
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime und Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 55

Upon arriving at Asia's location with Kunou, all of Sona and her peerage were elated that Sephiroth came to help them with their current situation even if it had nothing to do with him. But they were mildly surprised that he didn't come alone and brought Kunou with him to a known battlefield.

"Um, Sephiroth-san not that I'm not happy that you came to help but why did you bring Kunou-chan with you as well. It is dangerous here for her." Asia said while she turned her head to face Sephiroth and Kunou while she still continued to channel her magical power in the force field that they had set up.

"What Asia says is right, Sephiroth, I'm slightly disappointed that you would bring Kunou with you here knowing what is going on." Sona said with some clear disappointment in her tone of voice. While she has a favored opinion of Sephiroth doing something like this didn't seem like something that Sephiroth would do especially considering his relationship with Kunou.

All of the others were of similar thoughts to what Asia and Sona with Sephiroth bringing little Kunou with him. Sephiroth just wanting to get this over with he finally spoke up to the group before him. "With me here, nothing will get even close to harming Kunou." he said it with such strong determination in his voice that everyone that heard it couldn't help but believe him. While Kunou couldn't help but have a big smile on her face hearing this making her snuggle into Sephiroth's arm.

After that Sona went into more detail of what they know and what is going on with Kokabiel and his followers. After hearing everything that they had to say to him he started walking toward the force field that they created with Kunou holding his hand almost like they are going for a walk not into a known battlefield.

Sighing out loud "I hope you know what you're doing Sephiroth with bringing Kunou with you. Let me lower the forcefield for you to walk through, we are not able to make a doorway for you to get through." she said but before she could lower the whole forcefield.

"There is no need" was all that he said and then lifted his free hand and concentrated his magic on the tip of his pointer finger he created a small ball of white light that held so much magical power that it scared the others around him since he used the light element to make it. All they felt is that if that small ball of light were to touch them they would disappear into nothingness without leaving anything behind. He then touched the forcefield and they all watched as it shattered like glass and fell apart, all of Sona's group were frozen with slightly slack jaws because of what just happened.

It must be known that all nine of them put a great portion of their magical power into that forcefield to stop the spread of the damage of the fight going on inside so while individually they were much weaker than Sephiroth they believed that with all nine of them channeling to create this forcefield it was incredibly strong thus Sephiroth wouldn't have been able to break it like he did. They vastly underestimated how strong Sephiroth truly is but even he didn't know how strong he was so they couldn't be blamed really.

Before they could out of their stupor Sephiroth started to walk toward the sound of fighting but before he got to far away he waved his arm to the side and created another forcefield of his own that replaced the one he just took down but he also made it slightly bigger so that Sona and her peerage were in the inside now instead of the outside. He did this so they could watch if they wanted and help out anyone that is injured considering the two groups are friends with each other. The forcefield that Sephiroth created was vastly stronger than the one that Sona's group made and he also didn't need to continue to channel his magical power into it like they did. It was so strong that it could hold up to five all out attacks of Satan class devils.

"Come on Asia Onii-chan, let's go watch Onii-chan beat up the bad guy" Kunou yelled back which broke all of them back there out of their stupor that they quickly caught up to the two to watch the show as Kunou put it.

As the group walked for a bit you could hear the sound of swords clashing with each other. When Sephiroth arrived he saw Kiba and a girl who he believed to be Xenovia fighting a silvered hair guy who had a crazed look on his face holding what he assumed to be holy swords if what he is sensing is right.

When Kiba saw the group led by Sephiroth he breathed a sigh of relief because he and Xenovia were struggling against this stray priest called Freed. While they are both strong swords wielders, Freed is in possession of 4 of the 6 holy swords right now each with their own special ability because of this it makes it hard to fight him. It is because of this they are both on the losing end of this fight so when Kiba saw Sephiroth and the group behind him he knew that Freed wouldn't be a problem for them anymore, this means that he then can go get his revenge and save his king at the same time.

Kiba pushing Freed back gave himself enough space to finally talk to Sephiroth "Sephiroth would it be too much trouble for you to help me out here?"

"Do you need him alive?" was all that Sephiroth asked

"No, not particularly we already know the whole plan due to Kokabiel telling us so doesn't matter" Kiba said back to which Sephiroth only nodded his head to this and walked forward leaving behind Kunou with Sona's group.

Freed seeing this new guy coming "Who is this shitty person devil scum, couldn't handle me yourself so you get your daddy to help ya hmmm" laughed Freed as he kicked Xenovia in the stomach sending her several meters away.

"Look I don't know who you are but don't but in my fun right here okay" Freed says while pointing one of his holy swords toward Sephiroth.

While walking slowly toward Freed "Tell me what do you cherish most. Give me the pleasure of taking it away?" Sephiroth asked while he summoned his sword Zetsubo.

Freed while showing a confused look on his face being asked this now of all times still decided to answer for the hell of it "What a shitty question of course it is delivering pain to others and reaping their lives, the look on their faces just feels me with such bliss" he said to which Sephiroth just gave him a cold stare one which could freeze the soul.

After hearing what Freed had to say Sephiroth released his killing intent and focused all of it on him, when Freed felt this he froze on the spot and felt like he was being suffocated and crushed. He had cold sweat all over his body but there was nothing that he could do about it. When Sephiroth got a little closer to Freed he made two quick slashes with his sword and sent out two sword beams toward Freed who seeing this couldn't do anything to stop it.

When the two sword beams connected with Freed all you could hear from him was a scream of unbelievable pain coming from his mouth and when everyone looked at him they saw that he was missing his two arms and blood was flowing from where his shoulders were supposed to.

Sephiroth then released him from his killing intent and Freed fell to his knees wailing in pain why he looked at his now severed arms lying next to him on the ground. "What the fuck, it hurts you bastard, fix it fix it fix it now." Screamed Freed toward Sephiroth completely disregarding what he just did to him just wanting the pain to stop and his arms back where they are supposed to be.

Sephiroth disregarded what Freed said to him and kicked him down with his foot to the chest and then created two large icicles and pinned his legs down to the ground to which Freed cried out in pain even more because of the new holes that are in his legs.

"Pathetic" was all that Sephiroth said and then went and grabbed Kunou's hand and flew away toward Kokabiel and Rias' group. Leaving Sona's group behind as well as Kiba and Xenovia, who were all quite shocked at the viciousness of Sephiroth. He literally took the man's arms away so he couldn't hurt anyone else or even help himself and then pinned him to the ground with large icicles in his legs so that he would bleed to death unable to do anything about it.

While the group hated Freed they did feel some slight pity for the man being left to die like this but they chose to ignore this man and follow Sephiroth and Kunou. Ignoring the screams of pain that he is letting out behind them as they all follow what Sephiroth did and fly as well.

Another done next a certain someone going to get his ass kicked

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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