
Chapter 246

The truth was that she had nothing to say, because to an extent this was the only way they could save Selom.Clara couldn’t answer such a question at all. Everybody knew she was banned from approaching the heavenly gates. This was a rule made by the heavenly emperor then, she just wanted to do something for Selom, her brother was always the one doing things for her. She knew how much stress he had to go through just to save her and she was aware of the hurt he had taken for her sake. He even went extra mile to keep her husband Eric alive, what more could she ask for? All she could do now was try her possible best to repay him.

 Her thought of going to the heavenly realm is to achieve many things. She could look for a cure to Selom's problem and her brother and also find Tina and at the same time she could know what is really happening in the heaven realm and if truly if it had been taken over by the demon realm. She was also very curious to know why they would leave the human realm and then not get in contact with them. Could it be that they do get stuck somewhere? Or immediately their presence is noticed they are being captured? These were all questions she needed answers to, Clara was very confident of her brother, he wouldn’t be taken down easily except of course if he is been compelled with laws.

Everybody knew Ken, he was one of the best soldiers ever, he was someone who walks towards the law and tries to keep them. Clara had remembered the story of the fight between the heavenly realms; she could tell that he was willing to die while protecting the king

“She would return because I would be going with her”

“Dad!” Teresa said looking at him. It was bad enough she had let Tina and also her husband to go to the heaven realm, now it is Clara and her father wants to go along? Who would be left in her family? That’s like losing more people and she wouldn’t take that hit at all. Her father was supposed to be on her side, he should be helping her talk Clara out of leaving and not the other way round

“Listen Kiddo, you know better than anyone else that I want the best for you. Don’t see things that way honey. After all I have been in seclusion for more than a thousand years, I had chosen the human realm as a good spot for redemption, nobody would have the ability to keep this old man there and it would be a benefit to your husband and his sister. Daddy has never promised you anything and fail, I promise I would come back unscathed.” The old man said with a smile.

 A thousand years ago before the devil disappearance he had spoken about going into seclusion a hundred years before than to the emperor who was in ru8le then. He had foreseen that such a thing would happen but he had thought they would come with signs. Finally after his hundred years of making a request it finally got approved, he had to leave his family behind him and concentrate on his body improvement. The place he had chosen was a place only he had an idea of. The human realm was a free place and the most unsaved place to be, it was also the most unprotected place, and nobody would ever think he would find such a place.

“You don’t have to worry about your father; I would keep a strict watch on him”



Speechless. “You are going as well?” Blaine asked looking at him strangely like he just made the most stupid decision ever,

“Why are you given me such a look? You get to go and I don’t? (Laughs) I am going for sure” Elyrex said proudly

“Then who get to take good care of my family?” Blaine said again looking at him

“Owh, so you are aware of the fact that you are leaving your family behind? I never knew you had a conscious conscience”




Speechless, “You get to take care of them, while I am away”

“They are your family not mine, if you really care about them, and then stay behind”

Blaine felt like giving him a good besting, they had just met just some hours ago and he was already getting on his nerves “You are courting death” he said glaring at him

“My job earlier at a young age was that I take care of you. I forgot all about the job and you know what happened next. I think I have had a place be taste of the demon realm and I think I know that place better than anyone of you. So if you want someone to take care of your family, the job fits you best”

This rendered the remaining people in the room speechless; this old man was really something else. Blaine was someone of fewer words, his personality and that of Roselle is similar and they could say Elyrex personality and that of Lylic’s. It seems this two were suited for each other, they were more like soul mate. The past between these two old men was something they couldn’t understand. All Teresa knew then was that he had betrayed her father and had joined the demon realm. What happened after that was something she knew nothing about it. If she had seen the old man earlier she would have at least recognized him, but then he was still asleep. The words of the old man really lighten up the atmosphere; her heart was no longer heavy. She could tell that all they wanted was the best for her daughter. With such rate of speed, even if Selom is an immortal she would still be in danger after delivery.

 There were cases were immortal mothers slept for about a 100 years after a tiring delivery and she didn’t want such a thing for her own daughter. Her mother had gone through the same thing when giving birth to her and she recalled going to visit her mother when she got wiser and older, but it was easier for her because she had her own father to take good care of her but her grandchild doesn’t have that. Then she knew the pain she had to go through for a 100 years, then she would wonder why other kid's mother were around them but hers was asleep. 

Though she didn't actually show the pain out but it really affected her and she was also aware of the fact that her Mother was affected as well. This was because her mother had missed most of her childhood, she missed her first speech, her first ability to crawl, sit, walk and talk as well. Her mother also missed the first display of her skills and power and that was something every mother wouldn't love to miss. What he or she would need most now was the motherly care only Selom could give.

There was no other option Clara has decided to leave and the two old men had decided to leave with them as well but the date had not yet been set. The Old man was just coming to town so he wouldn't just leave immediately, he would love to spend sometime with them before leaving especially with his daughter. He had to always keep himself so worried about her each time. When he got her married to Ken, he didn't have t be so worried. But what was he supposed to do now? Ken was no longer with her, he had gone to settle some pending issues.

 Based on what he was told, Teresa and compelled her husband to leave the heavenly realm when the war had broken out. As a soldier he was supposed to die along side other soldiers protecting the emperor but he had to leave with his pregnant wife. He could understand the pain of a soldier leaving the battlefield.


