

In a world where she felt utterly alone, a young girl's life took a surprising twist. After her father's passing, her mother vanished, leaving her without a soul to lean on. Just when it seemed like hope had abandoned her, destiny intervened. A chance encounter with a mysterious boy breathed new life into her existence. He became not just a friend, but the one true confidant she had longed for. As days turned into nights, the bonds of friendship deepened, evolving into a love they could no longer deny. Yet, their love story wasn't without its hurdles. Shadows from their pasts appearaed large, threatening to tear them apart. The question remained: Would fate guide them towards their dreams of happiness, or would it drag them through trials that tested the very limits of their love? In this tale of love and destiny, two souls navigated the treacherous waters of life, hoping that their love would ultimately lead them to the happiness they yearned for, and not leave them to endure suffering until the end of time.

MARYAMjk · Urban
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43 Chs

An Unexpected Encounter

Anna looked at Wennes with concern, her voice softening as she said, "You know, I've tried countless times to make my anxious heart understand, but it feels like every effort has only brought more pain."

As the clock struck 9:00 PM, the world outside was cloaked in darkness, heavy raindrops descending from the heavens like a ceaseless cascade. The wind, with its mournful howl, sang a haunting melody that echoed through the night.

With swollen, puffy eyes still bearing the weight of recent tears, Anna entered her bedroom.

In this intimate sanctuary, she summoned the soft, warm glow of a lamp, casting gentle light upon her favorite chair positioned by the window. There, she sat, allowing the enchanting rhythm of the rain to wash over her like a comforting lullaby.

Her coffee, cradled in her hands, brought forth a fleeting smile. The cold breeze, brushing her toes, sent a shiver of exhilaration up her spine, and she felt herself ascending to a higher state of being.

With care, she plucked her cherished novel from its place and embarked on its pages.

Dark, ebony strands of hair danced in harmony with the wind, which she gently tucked behind her ear with her delicate hands—a small, round face framed by big, soulful doe eyes and a little cherry nose.

An angelic aura seemed to grace her very presence as she delved deeper into the written world before her.

Then, a sudden disturbance halted her journey through the book. Her eyes welled up with tears as she encountered a passage that struck a deep chord within her.

With a sorrowful voice, she read those lines aloud, and her voice, laden with emotion, merged seamlessly with the symphony of the rain outside, creating a heart-wrenching moment in the stillness of the night.

"As she reads, this is me, I am the eye of the storm, and my heart is a little broken, but if you want me, I'm yours."

Tears continued to trickle down her cheeks as she drifted into dreams, the echoes of her weeping and the soothing patter of rain forming the backdrop to her restless sleep.

The following morning dawned with a fresh sun. She awoke at 10 o'clock, already late for work. In a rush, she sprang out of bed, washed her face, and threw on her work attire. Catching the nearby bus to the mart where she worked, it seemed like just another ordinary day.

At 3:00 in the afternoon, her stomach rumbled with hunger. She grabbed a cup of noodles and headed outside the store to indulge. Healthy food wasn't her forte, but her appearance defied her eating habits, as she remained healthy and smart.

As she slurped down noodles, she tied her hair back to keep them from interfering. After lunch, she scrolled through her phone before returning to her job.

Her workday concluded at 6:00 in the evening, after which she tutored children. She had grown accustomed to this tough life, devoid of friends and luxuries.

At 8:00 pm, she wrapped up tutoring and took the bus back home.

The next day began at 8:00 am.

She prepared breakfast and reluctantly got ready for work, feeling lethargic and tired. However, she had no other choice.

Locking her door, she set off for the nearby bus station.

On her way, a young boy, no older than 21, collided with her, causing her bag to tumble to the ground. The boy had freckles, a sharp jawline, and an innocent look in his eyes as he swiftly snatched her bag and made a run for it.

Shock rendered her speechless; she watched helplessly as he disappeared. Tears welled up, but she wiped them away, resigned to her fate. She continued to work, her heart heavy with the loss of her phone, ID card, and other essentials. There was no one to turn to for help.

