
Serpentis (Monster Evolution Novel)

Born to a dying world, Charlie crawled out of the abusive pit he called home and sought a better life. Yet, even that was ripped out right from his grasp. Unable to control anything else but his own Fate, Charlie took his life in the face of an unjust reality. The story does not end there, though. Reality itself peels away as Charlie gazes upon the eternal abyss - and realises he is not alone. Propelled through the territory of the gods, Charlie lands onto an alien world. Birthed anew, into a new body, Charlie wakes and begins his journey from nothing. Still broken and reeling from the horrors of his past life, Charlie struggles to keep himself together as the horrors of today attempt to finish the job. Yet, when all was nearly lost in the depths of eternal darkness, a sorcerous encounter changed the Serpents path forever. ---- A/N ---- Please share your thoughts and criticisms freely in the comments, I cannot wait to read them all! If you see any inconsistency, or error, please point it out and I will fix them as soon as possible! I post Monday - Saturday. Also, join our discord! https://discord.gg/8mBPzSPj4v Content Warning: PTSD, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts, Graphic Violence, Child Abuse.

Nospacess · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Prologue 4

A sudden crash in the distance jolted Charlie and Sabrina awake. Ripping the covers off and scrambling out of bed, Charlie kisses Sabrina's head.

"I'll be back. Gonna check on this real fast!" Charlie said.

"Be careful!" she rasped out with her morning voice.

Charlie gave her one last look and a quick smile before heading out of the tent. The crisp air quickly sunk into Charlie's skin. His eyes adjusted to the early morning light, dew drops had collected on the plants and trees.

Others from the caravan were also exiting their tents, all equally confused. Everyone was searching for the source of the sound.

The sound of a deep, throaty growl reached Charlie. He recognised the sound, sending shivers down his spine.

The distant growl grew in intensity, quickly turning into a strenuous snarl. The source of the noise was getting closer.

Charlie, and everyone else, quickly scrambled towards where the weapons were left last night. He was the first one to collect his weaponry, quickly putting it on his leather belt holster. The weight of the daggers felt reassuring on his hip.

After arming themselves, the few that got to there first helped distribute the weaponry amongst the growing crowd. 

He heard another crash coming from the southern perimeter followed by a loud snapping sound.

One of the walls had collapsed.

The realisation shot through everyone simultaneously, shifting them into an even higher gear. A seasoned and powerful group of men brandished their weapons and were ready for whatever had just broken through the camp walls.

Everyone from the tents nearest to the breach had already exited in droves. Women, children and some of the elderly were already grouping up behind the quickly assembled defending force.

Everyones eyes finally made contact with the grotesque beast that had broken through.

A Toradh.

Patches of fur strewn atop a mountain of muscle. It stood on it's hind legs, easily towering over 6 meters, peering over the tops of the tents. It's hideous maw open in a hunger Charlie didn't want to satiate. The eyes of the Toradh burned through the group, leaving everyone dismayed.

Dropping to its forelegs, it jumped into a sprint.

"Toradh!" one man screamed.

The Toradh released a sound akin to a howl that broke into a snarl.

"Quickly, surround it. Long reach get to the front," commanded Charlie.

The beast was moments away from colliding with them. The group quickly dispersed with practised ease, avoiding the first downward swipe.

Those with longer machetes or even humble homemade spears ran to the front. The shorter daggers and knife wielders gathered in the back. Charlie was at the front grabbing it's attention and facing down the horrific creature. Those at the back were already trying to find angles to try and cut it's hind legs and hinder its movement.

Those that wielded daggers rather than machetes had a much tougher time defeating anything large. Their lack of range meant they would be risking their lives with any attempt to fight a large creature. They were a painful necessity as there just wasn't enough metal to go around and equip everyone with machetes.

One way the group had found to dispense of larger beasts was to cut their tendons in their hind legs, which gave the short ranged fighters a use. It wont kill the beast but anyone or anything, no matter how big, that cannot move is as good as dead.

