perfectly white fangs. "Don't worry little one, I will soon heal".

"Y-you are a...a vampire…" my voice trailing off. I should be scared, I KNOW I should be scared, I have heard of vampires before, blood-drinking monsters who consume and leave only death in their wake. But he is different, I know he won't hurt me.

Instinctively I lift my wrist to his mouth "here" I say, offering a small smile.

He stares at me, perplexed.

"Please" I urge, "you saved me, let me return the favour". I push my wrist right against his lips.

Next thing I know, his teeth have pierced my skin and a drop of blood trailed from the edge of his lips, down my arm.

"I'm Crimson" I introduce myself "thank you for saving me".

He pulls his lips away from my wrist and looks into my eyes. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Crimson, I am…".