
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Jealous Madame Hu

"The esteemed sir possesses a remarkable strategy, and the arrangements are meticulously organized," Huang Rong flattered, causing the cunning Ling Tuisi to feel a surge of satisfaction. After all, when such a stunning woman bestowed compliments in person, it was only natural for a man to feel a sense of pride.

"However, patrols inevitably leave gaps in their coverage. It would be prudent for me, as the younger sister, to lead a group of beggars to remain within the mansion in case of unforeseen circumstances," Huang Rong suggested in her soft voice, subtly appealing to Ling Tuisi's thoughts and desires. After all, one must not disregard the happiness of a beautiful woman.

"Excellent, excellent," Ling Tuisi beamed with delight, casting a glance at the individuals accompanying Huang Rong, and inquired, "And who might these individuals be?"

"These two are disciples of my late husband, Wu Xiuwen—Wu Dunru. They are our fellow beggars," Huang Rong introduced them one by one.

Song Qingshu observed the two with curiosity. Despite Yang Guo's evaluation of them as "useless fools," they possessed decent appearances and appeared to possess considerable martial arts skills. Perhaps they were not as inept as initially presumed.

The conversation then shifted to the ongoing battle at the frontline in Xiangyang. Song Qingshu grew increasingly bored and seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed.

With Huang Rong's presence, coupled with the malicious intent of the Xueshan faction and the lurking Wu Liuqi, Jingzhou City was undoubtedly shrouded in a dark undercurrent. It seemed increasingly imperative to ensure Ding Dian and Ling Shuanghua's departure from the city.

Finding a secluded spot within the mansion, Song Qingshu stretched his body and settled beneath a towering tree. Moments later, two muffled grunts reached his ears. A faint smile played on his lips as he kept his eyes closed and spoke, "You're here~"

"Aren't you too lazy to call out now?" Madam Hu emerged from the shadows, her voice filled with annoyance.

The good-hearted individuals may have departed, but the allure of beauty remained. Song Qingshu rose to his feet and remarked, "Who can blame me? My sister-in-law appears so youthful and delicate. From an outsider's perspective, you hardly seem old enough to be called 'sister.' It would be more appropriate for me to address you as 'sister-in-law,' don't you think?"

Aware that he was teasing her, Madam Hu found it difficult to summon genuine anger. She consoled herself with the thought that Song Qingshu was an easygoing and informal person.

"Enough with your arrogant nonsense!" Madam Hu deliberately maintained a stern expression. "Tell me quickly if there's something you need. The prefectural office is heavily guarded, and we must leave as soon as possible to avoid detection."

As it turned out, Song Qingshu had anticipated the challenges of communication once inside the Yamen. Therefore, he had arranged with Madam Hu to relay information to him each evening at this designated location.

Ms. Hu discreetly monitored the surroundings outside the mansion. Song Qingshu'sMs. Hu covertly monitored the situation outside the mansion, eagerly awaiting Song Qingshu's arrival. His absence indicated a pressing matter that required his personal attention. Employing her exceptional light-footed techniques, she swiftly traversed the mansion grounds and discovered two individuals clandestinely observing Song Qingshu. Only then did she reveal herself and approach them.

Accompanied by Huang Rong, Song Qingshu arrived at the snow-covered mountain and divulged the plot to assassinate the Xueshan Sect. As Madam Hu listened intently, her eyes brightened, yet a subtle unease gripped her. She inquired with feigned nonchalance, "Rumors claim that Huang Rong is the epitome of beauty, the world's first beauty. Is she truly as enchanting as they say?"

Song Qingshu, taken aback by her unexpected line of questioning, hesitated momentarily before responding with palpable excitement, "Indeed, she possesses an otherworldly allure. Although the innocence and youthfulness of her younger days have given way to the alluring charm of a mature woman..."

