
Chapter 302

"I think that was all she needed," Beatrice said, giving a sigh of relief. They were all lucky that the princess's cry didn't wake up the two princes. It would have been a nightmare for the three kids to cry out at the same time.

"Aunt, is that what you mean by tucking her in?" Selom asked, looking at her Aunt Clara. She was just a new mom so it was normal that such things were strange and new to her but Lylic isn't even a mom yet but she played a good role as one.

(Smiles) "That's exactly what I meant" she replied 

"Those two over there ..(pointing at the two boys who were sleeping soundly) are sleeping peacefully having no clue of what their sister is going through. Isn't that very rude of them? My baby girl needs to be cuddled and cared for and her brothers didn't care. But not to worry honey, godmother is here for all of you. If your eyes were open you would tell that I am the prettiest and my little princess would be more beautiful" Lylic said smiling at the baby in her arms. Everyone could hear what she was saying. She was sounding like she and the little baby girl were discussing something important and from the way the little princess was quiet, it meant she took all Lylic's words seriously. By this time, the princess' breath became very calm and steady. Both Lylic and the baby were having a dialogue in the world of their own, where nobody goes.

"It could be that there was a disconnection made by the girl to avoid waking them up?"Cecelia asked. The little girl was crying loudly before she got into Lylic's arms but they boys weren't affected 

"We don't know that, but you could ask them Cecelia or can't you?"Steve questioned, Cecelia was now part of the family, she was no longer a maid and even if she dresses like one it was based on an assignment. During his stay, he learnt a lot about her from others and also from her.

Everyone was silent, they could tell that the baby girl was already asleep. Any unpleasant noise could wake her up. Selom on the other hand had a lot of appetite,she kept eating and didn't care less about anything. "She looks more like the children's mother," Steve said. He had heard of the story of how the children communicated with her first and even with Roselle on her demand.


This would be the scenario if it happened that they were all human beings and not Immortals. Just the thought of it gave Elyrex a giddy feeling. This was the scene he had invented if it happened that they were all ordinary human beings with no sense of reasoning.

(Elyrex Scene of a crying child as Human Family)

"I think we should call a doctor, it seems she's having a fever and she won't just stop crying" Looking at how helpless Selom was all they could do at that point was to make her feel all would be okay and go get a doctor who will check the girl.

"Hurry let's call a doctor over, in fact you don't have to worry I would gi bring the doctor over by myself" Lylic said as she rushes to get the car keys.

Finally after about Ten to Fifteen minutes she returned with a doctor. "Doctor here is she, please check on her"

"Doctor you are welcome she has been crying over some minutes now and she's refusing to eat"

"How long has this been going on?"The doctor asked

"Few minutes ago"Roselle replied

"Hmm..this is shocking ever since my years as a doctor. I have never seen such cases before" (checking her pulse). He could tell she was just a newborn 

"Why not go straight to the point?we need no long words,"Lylic asked sounding so worried after all it was her godchild 

"We're all shocked seeing her this way"they said singly. Giving the doctor a cold pale look like he was the one who had forced the baby not to eat.

“well..there is nothing abnormal about her except for the fact that she is crying with no cease,don't get tired of trying to breastfeed her,"The doctor said turning back to leave

"Is that all you have to say? Can't you stop her from crying? You could give her a shot or something. "

“Calling him was of no use since he can’t find a solution to it”Blaine mumbled

"We will sort it out our own way"Elyrex said

It seems Elyrex was very excited with his cloud if imagination because the scene immediately changed unknowingly to him, it was playing out so clear to everybody's view. They all held in their laughter and watched the scene which played out like movie before their eyes. Blaine on the other hand was helpless, the cloud if imagination was always something you have a longing for, it was all about something you wished to happen. Suddenly the scene changed, as the script writer, it seems Elyrex had changed some scene, it seems he and Blaine were now the old powerful men.

"I think we would have to use our powers" Elyrex said passionately 

They both couldn’t help it than to engage a tracking power mode which is capable of bringing to light that which is in the dark that is… the power tracking mode is a system used for invisible actions carried out they could actually figure out the reason behind the cry of the little princess.

Seeing all this…Cecelia felt bad wishing she could help out some how but have no idea on how to go about it.

It was high time she show how much she cares for Selom and wants to share her pain but how will she achieve this in such state when she can't make the little princess keep silent?There's no way to go about it this time than to pray things works out well.

The cry of the baby became massive…Elyrex and Blaine sat close to Selom’s bed where she sat down holding the baby.they took the crying little girl and hoped to have her back after using power on her which is something uneasy to bear.

“Poor little girl.What has gone wrong with you?”Clara questioned looking so emotional and carried away by her present state.

“Tell me everything is going to be fine, ''Selom said to them both while handing the baby over to them. She was already on the verge of crying 

The baby’s cry increased timely which was unhealthy for such an innocent new born child..

“I can’t watch this happen”Selom said(Getting off her bed to leave the room while Roselle accompanied her,Of course it will cause pain to the little girl which her mother (Selom) wouldn’t be able to face.

“My baby is barely a day old..nothing should go wrong Grandpa”Lylic said with her eyes facing away from their direction.she also wanted to cry, she felt so bad for the child

“we will quickly run a test through her body using powers to check what has gone wrong”Blaine explained

“My poor grandchild”Teresa said while leaving the room as well

No one was willing to watch the little girl go through pain of any dimension.Steve alone was left with the babies and the two old men who was about to run a power based test through the little girl.To some extent,Men can face such for whom they are which was the reason for steve staying behind to watch the babies.

The little girl was placed on Blaine’s lap with her belly facing downwards.it was like she was placed for a warm bath.Elyrex had both hands on her back placing two fingers at the centre of her back.While all this was going on,the little girl kept crying.