The Toradh fell into wild swipes and reckless charges into the seasoned men. Charlie organised and re-organised the group via quick calls they had developed for group fighting.

Even all of their experience and skill didn't provide them much of an advantage against this nightmarish creature.

The Toradh pushed itself up on it's hind legs, lunging at an unfortunate man who had been sprinting between positions. The man was caught right beside one of the tents and couldn't move out of the way to dodge the falling beast.

His bones splintered and exploded as he was violently crushed under the mammoth creature. A short, but feral, scream escaped the man's lips – quickly silenced by the creature biting down on his head.

The group looked on in horror, as one of their close friends was being brutalised. This wasn't something they had prepared for today. Charlie wasted no time and began quickly calling out commands to the group. It only took them a brief moment before they overcame their shock got back into position.

Like so, the group danced around the mighty creature, slowly whittling away what little mobility it had left. The Toradh was big and bad, but it wasn't unkillable. Charlie knew he'd lose a few men, or even his own life here – but things were definitely turning in their favour right now.

The beasts charges and swipes were quickly losing power. Blood soaked it's fur and the heat that radiated off it's body turned to steam in the chilly morning air. The flames in its eyes burned away to embers.

The Toradh moved its head back, staring into the sky and let out a desperate, pained howl.

Charlie's smile was just as quickly wiped off his face as he heard an answer.

Maybe he imagined it. Maybe it was just some creature in the wild running away at the sight of the creature.

It could have been anything.

Then, there was another howl. Opposite to them and distant, but it was that same howl. With another two Toradhs, the situation turned from desperate to fucked.

Intending to finish this quickly, Charlie dashed directly at the wounded creature. The Toradh retaliated with a swpie at Charlie. It was slow enough for him to dodge and deliver his own strike on the disgusting paw.

The bear shifted in pain and reared its head to bite at Charlie - who had already started his footwork dodging out of the way. He swung the machete down and felt it connect again and then brought his center of gravity as close to him as possible. He then spun to the left creating distance.

The powerful body of the beast crumpled as it put weight on the gimped limb, but it wasn't enough to keep it down for long. It seemed that it's fury was the only thing powering it as it desperately lunged at Charlie again.

Finding the moment to dodge was difficult in a normal situation, but this was anything but normal. The creature was beaten, bleeding and exhausted.

Bringing his body low to the ground and utilizing his smaller frame, he was able to get under the attack. Redirecting his momentum he swung the machete upwards in an arc, aimed directly at the soft part under it's chin.

The Toradh not being able to move it's head out of the way quickly enough felt it's neck violently open and it's jaw slam shut. Charlie seizing the moment grabbed the beasts head and drove his knee upwards. Like a hammer to a nail, the machete drove into the vile creatures brain - ending it immediately.

His chest heaved and his heart pounded in his ears. The surrounding sound was slow to return, but the distant screams pulled him back to reality.

One Toradh was enough for their entire group. Two more Toradhs would spell their end before they could even fully register just how fucked they were.

Charlie looked around for Sabrina, he needed to find her.

"Charlie, are you okay?!" bellowed out Franky.

"Fine, where is Sabrina?"

"This way!" Franky motioned.

Franky quickly led the way to Sabrina who was handing out weapons to all of those that shouldn't wield them in any normal situation. Everyone knew there was no choice and there was no time for debating. The only way to live right now was to fight.

The kids were being quickly taught by the elderly the basics of how to use the given blades. The mothers attempted to create some sense of distance between the creatures and the kids by placing their bodies in the direct collision paths.

"Sabrina!" Charlie shouted.

She turned and tears began pouring out involuntarily. She gave the weapons in her hands to the nearest person and ran towards Charlie.

"Charlie! Oh my god Charlie they're coming! We-w-we gotta get out of here!" wept Sabrina.