Just as usual they would appear unannounced startling anyone the came across with. Lylic and Selom had branches the supermarket to get some groceries, they thought it wasn't wise coming on a visit without a gift. Phil's mother and sister were setting the table while Phil busied himself in the kitchen. He couldn't explain his happiness, having his family back was the best thing that has ever happened to him. He was back in the same dirty apartment he had, the only difference was that the whole place was now sparkling and had a lovely warm fragrance, giving off the feeling of a home. As he made their favorite dishes, he felt happy and kept dancing around. Why was he in the same apartment and not in Selom's mansion? This was because his Master had planned it out in this way, who was he to complain? Afterall she now had half of his former master's properties and had finally giving his family back to him. He had nothing to ask for. 

He held the frying pan firmly as a tossed the little circled beef around. Boom! He was caught unaware and mistakenly dropped the spoon he held in his left hand. "Surprise!" Lylic shouted with a smile,she had the groceries up high as she announces her presence. Seeing tye startled look he had on his face, she was more excited. This was actually the result she wanted but she still kept the innocent look on her face "Did I scare you!" She asked with concern

(Picks up the spoon which had fallen) "You don't just appear in someone else's home in such a manner" he said with a slight frown. He had to confess his heart beat had stopped in an abrupt manner he would have been dead for sure.

"Really? Owh sorry I scare you but devils like you should always be prepared. A fight can break out you know? You have to always be prepared"

The Mother and daughter who were setting the table had head the 'clank' sounding the spoon and had come running to check what had happened. They were dumbstruck by what they saw, the lady before them made them speechless. She was so beautiful and stunning, her elegance was something they couldn't describe at all. Phil's mother was indeed very impressed (clears her throat) "Who do we have here?" She said with a smile. 

Phil couldn't believe his eyes, he could tell what she was thinking without having to ask her.

"Who do we have here?" Lylic said tapping him gentily on his shoulders. Phil was helpless, he immediately looked over to his mother and sister who were standing at the kitchen entrance and also at Lylic who was standing beside him. Unknowingly to them Someone was already getting impatient, her presence was not known to anyone at all, she sat comfortably at the dining table waiting for her meal to be served. She wasn't somehow very interesting in the scene which was about to unfold but those two were blocking her view and she didn't want to over stress herself at all.

"Bianca this is my mother and sister. My mother's name is Haley and this is Flin"

"Mom, Flin this is Bianca" he said

"Who is Bianca?" Harley asked with a smile

"Yes who am I?"

"It's burning " the all shouted looking at the pan which has already caught fire. Phil was startled by their shouting, he got the fire off and sent them out of the kitchen. But he couldn't get the tick off his skin of course, it was so clingy.

Going back to the dinning table, they were shocked to see the same person sitting on the seat. The only difference is that the lady before them looked a little more chubby. "You're here?" Harley said making it sound more like a question than a fact 

"I am here" Selom replied lazily, she was already so hungry that she couldn't explain things herself. She had her fill with lunch and was now so hungry? It was weird.

"So tell me more about yourself, what is your relationship with my son. He seems to like you" She said moving a seat aside so she could sit on it. She found a seat beside Selom.

"There's no relationship between us" Excusing herself, she stood up and walked towards the fridge to get herself a cold milk. Harley and Flin felt like strangers in the house, this was because from the looks of things they could tell that the woman was familiar with the whole surroundings. This only means that she had been frequently this place. Why them did she say there was no relationship between them? Looking closely, she saw Selom's baby bump "You are pregnant?" She asked I'm shocked

"Yes I am, is it not obvious enough" She said placing her hands around her waist. Nowadays her waist was becoming so sore. She felt like the babhy bump was dragging her to the ground, the weight was too much. Getting the chilled bottle of milk she poured some in the glass and placed the cold cartoon of milk on her stomach. She had to say she felt really good doing that. The looks she was getting from the mother and daughter made her look up at them "It's just a cold carton of milk you know? I just feel better this way" she said with her eyes closed. 

"Is my son responsible for your pregnancy?"

"Should he be?" She asked

Rendering both mother and daughter speechless. What kind of answer could they give to such a question?

"He could" Harley replied, she really wanted a very positive reply.

"No he isn't , I Don't know who is responsible. It's really a very long story. I would save you the trouble"

Harley wanted to ask more questions but something immediately caught her attention. Towards the kitchen entrance was her son with the same woman they had seen earlier. This confused both Harley and Flin, "There are two of you?" They both asked, looking at both Lylic and Selom. The only difference there is now was that one was pregnant and they other wasn't.

"It's seems you've already met my sister, she is Brianna" Lylic said with a smile. Twins were indeed blessed, they were natural source of attraction.

They couldn't believe it,they kept looking at the both of them to see if there was something different about them apart from the pregnancy but they couldn't see any difference. "Mom remember that woman who had taken you out of Jackson's care?"

"Yes I remember" she said nodding her head. She had thought about paying a visit to thank them again but she was finding it a little difficult.

"These are her cousins Bianca and Brianna" He said giving out a formal means of introduction.

After they were done, Selom and Lylic got themselves very busy with the meal as they ate comfortable like it was their home. Harley and Flin could tell that there was something very different about them. Phil wasn't surprised by their actions, it had happened before and they had to take him to a restaurant. Now this was actually nothin to him. He could tell that they had come here for his meals, surprisingly he was happy they had come to see him even though it was based on his meals.