
Chapter 307

"Madam, just try to calm down, I am sure you can handle it all. I don't think there's a need to travel, Nanny Nina is already on her way, she can handle things properly" Sam said looking at her with worry

"I Know how capable she is but I want to be there, that way she would feel important. It would be irresponsible of me if I don't show my love and support. We dragged her into that mess in the first place"

"You're so kind Madam, '' Sam said with a smile. His mistress is indeed very considerate. 

Getting into the portal they both got into it and walked right through the spot the old man and Sammy had been training 

“(Smiles) Sammy…take a look at whom we have here… It's Sam and my beloved wife” 

“Grandma..you" He was confused, why did she change from the normal routine? Why were they coming from that direction? It looked weird

“Yes Sammy..you are all right,you didn’t see wrongly.It is Sam and I” Lily replied with a cold look. She couldn't stop glaring at both men, it seems they weren't training, they were having fun while she had to crack her neck and back to find them.

"Grandma, how did you come out from that direction?" He said pointing to the spot the walked through

"Your grandfather would explain that" she replied coldly

(Speechless) "Why do you look angry grandma?" But she didn't reply. Now he had no choice but to move closer to Butler Sam "It's good to see you" he said sounding very sincere. If Sam was here he wouldn't have worked himself to death.

(Smiles) "Thank you young Master" he responded 

"So what's it with the route you guys came through? I saw something like a Portal" Sammy said I'm a whispering tone, he was curious. He had to be quiet about it because he didn't want to disturb the old couple. His grandmother was currently glaring at the old man, this was a clear sign of war. 

"Young Master, the only ones who have direct access to the master's private space are his blood lines " Sam replied, explaining everything about the Portal.

"That's Cruel, you had to drive all the way to the Portal before you got in?" He asked

"It's not Cruel, he is the Master and he gets to design things the way he wants. And I think it's a good strategy that way in case of any invasion it would be very difficult. Because the portal doesn't just open up for anybody. It also has a limited access to who it lets in as well" Sam explained further.

"Owh, so that's the way it is. He did the settings himself to prevent any surprise attack?" He asked 

"You can put it that way, nobody gets into the portal without him knowing about it. It's only when he grant you access before you find your way in"

"Hmmph, But since he controls the settings around here, he could grant you access without having to grant other strangers any access but he didn't "

"Young Master, that's because he wants only his family members to be that special. It's like giving them a special part of himself "

"What's special about this private space? It's more like a prison " Sammy complained

(Speechless) "There's a lot of things you don't know yet but you would find out about it with time" Sam said, after he was done talking, he and Sammy paid more attention to the old couple. 

“By your presence here, I can perceive some kind of urgency.What’s wrong?”Grandpa asked with a smile, walking up to her and giving her a seat to rest her back, sitting down he placed his hands on her shoulders giving her a soothing massage.

"Don't tease me around..I won't fall for your trap this time old man.."

"Oh really?" He said Intensifying the massage, making it more comfortable. When it comes to massaging his wife, there is no one who is as professional as he is.

Lily couldn't help but moan, it was indeed very pleasing to her body and bones, it drove away the stress she had all over her.

Seeing how effective his massage was he chuckled lightly. She had just said she wouldn't fall into his trap, but what was happening now? She was already rubbing his traps all over her body, even to an extent of swimming into the trap."So tell me what urgency it is,"Grandpa asked in a calm voice.

Sam and Sammy's face sank, the Madam had just lost face without realizing it. She could spill out even her deepest secret at this point all his Master needed to do is 'Ask' this is as simple as ABC.

"At first, It was your car.. now.. anyways..(Smiles) you are right.There is some sort of urgency” Lily immediately got back to her senses.

“I knew it.So tell me…what about my car? And..what is so urgent that you couldn’t inform me about it through the cell?”

"Forget about the car issue,it slipped off my tongue.I have dialed your line severally,same as Sammy's. I am not even here with an urgency for you,Rather, Sammy. It's a cell phone and not a landline, so you guys should be decent enough to use it wisely " She said enjoying her husband's massage.

"What? You're here for Sammy and not your darling husband?" Grandpa questioned in a low tone, he sounded very saf

(Laughing) "Don't start this drama of yours, I haven't even asked you where you ran off to. I would but this isn't the right time. We have a lot to do and I am not in for romantic play"Lily replied giving Grandpa a cold weird look. Just because she accepted his humble gesture of a massage doesn't mean he can afford to buy her.


"Speechless" "What a disappointment grandma, you've long fallen into his trap. There's no escape" Sammy said in a tone only Sam could hear. 

“Sammy dear..where is your cell phone?I and Sam have been trying your line but you were not picking up"

“Oh..that's true. My cell phone is at home back at the old man. I had taken some rest from all the stress, and I left it in my sheets " he said, sounding like he was rapping some written lyrics.

Seeing the strange looks he was getting from everyone he became serious. " I would have taken it along with me when I got up, but I didn't. That is because grandpa has told me not to take along any distracting devices else I won’t be able to focus. So sorry about that granny "

"And you old man..where is yours?"

"Well..mine is in the vehicle"


"You heard me, it's in the vehicle" Grandpa repeated

"What vehicle?"

"The one I had used to settle my urgent business, coming back I left it in the car" he said innocently. "You could have made use of the mind link" He further said trying to justify his actions.

Lily hearing this was silent, she didn't think of using the mind Link as a means of communication at all.

"You don't believe me?" He said looking at his wife who seemed lost in thoughts

"Of course I do, you're so old to know how to use a cell phone. It's normal, I am sure you never thought anyone would call to seek help from you?"

(Speechless) "One gets distracted if he or she permits distraction, don't you know this? " He asked

"Anyways…I haven't come to exchange words with you..I'm here for something different."

