
#10 The Tower Stand Atop

The night has changed, bringing the warming atmosphere of the morning. But this morning is quite different than the other morning. A grey cloud covering the bright light of the sun whole. Seems that rain would come at any moment.

The breakfast is ready, Nera then appear before the dining table. She always know when everything is ready like it was scheduled. She then hop on the dining chair and check on her gadget. Unlike the other morning too, she seems not in the mood of good morning. Well, I can't blame her since the weather is doing the same. Also, we had a great dinner last night so I can't complain if she feel the breakfast menu is looks normal.

"Put down you gadget, Nera. It is time for breakfast."


She's obedient, she immediately put that smart phone of hers beside her. Then using fork and spoon, she ate the breakfast like she always do. Looking at her chewing those breakfast menu, I feel delighted as she enjoy her breakfast. Thus, our morning goes the same like always.

I took the newspaper which always available freshly in the morning, bring it with me and enjoy the morning at the front yard of the house. Pouring down the tea by myself, I enjoy the tea while reading some news from the newspaper. Waiting for Nera to be done with her self cleaning, I feel the joy enjoying the time where I can do everything I want to do.

The news is all the same, not much change to this city or world or whatsoever. But some has change, there's a sport section available in this newspaper. Schools are compete each other to gain world recognition nowadays, the world seems has change after these past five years without me. Just the way how I wishes for my life.

I then smiled for a second.

"Cade ! I am ready." call Nera while approach me in the front yard.

"Alright, let me clean this up first." I then stand from the chair and tidying everything I've made, "Remember this, Nera. She is not our enemies any longer."

"I know. I'll behave."


The appointment we agree is still yesterday but for today I just want to check how's our meeting place would be. Somewhere around the city, a place called The Tower aka Mist Surveillance Center under Tania Bloodtide "The Tiny Devil" is officially open. There's an opening ceremony for the place to open and serve the people around. Also, it's an official brand-new product from the military itself which trying to protect the cub city from the hazard of the mist.

Displaying her title as "The Tiny Devil" is quite awkward for me. An agency to deal with evil using evil is ridiculous in front of my eyes. But since everyone has recognize her reputation and her deeds protecting the city and beyond, it much easier to put their faith on her since her nickname is also obtained by people aspiration and notion.

The opening ceremony will be held this afternoon, right when the sun at its highest point above our head. There's plenty time before the ceremony take place but before that we want to explore the city first just to make sure if the city is clean.

"So Nera, are you well prepared ?"

"Like as and always."

Thus we depart to the city while bringing our combat equipment invisibly. Blend like the other people in general, we both explore the city fully aware. Not meant to find a rush, we just observe and look if someone in trouble. Like the agency before it officially announced, we just done their job before blatantly exposed like them.

Achieving my own peaceful day by my own hands.




Tania Bloodtide, a fearsome leader amongst the other major general. Has a great reputation in educating and classify her liege to be the most excellent one. Not much be able to pass her entrance exam, only a certain people who had the most determined heart chosen as her right hand and also the country.

Bright golden shining eyes, she use to threatens every obstacle lying on her path. Beautiful face which men are craving for, she use to seduce and assassinate her enemy. Ideal body which woman are craving for, she use to be agile on every combat and overwhelm her opponents. Without hesitation, she use every advantage of hers to gain gold, glory, and ranks to overcome this world at her very young age.

Exact seven age, she start to join military and gain her everything at eleven. A genius to be precise but also a monster at every fight. Beating every opponents on the other side merciless. Torture them and breaking their mental until her opponents obedient to her side and this country like a puppy in a leash.

The Tiny Devil she was blessed with that name. The name who put a terror to every opponent who dare to oppose her and her country. But also because of that name, the country she protect is gain its peace. A peace where everybody would dreamed which there's no longer evil society who always make ruckus on the past.

An evil born angel, that's how everyone describe her.

But still, everyone is never been born completely perfect. There's an enemy which she still unable to defeat until now, the nightmare. An incarnation of the great catastrophe take form in shadowy like object crawling on the outer side of the world, the magic contained mist.

Some said the magic contained mist is the incarnation of an evil being from the past, swallowing whole the world in anger. Slowly, scraping the foundation of this world, eating every pole that hold the weight of this world. But that just the tale from the past, passed on by mouth to mouth. In front of my boss's eyes, it's not as simple as that.

I've been told once, since I am also one of her right hand in the past, this mist is a method to save this world from the wicked and evil witch in the past. The mist is trying to protect us from what we don't know. From time to time, the wickedness spread and corrupt the mist. But that's also the part of the plan, to protect the human from getting weak and keep strong fighting the evil which always been born from the unpredicted part of this world.

Thus, she strengthen her will. Forging her lance of determination to keep piercing through the space and time until there were no longer the wickedness of the nightmare exist and prevent destroying the world she love so much.

That's the boss I know. Since the first time our eyes met, I know that this person is a person who would eventually change the perspective of mine against this world. Our ideology of peace may be different in the past. But for now, somehow I want to believe what she believe by standing beside her since she already believe in me also.

I stand on the highest place of the city, observe the ceremony using a binoculars which I still keep from the past. Nera beside me is enjoying her tea time. Accompanied by some sweet ginger biscuit and other sweet, she could stay still on that chair.

"It's almost over." I speak to her.

"That's a long one. Glad you found the place we could spying on her comfortably like this. Stand atop the highest tower just peek the ceremony and eat like a person who's in hunger. You are the odd one for sure."

"You enjoy it, do you ?"

"I am. Thanks for bringing me here. I would also be GLAD if you don't spending most of your time looking at her. We are here not to stalk her to be precise."

The last word Nera gave to me, I completely ignore that. Tania Bloodtide is peek at my vision first before her word came which make me surprised very well. On that split second, she found me, looking precisely at my binocular, approach my vision exact at the center of my vision. As expected from the boss, she won't let her guard down even the slightest.

"The boss is shaking hands. Nera, let's do it."

"It is the time, eh."

Nera stand from her chair, approach beside me, and straighten her body. We both watch the ceremony solemnly. Seeing the boss approach the mayor of the town, we then clap our hands together to appreciate her achievement. And when the boss shake the mayor's hand, we salute at her for a second.

The boss slightly raise her head, looking at us doing a salute for her atop of this tower. She's smiled, seems that our salutation has done the trick. Thus she walk away, The Tower is now officially open to protect this city.

Nera is already bored, she know why do I want to do this but she also the one who told me not to since the percentage of she smiling is small. But now she is, just wait for the time doing it work and let the next day be a mystery. I was just hoping that she knew that I am grateful at her. Bring me back to a home where should I belong.

"Let's go, Cade. I am done with this place."

"Are you sure, no food or beverage before leaving ? Take home or anything ?"

"One thing ! I want to try carbonated tea."

"That's my girl."

To be continued.....