With some chanted words from Elyrex,the room began to look cloudy like they were emerging into the cloud. Some dark clouds covered the floor which lifted the center range of the room. Ideally, with time all that went wrong with the little girl would show up in the cloudy environment.This is a lot of pain to anyone who undergoes such.The baby was way too small to undergo the process.

Elyrex and Blaine knew that whomever the processes the vowed object barely undergoes pain.This is known to them both due to past experience.While undergoing the process..the necklace on her neck floated upwards with the pearls spinning round about.It was high time to see what the little girl was going through..then appeared a little being in replica of Phil who happens to be a demon. He was right in her memory playing around with her little hands which tends to scare her.

Now..Elyrex,Blaine and Phil were right in her little mind having a conversation.

“Phil…why troubling the little girl?”Blaine questioned

“Quite amazing to see you two”Phil said

“why have you decided to trouble her?”Elyrex asked

“This is no trouble by any means it is just my way of coming around”Phil replied

“Can't you see that it is causing her nothing but pain? You have made us all so restless.By the way before you leave,make sure to make her smile else,she will remember you for this ill doings”

That was the only way Phil felt he could play with the babies.Not knowing that the little girl never liked it at all.

“Don’t try same with the boys,Never make use of this logic over any little child.it can lead to mental disorder” Blaine advised

“We will spare you from punishment and won't drain your source.Be careful next time.You can come over to the hospital to visit”Elyrex said to phil, he sounded so bold and confidently like the hero of the day.

This time, the little girl cried more than she did earlier.The entire scene running through her mind was scary enough to let out since she couldn’t speak.

“Selom will handle this by herself when she gets to know about this, you'll be in that mess you have put yourself in ''Elyrex said to him.

“Goodbye for now phil”they both bid him send him out of the little girl's head,the room returned to its original form like no transformation was done earlier.

The silence from the room could signify just one thing which tends to be a Solution to the cry of the little princess.

Everyone were overwhelmed hearing the silence but got stuck with the ill thought of loosing her which caused then to rushed indoor to check whats going on.Reaching the room..they saw the two old men playing with the little pricess while steve watched over sleeping boys.

With joy in their heart,they embraced the little princess and congratulated the old men for a job well done which led to amazing compliments of making them the best.Yet they all went in..but Selom wasn't seen among them.This was quite terrifying.

“Where on earth has she gone? I have checked the entire surrounding but she isn’t there”Roselle said

“I have checked indoor too”Teresa said looking so worried wondering if she left with a stressed mind that could think ill of anything going wrong with her daughter.

(walks in)

“(sigh) Thank goodness she is fine” Selom sid.She wasn’t looking stressed at all.She had a basket full of oranges in her hand which clearly defined where she was when they all went in search of her.

“worried? Shouldn’t be.I trust that Elyrex and Blaine could handle this.At Least I won’t get mad at Blaine for not getting me the oranges I requested”

“Oh my, forgive my bad deeds,I was carried away by some sort of discussion having lunch in mind so I won’t miss it as lylic have said. Had to be snappy about so as to meetup.So sorry that I forgot”Blaine apologized

“So tell me…what was wrong with my little princess?”

“That will matter later,come and feed her”

“Feeding her shouldn’t be a problem,I will do what mothers do”Selom said while squeezing an orange into her mouth.

"Like seriously? You weren't disturbed?"Roselle questioned

"Why won't I be disturbed?it's my daughter we're talking about you know"

"By the look on your face..I could tell you feel relaxed"

"Of course I do..when the two old me are in charge…you need not worry"Selom replied

"These oranges are sweet,who cares for any?"

(babies cries)

“wao….they are all awake now..”Steve said

“feeding them won’t be a problem but Blaine and Elyrex..i will love to know what happened to my daughter”

“yes,we will love to know what happened to our god child”Roselle and Lylic replies

“’someone was right in her mind toiling around.He has good intentions though..According to him…he only planned to playwith the little princess not knowing that she won’t like such.Its something he is good at which failed him.”Blaine explained


“how on earth can one play with a child in his mind?’Roselle asked

“Tell me…I will love to know the person responsible for this”Selom said looking angry.She had theis orange she was taking which she smashed in anger

“Your anger isn’t good at all selom..just calm down”

“what has the innocent child to do with his foolishness? take a look at her..”(placing Roselle’s hand to check her body temperature which tends to be high

“(Smiles) It will get normal later.Don't do anything in anger, trust me you will only regret it.”

“If you say so..i will surely go after him some day.”

Boom! Elyrex felt a strong hit on his shoulders, this painful hit brought him out of his imagination. "What was that for?" He said groaning in pain, coming back to reality, he saw all eyes on him and he didn't have to Investigate further he knew it was Blaine who had given him such a terrible hit. "What was that for?" He said, rubbing his shoulders.

"Grandpa I never knew you had the talent of Script writing? " Lylic said paying all her attention to the old man. By this time she had already placed the sleeping baby on her little bed. If Elyrex wasn't busy as the script writer and also the actor he would have known this ever since.

Elyrex did not understand a thing and just by looking at him Lylic knew this. "If all script writers were like you? The entertainment industry would have been nothing but a mess. Your story line is so bizarre. Why did you have to drag Phil into your story in such a manner? Do you have something against him" she asked, looking at him strangely. She didn't understand what such a story was all about but to her own understanding, he had pinned Phil as the bad guy. What a feud! This only meant he had something against the innocent young man. And she wanted to know what it was.

(Looking shocked) " What are you talking about?" He said looking very embarrassed, he didn't want to accept the fact that they've seen everything.

"She is talking about the exact same thing you are thinking about now. You're nothing but a jerk, why do you have to present me in your story line as an ordinary person? I am the children's great grandpa, " Blaine said, glaring at him coldly.