"Sammy, Quickly get ready, we have somewhere to go.We shouldn't waste much time"

"But.. where are you going?"the old man asked

"That should be none of your business"Lily replied angrily,she has now gotten into a quarrel with him that she has no reason to tell him where they were heading to.Sam watched closely and noticed the look on her face which could tell that she's mad at the old man.

"You had just returned home and you're already planning to leave. You haven't spent enough time with me"

(Laughing) "No time is enough for you, even if I spend my wholemlife with you it still wouldn't be enough." Lily had a funny look on her face, her husband was really something.

"Grandma, where are we heading to?'Sammy questioned, it was his right to know.

"You will know when we get there"

Sam was pleased by her reply.This would leave him with no option than to go with her.This way he won't have to refuse going to see Recca. Sammy had a special kind of personality, he only goes where he is needed and when he gets to where he is not needed, ye makes the place a living hell. Recca would be in for hell, if he gets to know how rude and arrogant she is.

"(Sigh) The old lady has started again.Why not tell me where you're off so I can give you my permission leave"

"(Laughs), I am now an old lady right? you haven't known if you can give a permission to leave to yourself "

"Sammy, hurry up. You're sweating all over you needed to freshen up and do some packing"

"Sam…where are you off to?"Grandpa asked

"Emm ..sir .. I can't tell..it's not clear to me either" Sam replied, his master's glares were dangerous penetrating through his skin.

"You've long sold your Loyalty to your Madam " The old man said looking at him


(Laughing) "Honey, it would be a shameful thing to drag the love of Butler Sam with me. You already have my Loyalty so that's enough for you"

(Smiles) "It's indeed enough, all my men could sell their loyalty to you since I have yours nothing matters "

"Speechless "

"Speechless " "I thought I had the ability to sugar coat words but when compared to you grandpa I am nothing but a novice, no I am nothing but a foetus. You're so bad and shameless" Sammy muttered.

"Old man stop asking too many questions " Lily said sounding annoyed, she wasn't going to let his words get a better of her. She looked really angry that the old man became speechless and confused.

"Ok, fine Goodluck"Grandpa replied angrily as he walked out of the training field. Everyone could tell that he was just forming annoyance. Because he would be lonely again, Lily couldn't care less, on the other hand she couldn't stop herself from laughing, she had heard what Sammy had said about being 'Sugar coated'.

At this point, the old got mad at Lily for getting mad at him over the little scene that occured. Now, neither Sam nor Sammy could tell on whose side they should be. Sammy have no idea of where Sam and his grandma was taking him too,he needed quite some amount of rest to recover lost energies.It wasn't as easy as he thought it'll be at the training field.He had used lots of his energy not knowing that he will have to give some energy to Recca if the old man doesn't come along. Recca had no idea about them being immortals to her, they were just normal human beings but if she needed energy there were secret ways to pass them on to her.

"Ma'am,we need the old man" Sam whispered

"What for?"

"Energy purposes.By the look at Sammy…I can tell he is stressed out and has lost quite some number of strength which could've help during the delivery "

"We will handle that once we arrive at Recca's place. I am not weak am I? I am as useful as the Old man or ain't I?" She asked looking at him waiting for his answer

"You're more useful as he is madam, I am just being so concerned. You are already stressed out and Sammy is too. And the journey is still far ahead"

The old man won't wish to come along even if I had told him.He will definitely search for us.That…I am sure about.He will go after us once calm,You need not worry things will work out well"

Sammy tried as much as he could to eavesdrop while putting on his sneakers but couldn't hear nor understand a word they were saying to themselves. He had taken his bath in the private space, it was tye same thing as going to the old mansion anyways. Now all that was remaining was that he didn't know where he was going to.

Once done, Sammy walked alongside Lily and Sam wondering where he was off to with them both.He couldn't predict a thing and looking at the situation with the old couple he was confused with the turn of events. 

One time there was love and romance in the air which was included with a good massage and the next thing, both couple leaves with annoyance. He had no choice than to follow his grandmother quietly. It seems they weren't going to disappear back to the old mansion but they were going to take a long cut this was because his grandmother and Sam walked to the direction in which they had came earlier. He prefered this too, this was because he wanted to understand things himself, afterall 'seeing is believing '. He was curious to know where the portal was situated. 

Coming out into something looking like a thick forest, he was impressed. The portal was placed in a very reserve area, this made him respect the old man more. His stay here with the old man had really give him new light about him. It seems he came to understand his grandfather better than he did before and now it happens that he hates him less.

Getting into the cab,Sammy had his attention all focused on how to go about recovering from the stress he is by using an upper body. Stress was an understatement, his whole body aches like hell,it was as if they weren't his to Begin with.

(In the cab) looking out the screen, Sammy could tell that they weren't going back to the old mansion. This was because they followed a route which was unfamiliar to him. He couldn't help but look at the rare mirror, he had all attention on Sam, sure enough, same must have packaged some clothes and some necessary items for the travel but he didn't see any luggage at all.

"This is a day and half journey by road, " Lily said so as to appease Sammy's Curiousity.

"What? Where exactly are we going ? take.what's happening? Why would we travel such a distance by car? Grandma are we going back to your humble home?" He asked, or could be that they were going back to his grandmother's late parents house."A day and half just to journey that is too much than I could take grandma.I am so tired and sick, do I have to come along? If I have too what happened to booking a flight?" He couldn't help but complain 

Hearing this Lily had a smile on her face, she knew he was more than exhausted, she just loved his company" We ain't going back to my parent's home, it all somewhere different and I promise you would like it there. (Smiles) Your presence will be needed Sammy, Grandma loves your company. And I can't bear the feeling of going without you"

"It's ok granny,but I will love to know where exactly it is that we are going. Why don't we book a flight then, it would save time"