At least her keys were in her hand when her bag got snatched. Without lunch and feeling hungry, she ventured to a nearby restaurant. There, she savored fried chicken with rice, a rare homemade treat.

Afterwards, her work break approached, but she was not in a mood for tutoring today, which seldom happened.

Throughout the day, her face remained expressionless as she waited at the bus station but soon decided to walk home.

As she walked, her thoughts and emotions seemed to dissipate. She entered her alley, lost in her own world.

Then, something unimaginable and unexpected transpired. Her eyes locked with the boy who had stolen her bag. He stood in the dark corner of the alley, as if awaiting someone.

She froze, her pace halted, a mixture of fear and confusion etched on her face. The silence in the atmosphere was palpable.

The boy grinned, unsettling her further. Fear gripped her, and her heart raced.

But what unfolded next promised even greater intrigue and suspense as he slowly advanced towards her.

Her breath quickened, and her grasp on reality slipped as the boy flashed a smile.

His hands remained hidden, a mystery lurking behind his back. She tried to brush past him, ignoring the unease, but he gently halted her, revealing her bag.

Confusion swirled within her as he stepped closer, returning her purse with a whispered, "Long time no see." Then, like a phantom, he vanished into the shadows.

Fear gripped her, and she hastened home, locking the door hastily, gripped by fright. She changed into her pajamas, not dwelling on his cryptic words.

Clinging to her cherished picture frame, bearing a photo of her and her father, she sought solace in sleep, hoping to banish the unsettling encounter.


"Darling Anna, my baby girl! What are you playing with? Look, Father has brought you your favorite sweets. Baba Anna loves you so much."

Suddenly, a loud knock echoed at the door.

"Let me go and see who's at the door."


Anna rushed to the door, and the next moment, she screamed.

"Huh, huh," she woke up, struggling for air. Tears welled in her eyes, and she felt overwhelmingly parched. Fear enveloped her, as if she had just escaped a nightmare.

She rose and made her way to the kitchen, downing two glasses of water.

Then, she curled up on the floor, hugging her knees and burying her head within them, trying to shake off the lingering dread from her dream.

The next morning brought a glimmer of hope, as it was Friday, the anniversary of her father's passing. She had taken the day off work to visit his cemetery.

Carefully, she selected her favorite dress, a treasured relic adorned with elegant Egyptian embroidery.

Though it was a decade old, it still held its charm in black and grey hues.

She dressed herself with grace, adding her cherished earrings and rings, and even dabbling in light makeup, a rarity for her.

With her purse and umbrella in hand, she set out, her emotions a mix of nostalgia and melancholy, as this visit had become a routine.

Arriving at the cemetery, she placed fruits by her father's grave, a customary offering. She spoke to him as if he were alive, recounting her daily life and how much she missed him.

Tears did not flow, but her emotions ran deep. In the end, she whispered, "Baba, I wish somebody could change my life in a second." With a final gesture of respect, she departed.

Her next decision was spontaneous but heartfelt. She decided to visit her hometown, Dreake, where she had spent her early years with her father.

It lay 52 kilometers away, near the Basuf River.

She walked a few kilometers and then boarded a bus. However, an unsettling gut feeling crept in, suggesting someone was following her.

To her dismay, the young boy who had snatched her purse had indeed followed her onto the bus. Insecure and annoyed, she kept her discomfort to herself, not one to complain or confront strangers.

As the bus filled up, he stood beside her, a silent but suspicious presence.

A sudden turn led to an unexpected collision between them, leaving them tangled together on the bus floor. Her hair got caught in the boy's collar button, and as she tried to free herself, she glimpsed his name tag, which read "PORSCHE." She whispered a wish for him to leave quickly.

Throughout the journey, they remained in silence, both seemingly headed to the same bus stop, her hometown. As they reached the stop, shock washed over her when she saw the boy preparing to disembark as well. It was the only stop for her hometown, leaving her stunned and speechless.

It was a perplexing situation, raising questions about whether they were old friends from the same hometown who had forgotten each other, mere strangers bound for the same destination, or if the boy had some undisclosed purpose there.