
Serving The Vampire Duchess With A Butler System

In a medieval world filled with war and magic, a man is reincarnated as a butler for the Duchess of the Aetherius Empire after selling his memories to god. He quickly discovers he has a knack for it and enjoys his role. He also grows in strength the more he does things like cleaning, serving and disposing of people. As he travels through this magical and dangerous world of magical races and empires. He must use his skills and strength to navigate the political and dangerous intrigues and serve his master well.

Valancy · Fantasie
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17 Chs


{Author Note} I got a job! Les goooo! I will finally earn some cash :)

Right, remember that on P@atreon you can read up to 6 chapters ahead, and every p@tron I will release a extra chapter both free and on p@treon.

Anyway, here you go. Have a good day!


I can hear it coming straight at me. Wondering what it can be, I can only expect the worst. Probably more of the big guys' friends. If I'm lucky, my new strength can help me win.

What steps out of the treeline makes my heart drop and my eyes gather a small tear before going completely cold. I had been hoping with all my heart that it wouldn't be true, but you won't always get what you want.

May walked out of the treeline in her normal maid outfit and a small pouch in one hand. Just as she arrived and looked up, her face morphed into a shocked one, and then when she saw the dead man on the ground.

It changed to an angry one. She stared at me, who was standing down by the river. May was gritting her teeth and her hands were clenched. I knew from seeing her expression that I was correct all along.

I stared back at her for some time before asking her, not expecting an answer, but I want to ask either way. "Were any of the things you told me or showed me when I was smaller true?" As I expected, she didn't answer.

So I continued to ask her more questions I had in mind. I was hoping she would answer one at least. "Was this your plan all along? To raise me then sell me off?" Still no answer, so I went with the last question I had in mind.

At this point I was as calm as a tree. I think the passive skills helped with that, otherwise I think I would have gone crazy by now. But instead of angry, I just feel pity and disappointment at her.

"Did you ever serve my mother wholeheartedly?" She reacted heavily at this question as her entire face morphed into something I have never seen before. There was a mix of so many emotions in it. Anger, sadness, jealousy, pity, nostalgia, but mostly disappointment.

I thought she was going to stay quiet again, but she spoke. "You have no right to speak about me like that! I served Lady Emelia for hundreds of years before she died!" She screamed at me as she glared into my eyes.

"Then why this? You can't have served her wholeheartedly then." I told her as I see no way someone would sell their master's child if they were loyal.

"It's you! You are the problem! You and that disgusting Arch Demon! The world does not need that kind of abomination roaming about! There should never have been a mix between the High Elf royal family and the disgusting Arch Demon Clan!"

So the problem she has is not with my mother, but with me? All this because of my lineage? This is disappointing. "Your mother shouldn't have even birthed you!"

That felt like it was going too far, even for me, as I had nothing to do with it, and even if I did, it was my mother's choice. "Be quiet, you have no right to talk about my mother like that!" I sternly say to her.

Something that confused me was the fact that she was about to speak again, but no words came out. She looked like she couldn't say what she wants to, so I ask her.

"Why are you not saying anything?" As I was waiting for a reply, she just pointed at me with anger on her face. It seriously looked like she can't say anything. She then points at her heart before pointing at me with a shaking finger.

What could be the reason for this? I try to analyze the situation thoroughly and see something. I look at her ears that are pointed, just like an elf, then feel my own ears with my hand, and they, just like her, are pointed.

I then look at her chest where there is something that looks like a tattoo. If I am correct, this will end in my favor, but if I'm wrong, this can go bad.

"Take a step forward!" I command her as I stay still and analyze the situation. Just like I thought, after struggling for a bit, she took one step forward. Still glaring at me. And it caught my eye that her tattoo glowed slightly green when I commanded her.

So I decided to try and find out. "You can only speak to answer my questions. What is that tattoo?" I commanded as I stood ready for combat. I wasn't going to lower my guard without being sure.

She glared at me with hatred in her eyes as I mentioned it before she answered. "It is a ritual that the servants of the Royal family all go through to make sure they obey."

"What did you mean by me being an abomination?" I ask as I've been curious since she screamed that at me the first time.

"I mean what I said, yo…" As she was starting to argue again, I commanded her again. "Only answer, as a matter of fact, to my questions."

"There should never have been a mix of High Elf and Arch Demon in the world. They would become monstrous with all the good qualities of both, but none of the bad qualities. It is also blasphemy towards the High Elven royal family."

So it has something to do with the mix of my father and mother. That is good to know. I will have to get more information later about this.

"Have you sent anyone else after me?" She answered with disappointment on her face. "No, this was the first one. I hoped that was going to be enough."

I should probably get out of here. There is nothing binding me to this small hut anymore. As the system will help me grow stronger, I just need to find a noble estate to work for.

"Where is the closest noble estate, and who are they?" I ask as I stared at her. "The closest one is De Noir Duchy. It is the one I was working at. It is about 8 km to the north."

So the strongest duchy in the land is close by. If I get hired there, I think I will be safe for now, and I can also continue to grow there.

After thinking things through, I stare at my once closest thing to a parent. My eyes stone cold and my heart not feeling anything for her.

"Erase all traces of me and you here, then kill yourself." I command before not even giving her another glance and start walking towards the north.