
Serving The Vampire Duchess With A Butler System

In a medieval world filled with war and magic, a man is reincarnated as a butler for the Duchess of the Aetherius Empire after selling his memories to god. He quickly discovers he has a knack for it and enjoys his role. He also grows in strength the more he does things like cleaning, serving and disposing of people. As he travels through this magical and dangerous world of magical races and empires. He must use his skills and strength to navigate the political and dangerous intrigues and serve his master well.

Valancy · Fantasie
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17 Chs


I have just finished my round of the estate, it was amazing. Just as I was going to recall everything, I was interrupted.


[Hidden Mission Completed, Roam the entire estate on the first day, Reward: 500xp, Perfect memory of the estate]

[Hidden Mission Completed, get the attention of the little vampire after being warned, Reward: 500xp, headache pills]


[Level up To Level 11, 1 Attribute Point Available For Allocation]

[Level up To Level 12, 1 Attribute Point Available For Allocation]

What? What happened? The first one is great, it might be very useful. But I don't like the second one. How did I gain the attention of the little vampire? Who is the little vampire even?

Wait. Don't tell me it is the heir of the duchy. I might be in very deep shit. I guess I can only trust the old man's words now and hope I won't get killed or something. Fuck!

I'm just going to go back to my room and not be outside when not needed.


New day and I awoke early again. I think it's about 5 am, but I'm not sure. I make my way out of bed and into the bath. A good bath always makes a good day.

As I make my way out of the bath after around 10 minutes of soaking I stopped by the mirror and raised my brows. Since when the fuck were my muscles this defined? I have compact muscles all over my body, just the right size to not look big. I know I had a six pack when I was working out in the hut, but since when did an eight pack even exist? Do I have like 5 percent body fat or something?

I mean, I look good. But I did not know the leveling up did this. Right now I'm going to save the attribute points I got as there is nothing I need them for. I make my way out of my room after clothing myself in a stylish butler costume.

For the most part, it was black, but the small details on it were blood red. So it gave a nice stark contrast to my pale white hair and green eyes. If I'm gonna be honest. I look great in it.

I make my way over to the meeting room of the servants. The door opens with a small push and I am greeted by twenty or so servants. They all stare at me as I make my way in. If I could guess, it is because I'm the new butler.

Even though I look good, I'm not narcissistic. For the most part. Anyway, I realize that there are almost no butlers there. I can only see like 2 other males in this entire room.

It looks like there are so many races together in this room. I see some dogkin, some catkin, some elves, some ghosts. And tons more.

I wait out the entire meeting as people are getting sent to different places. Soon there is only me and Lydia, the head maid left. She looks at the paper in her hand and then at me.

"You will clean and dust the dining room and the ballroom." She says before she makes her way out without another word.

I also make my way over to the ballroom. It's easy to find now that I know where everything is. Just as I arrive, I realize something. The ballroom is huge. System what are my missions.

[Mission, Clean what is assigned to you within the day, reward is based on percentage cleaned]

Oh, that's great. So the better I do, the better the reward will be. I take up the mop on the floor and begin mopping the entire ballroom. I like the fact that I can clean and check out the room I'm cleaning at the same time.

I have never been to a ballroom before, but if I can guess. This is super grand. The amount of pure silver and gold just lying around should be worth tons of money.

It is also huge, but with my Butler's Work skill, it went pretty fast cleaning the entire ballroom. Now I only have the dining room left.

As I make my way over to the dining room, a cook stands right outside. I make my way over to him to ask a question. "When does the duchess usually eat? So I know if I have to be quick." She stares at me for a bit, then answers. "The duchess will eat in 25 minutes. Be quick."

I make my way inside as fast as I can and start cleaning. It goes with a swish and I know I'm done as I get a notification from the system that the mission is complete.

[Mission Complete, Reward: 400xp (85%)]

Wait what? How is it only 85 percent?

[Butlers Work skill is too low level to do 100%]

[Level up To Level 13, 1 Attribute Point Available For Allocation]

Oh, Well I should make my way back now that I'm done. It is almost dinnertime. I never knew time could go this fast. I'm also happy I didn't run into any important people yet.

Just as I make my way over to the door to leave, it doesn't open. No matter how hard I push it. I can't open it. What is happening?

Oh no, this isn't good. The best I can do in this situation is to stand calmly in the corner, so when the duchess comes in to eat, I can act as a butler.

I was not supposed to be on this duty today, but here I am, I guess. After just about a couple of minutes, the door opens and two other maids walk in. They stare at me in shock first, not expecting me to be here.

But soon they just take position against the wall. Completely still. I can hear someone making their way to this room. It is probably the duchess.

The wait felt like the longest wait I have ever endured, and it only took a couple of seconds. She stops before the door for a second before the door opens. And I hear a voice. "Was this really necessary, Elora? Why did you have to take an interest in a servant?"