
Sengodan - AN Unseen Land...

The serial story tells about the most haunted place in India (Khuldara Rajasthan). What happens when a young couple go there to live ? They started living there as both were left homeless due to corona pandemic. But something was there waiting for them. What was it? Or rather who were they? What they did to the young couple? A nail biting sci-fi for all types of readers.

Srija_Venkatesh · sci-fi
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17 Chs

Sengodan an Unseen land....

Chapter 4:

Friends in need

Andy started his day as if nothing happened previous night, he concluded everything was a dream or hallucinations. He did not want to alarm Rani as she was already worried and a little bit depressed. Rani was already awake gave a cup of tea, planted a kiss on the cheeks. She started telling Andy, how she wished they returned to the Jaisalmer city since the lock down were partially lifted. But He was not prepared to tell her the truth. Andy had already been to the city and asked the landlady about the rentals. Now they were double with extra advance money. He decided to wait for a few more months for things to become normal again. Andy wanted Rani always smiling and worry free! He kept this within.

Now that the Senling things had shown up (he could not believe he was using this word), at least he had an excuse for staying there. He started walking towards the well with a bucket and a roll of rope. Once he was out of his house looked around. The charcoal was still fuming. Otherwise, there was nothing which could tell him more about the night. He shook his head and once again concluded, he was becoming crazy! If he did not move to the city sooner, he was going to be in trouble.

He fetched a bucket full of water and started walking towards the house. He heard a soft voice. He froze on his track. He was hearing things again. Ignoring any noise, he walked along.

"Are you still mad at me?" asked the voice.

Now Andy recognized this one. It was Vika, the intern.

"Are you Vika?" asked Andy in a low tone.

"Yes! Good! good you remember me! Shall I walk with you? I love the way you people draw water from underground pond." Said Vika, still invisible.

"That is not a pond Vika! That's called a well! You people don't have wells in your planet?"

"No! No wells or ponds or any water bodies. We draw water straight from the clouds. You earthlings are clumsy! Cannot do anything on their own. You need water to come from the sky and fill your water needs! How disgusting?" said Vika.

Andy wanted to change the subject. He did not like being called clumsy by an unearthly figure.

"Where are others? I keep on thinking about the help you needed. " said Andy as he returned for another a bucket full of water for his garden.

"Chief is busy trying to figure out the fuel problem! Others are with him! I just came out and saw you. Are you ready to talk to us?" asked Vika in a very curious voice.

"Umm…. let me see! Let me finish my chores and maybe later we can talk. I will let you know! "said Andy lifting the bucket and headed home.


Andy put down the bucket and looked in the direction from where the sound came from.

"Look here Vika! Um…like…. you need not follow me to the house. Rani might get scared. Do you understand? I have not yet decided about telling her!"

"Don't worry friend! I will not pry in your privacy! Now bye! If I don't go, chief may mark my absence." With that there was a small noise. He had gone, thought Andy.

From a distance Rani was watching Andy talking to himself with a worried look on her face.