"Baby I know, I know but we can't run. There's two of them. We're gonna fight. You stay a a good few feet behind me. Okay?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

A tiresome amount of thoughts raced through her eyes for just a moment. She placed her trembling hands on his face and mouthed out an okay. Then again with a bit more force.


The first Toradh crashed through the wall only a dozen meters to their left. The second quickly appearing through the same gap that the dead Toradh tore through.

"Split the forces! Ralph, command group two!" Charlie screamed at the top of his lungs.

The seasoned warriors split into two and quickly organised the non-combatants into even forces.

The non-combatants were placed behind the Toradhs, as their inexperience with handling beasts of that stature would cause the least amount of difficulties for the fighters.

Letting go of Sabrina, Charlie charged towards the head of the closest group. Keeping a side eye glued to Sabrina and the nearest creature, he called out to the group taking charge again – mirroring the already organised group lead by Ralph.

The battle quickly turned to chaos as the inexperience of the newly equipped combatants began to painfully show itself. A flurry of slashes were aimed at both of the Toradhs but it wasn't enough. The thick hide of these beasts were too tough for the weak and untrained, their blades bouncing right off.

The kids were the first to start falling.

Either frozen with fear or driven mad by the situation, they were quickly targeted and fell. One by one.

The mothers could only carry so many children to safety. The elderly could only move so quickly to try and save them. The fighters could only be in so many places.

The elderly couldn't keep up and then they too, fell. 

They weren't able to put up much of a fight – aged bodies too far corrupted and injured by a hard life in the irradiated land. Torn to pieces by claws the size of their heads and chewed on by the lethal jaws of the Toradh, they fell.

The desperation came in powerful waves of stupid mistakes. Each person that had succumbed to fear perished before they realised what was going on.

Some ran away to try and escape the creature, but they too would die. Whether it was today or tomorrow it wouldn't make a difference. Being alone out in the wilderness was the same as suicide.

A Toradh stood on it's hind legs, staring down an unfortunate woman. The group that was chasing the creature were too late. They watched as the woman was crushed under the weight of a creature, not slowing it down for even a moment. As if she didn't exist in its path.

The creatures charged and swipe at targets that took their fancy, at least it didn't seem like there was rhyme or reason. There was nothing anyone could do to stop a charging Toradh, so they just attempted to get out of the way. Unfortunately, with two Toradhs it meant it took them a few moments to check their surroundings before reacting, moments nobody had.

Charlie was currently the sole target of a charging Toradh.

It stomped it's way through the crowd with throaty growls pouring out of it's mouth. People could only dive out of the way as it tore through them. Charlie sprinted with everything he had in the hopes that he might be able to change the creatures trajectory, drawing it away from the crowd.

The tent that Charlie had ran behind was no obstacle, tearing it down with a single swipe. One piece of metal shot off of the tent, hitting Charlie's shoulder. Luckily it didn't penetrate, but it sure as fuck hurt.

The force of the metal piece had thrown Charlie off balance, momentarily slowing him. That was the brief moment the Toradh needed to change the course of the battle.

It lunged at Charlie, swiping its humongous claw in an arc. Charlie just had enough time to use the momentum of his fall to jump into a roll – just barely avoiding the swipe.

The Toradh stumbled forward as it's lunge was clearly done out of fury and didn't expect to miss. Laboriously shuffling it's massive body, the Toradh struggled to get up.

Charlie was back up on his feet and already charging at the Toradh. It was the only chance he was going to get to quickly end the fight. He knew his dagger could pierce the Toradhs hide in the right place, he just needed to get there.

With horrific movements, the Toradh raised it's head and attempted a fruitless chomp. Charlie had the time to see the creatures broken foreleg as he ducked low. That stumble must have been worse than it looked.

In his current position he'd have no way to deal a lethal blow, but his quick thinking allowed him to swap the dagger from his right to his left hand. It might not be enough, but at least he could capitalise on the situation.

Charlie grabbed the creatures head with his free arm and pushed the dagger deep into its neck with the other. With so much force being exerted, Charlie couldn't hold his voice back and let out a deep scream.

