
Operation Servum Liberantum PT 3

A bunch of beams was exchanging in the fortress. It was either the beam from our laser rifle or the beam from the defender's magic. Either way, the fight was on our favor since we were wearing an NVG, and the enemies weren't.

"Reloading," Garth said as he dumped the used fusion cell on the ground.

"Suppressing fire," I said as I fired the laser pulse to the enemy.

The enemies have scattered in a panic thanks to our laser weapons that not only kill the enemies but also turn them into ashes. The one that got hit by our laser beam would be turned into a mere pile of dust.

Maria: "Alpha team, we are pinned down now!!!"

Wilson: "Hold on. Could you blow up the wall?"

Maria: "Negative, Bravo 3 only has two magazines left. We don't bring any C4."

Wilson: "ROGER"

We continued to fight through the barrage of magic spell. Undoubtedly, our laser rifle provided a better advantage, but their sheer number of magic spells also became a significant problem because we became the one that was being suppressed. We were hiding behind a concrete wall behind the stairs.

"Shit," I said as I tried to pour the rainwater into the overheating lens of the rifle.

"Is this thing usually overheat?" Garth asked me as he put his laser rifle on his back and changed into his MP7.

"NO! This thing usually won't overheat. This is Jinx," I said as I reloaded the laser rifle.

The enemy firepower slowly held us at a particular disadvantage. Our laser rifle faced a major overheat issue so that we couldn't fire it on full auto. I wish I brought a replacement lens.

"This bastard here needs some explosive situation," I said as I threw a C4 into the crowd of the enemy and pressed the detonator. "That's going to solve it for a while," I said as I continued to fire my laser rifle.

Suddenly a big explosion struck the middle of the fortress. It was an explosive from one of our rear echelon supports. It was an accurate barrage from our GAU-19 HE .50 cal explosive rotary gun. It was our helicopter that fired it.

"Thank you, Chief Smith," I waved my hands at that helicopter.

We moved to the door of the fortress. Unluckily, the door was a very thick metal door that our rifle couldn't bring down. The door was opened from the inside, and the lock had some sort kind of magic lock in it, and it won't open unless the key is found or the door is destroyed.

"Shit, the C4 has run out," I said as I knocked on the door, which only god knew how thick that door was.

"Mine too," Garth said to me.

Wilson: "Chief, could you do a barrage of that bullet to this steel gate?"

Jenkins: "Sure thing Alpha, FIRING!!!!"

Barrages of explosives fired at that steel gate, but the steel gate didn't display any opening. We were running out of solution, and I almost suggested to bring the MBT to this fort to bring this gate down. Luckily, there was someone that we didn't expect to come was coming.

She was holding a Carl Gustav M4 on her shoulder while loading it with a HEAT 655CS type of ammunition. She aimed the launcher at the door, and we were told to move away from that door, and we comply.

Alexa shot the launcher at the door, but missed and hit the wall instead. The wall was breaking apart and leaving a large hole and a bunch of dead bodies behind it. I entered that hole then searched for the Bravo team there.

The defender had killed a lot of slaves. We pray for them and let them be while searching for the Bravo team between the dead bodies. It looks like Christine managed to give a much fight for these guards that were lying on the ground. That punishment that we gave to the fort almost turned it into a bunch of lying bricks on the floor.

After some time, I finally found the stretcher of Natalie with a wounded Captain Hasslebrown and a very tired Maria beside it. They were sitting on the ground. Maria held her Five-seveN on her left hand and aimed it at me. She was also wounded on her left leg, evidenced by the bandage on her knee.

"Calm down, mentor. I'm here to rescue you," Garth said as he raised his hands.

"Ok," She put the pistol down on the floor.

"What happened?" I put my laser rifle on my back again.

"Hmm, How about we have to use our rifle as an improvised baseball bat?" Maria said sarcastically while she had an evil smile on her face.

"Ok, so how did she survive?" I asked Maria.

"Easy, I just protect it with my own body," She said to me while showing her torn ballistic vest.

"Ok, you used the healing spells, right?" I asked her.

"Of course I was, or I will be dead by now," she said to me.

"How about Captain Hasslebrown here?" I pointed my hands at her.

"She? She got hit by a fragment from that HEAT shell," Maria said.

"Ok, Let's head back," I said as I helped her to walk.

The helicopter crew helped us to carry the restrainer while Garth and I were helping our comrades to walk. Cecile was ok, but she had a fragment of steel right on her hand and need quick medical attention. Luckily, the base wasn't that far from here.

We would drop Maria and the others in the Flameguard AFB and Natalie in the Heather base. Garth and I proceed to enter the chopper, including Natalie, in her restrainer. Maria, Christine, and Cecile would enter their helicopter so they could arrive ASAP at the hospital of that base.

The helicopter slowly gained its altitude and flew back to Heather base in the storm. The thunder was striking at the empty grassland and forest. After two hours, we finally arrived at Heather base. Natalie was moved to the ER.

Well, The Case of Anton Disappreance is closed.

Well, That's it.

Now return to school

MaxwellKHAcreators' thoughts