
Servant of Light : Flower of the Eternal Peace

Under the gray mourning sky A very tiring long wait has come to an end The darkness fades and the light has been born anew From their slumber, they arise and bringing hope to this world once again Servant of Light they were called Taken a form of an innocent female child They grant ones strength to fight the darkness They grant ones wishes in exchange for their lives Our hero An exiled soldier Has discover the secret of the world A treasure well hidden by the past misery One wishes to be granted Our hero wishing for his eternal peace But in one condition so his wishes could be granted One must fight thy own will to reach the peace thy desire Thus a journey of our hero finding his desired peace has been started

Bagja_william · Fantasie
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38 Chs

When The Light Fades

Humans has never been born evil. Ever since the first sibling take his first victim, which is his own brother, he mourns regrettably beside the crow who taught him to bury his brother. I still remember it until now and I won't easily forget about it. It's beautiful... it just beautiful. Even when the world showed me the otherwise, I still believe what I want to believe.

The sun still shines and the moon waits for its turn to glow. Even when it is clouded by the darkness, the moon finds a way to seek the light and brighten people in the dark of the night. And so was I, who believe that ideology of mine.

It is a bright day outside. The sky is clear, birds are flying by in the vast blue expanse. It would be a perfect day to have fun. I wish I could have some fun and enjoy myself in this sunny day. But fate has other plans for me, I walk this long narrow hallway with two burly guys in front and behind me.

Cause today is the day where my neck would be cut off.

It's irony indeed but I mustn't let this stupid sentence bring down this perfect day. I must enjoy it very well while I can and leave without any single regret. An aroma of freshly brewed coffee could be smell from here. Reminding me of my beautiful days in the past. So I begin to sway my body and dance like there's nobody around.

I moved my hand up and down, lift my leg left and right, and then spin my body in harmony, creating an art from the joy deep in my heart. Those two seem unfazed, so I broaden my smile and chuckle a bit.

This world is beautiful. There's plenty type of people color the empty canvas called the world. A single black spot on the well drawn canvas is also considered a color, not just a mere dirt staining a beautiful and great art. I dance happily walking to my own death.

The sun shines so bright, it burn my skin as soon as my skin touches the sunlight. It feels so refreshing, since the last time I bathed in the ray of the sun. So many people gather around the square waiting for my execution. I am glad, that girl isn't showed up anywhere around.

As the deadly blade looms over me, I lift my gaze and see my own image on its surface which is going to cut my neck soon. I look so beautiful inside. Is this what my ancestor tell me about who am I and who are we in the past ? That smile, that smile is beautiful. I used to hate this smile but now I look up about it.


Ah.... that voice, I recognize that voice. Though that voice is sound faint but I can tell who's that voice belong to. I know it, I know it very well. I even can tell where does that voice coming from. That voice is so beauty, I really like that voice. Without even taking time for long, I immediately found that girl among the crowds. It's so unfortunate for you seeing this horrible scenario. I really am sorry for you, my girl.

Suddenly, my neck pushed so hard from behind. Those two executioner paralyze me in a hard way even when I am not showing any resistance. My arm locked, my neck locked, my body unable to move. The crowds began to loud and also that girl tears began to flow. I really thanks to everyone who've colored my life.

Please don't hate them for this. Don't let my death change your heart. "My dear....."

Thus the servant of light were born on that day and The Servant of Light story is begin.....