
Chapter 584 Task Preparation

Mr. All-known and the pond owner both turned their gaze as if they were watching a drama unfold.

After all, General Li Ba's name was too dazzling. It was rare to watch Li Changhe become the center of gossip.

"That's not it!" Li Changhe said with a face full of frustration.

Of course, he wasn't into flat chests; it just so happened that the girl wasn't too busty... In this regard, as her boyfriend, Li Changhe was the one with the most say.

In fact, Xiao Nan had always been self-conscious about her figure, more or less affected by that bastard Chen Yu's provocations.

"So you mean you do prefer them bigger?" Chen Yu teased, "I might have to tattle on you to her."

"Too much, man. Just get going," Li Changhe complained as he waved them off, and passed the Mo Jade to Chen Yu, asking her to take Brother Ting for a good tour since he couldn't bring the Symbiotic Body into the task this time.

Chen Yu's words, however, did not only sting Li Changhe.