However, as he continued speaking, Song Qingshu noticed Madam Hu's countenance turning increasingly cold. A sudden realization dawned upon him, prompting him to pat his forehead discreetly. Swiftly altering his discourse, he hurriedly interjected, "But, alas, time takes its toll on everyone, and Huang Rong, too, has aged and lost some of her former radiance. The title of the world's number one beauty may no longer be rightfully hers. In my humble opinion, my sister-in-law surpasses her..."

A blush colored Madam Hu's cheeks as she inwardly scolded herself, "Huang Rong is still in her early thirties, hardly deserving of the label 'old.' He only knows how to appease me. In the future, he must choose his words more carefully when speaking of other women. Sister-in-law? Ha!"

Song Qingshu, rendered speechless, quickly changed the subject, sensing the need to address the matter at hand. "Sister-in-law, let us focus on our task. Inform the Snow Mountain faction to strike on the fifteenth day. Ling Tuisi seeks information from Ding Dian and wishes to keep the knowledge of Liancheng Jue concealed. Consequently, the guards will be relatively lax."

"Very well. I recently encountered a group of individuals on the outskirts of the city. They sought to silence me, but now I realize they were likely affiliated with the Snow Mountain faction," Madam Hu recollected, her mind retracing the events. "I am familiar with their modus operandi, so it should not prove challenging to locate them. I shall relay the information accordingly."

"What?" Song Qingshu exclaimed, caught off guard by her revelation. While fully aware that Madam Hu stood before him at this moment, he couldn't suppress his astonishment. "Where did you sustain an injury, sister-in-law?"

For some inexplicable reason, Madam Hu's mind wandered back to the incident when she had bruised her ribs and fallen prey to his advances. A blush crept up her neck as she swiftly responded, "I am unharmed, and my martial arts skills are commendable. Coupled with the white python whip you taught me, I am more than capable of defending myself."

"Excellent, excellent," Song Qingshu smirked, his gaze fixated on her graceful figure. Approaching the unconscious individuals nearby, he woke them up and swiftly departed.

As Madam Hu departed, Song Qingshu basked in the satisfaction of a plan falling into place. Pian Ruohong's figure lingered in his mind, bringing him a sense of contentment. He approached the two individuals he had revived and swiftly made his way onward.

Left bewildered, the two officials exchanged puzzled glances. "Did something occur just now?" one queried.

"Should we inform the governor?" the other suggested.

"You fool! Who dares to implicate the higher-ups? Besides, no one is aware of it at present. As long as Song Qingshu remains unharmed, it is better to err on the side of caution," the wiser official advised.

"You are right, elder brother. I admire your wisdom," the younger one conceded.

"So be it. After all these years in the Yamen, we have not amassed our knowledge in vain," the elder brother affirmed.


In the ensuing days, Song Qingshu frequently encountered Huang Rong within the mansion. Although he yearned to gaze at her endlessly, he understood that their paths now diverged, offering no opportunity for meaningful interaction. Therefore, he maintained a distant demeanor, merely nodding in passing before drifting away.

Huang Rong held a favorable opinion of him. Over the years, she had encountered individuals like Ouyang Ke, martial artists from various factions, Xiangyang City officials, and even Prefect Lv Wenhuan. Each encounter, though veiled, betrayed a hidden desire in their eyes.

Upon encountering this composed and discerning young man in Jingzhou City, Huang Rong couldn't help but furrow her brows, silently contemplating his departure. Learning that he was Ling Tuisi's recent recruit, a staff member, only deepened her curiosity.

Time swiftly passed, and the fifteenth day arrived.

Despite Huang Rong's presence, Ling Tuisi intended to pause Ding Dian's interrogation. However, Song Qingshu argued that the confession had reached a critical juncture. Suspending the interrogation might arouse Ding Dian's suspicion, leading him to believe that collusion was at play. Thus, all their previous efforts would be in vain.

After careful consideration, Ling Tuisi decided to dismiss Huang Rong and the others, establishing a punishment hall within the inner chamber. He dispatched a subordinate to bring Ding Dian to him, preparing for the next phase of their plan.

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