The creatures body shuddered and it attempted to fight back, its weak movements never reaching Charlie. He bore his dagger deeper and deeper still. The flesh gave way as its point finally scraped against bone.

He took his second hand and added even more power into the dagger, pushing the beast down onto the ground. The dagger felt something give way and a new sensation flowed over Charlies hands.

No moment to breathe.

Charlie tried to rip the dagger out of its head with great effort, but the creatures skull fought back and promised to not let go of the weapon.

As he was about to give up, his world went sideways.

A sharp pain that flashed through his body was quickly doused away by a cool numbness. The world was slowly turning but everything looked wrong, everything was upside down.

He blinked and suddenly he was back on the ground. At least the world seemed the right way around this time.

His muddled and eerily calm thoughts were attempting to fade away but something held him here, held him present in this moment.

His wife and child.

He could hear her voice, garbled and unclear, but it reached his ears. He could tell that she was nearby but he couldn't make out what she was screaming at him, but... It was urgent.

His fingers grabbed the grass to try and pull him forward but even that was cut short. Another Toradh had crashed into him and had currently flung him into the air.

The final Toradh was rampaging amongst the non-combatants. Their bodies crumpling under the weight of the creature, falling victim their vicious claws - Tossed aside like they were paper.

His head was swimming but he could see it. The Toradh was charging Sabrina.

She tried to turn and call for help.

Charlie screamed.

Her body desperately tried to create distance.

Charlie tried getting up. His body didn't listen. Breaking eye contact with Sabrina for but a moment, he looked down.

He didn't have his legs. They were strewn to somewhere he couldn't see.

He looked back up.

The Toradh had already sunk it's claws into Sabrina's skull.

Her headless corpse fell to the ground as the Toradh continued it's charge.

Like glass shattering, Charlie's world just died in front of him.

Everything suddenly went quiet. So quiet. The furious creature faded away from view.

Everything inside him died.

The Toradh continued it's charge past Charlie, it's legs barely missing his body. It turned on it's hind legs and twisted as it killed another fleeing woman. It continued further back into the middle of the camp – The sounds of bones crunching and flesh tearing could be heard a mere moment later.

His eyes couldn't move. They were stuck on his wife. On her corpse.

He weakly shoved his hand forward, grabbing the grass to pull himself forward.


He pulled.

Fuck no.

He pulled with his other hand.

Not her.

He moved forward.

Anyone but her.

"Please," he screamed through bloodied teeth.

I couldn't do anything.It wasn't my fault.I couldn't save them.I wasn't strong enough.I am weak.

My father was right.I did kill them in the end.I killed Sabrina.

I killed our child.

He pulled.

His voice growled out in fury, as his hands tried their best to close the distance between them.

The closer he pulled himself to the last remnants of his world, the worse the sobbing got.

"You can't be gone,"

"You're the only thing that matters in this place," he cried, bloodied spittle falling off every word.

"Baby please," he coughed, finally reaching her.

His hands which landed on her body were covered in things his mind refused to accept. He rejected what he saw and got closer, he needed to see her face.

Sabrina's eyes were open wide with shock, her mouth crooked and broken. Her final words never reached Charlie.

"I nev… never got to say goodbye," he sobbed.

No. I didn't kill her.

I didn't kill them.

Maddening flames ignited deep inside him. Deeper than anything he had ever felt. It burned with such rage.

A sound closer to a beasts wails escaped Charlie's mouth as he pounded at the ground, covering himself in blood and gore.

Theey fuckking did...

Charlie could now hear it. The distant thumps of the Toradh's legs bounding across the slick ground.

No. You will not kill me.

Charlie took a knife from his holster and quickly pointed it at his own head.

I wont give it to you.

With every fiber of my being, I fucking hate you – Oh I fucking HATE you...

With thoughts of unbridled fury, Charlie sunk the knife deep through the roof of his mouth into the base of his skull.