
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 41: Kindred Spirit

"Hey, Old Na, we're back!", Yin Ling speak loudly.

"I can see that. I'm not blind."

"Good grief..."

"Old Na, where's your grandchild?", Xin Suan placed his adoptive mother from his back to the chair beside a grandma they called Old Na.

"What?", Old Na brings forward her left ear.

"He asked for your Little Yue!", Old Xiang yelled.

"Oh, wait... Little Yue! Little Yue! Where are you, child!?", Old Na yelled loudly.

'Creak!', A little girl come out from the door. Her garments and her hands are wet because of water.

"No Nit to shoud! I wosh!", It seems this little girl was doing the dishes.

"Come here, Little Yue, greet the kings!", Old Na raised her arms and placed it on the little girl's shoulder.

"Heyo, kings!!!", Little Yue bowed politely.

"Oh my, she has grow taller.", Yin Ling pats her head, "How old are you, kid?"

"Ummm...", She's counting with her small fingers, "Oh no! I confyus!!"

"Hahahahaha!", Xin Suan and Yin Ling laughed so hard. Of course she isn't sure with her own age since she has lived for a hundred years yet still trapped in the form of little girl.

Xin Suan picked the little girl up and carried her with one arm. "King is pwetty!!", Little Yue touches Xin Suan's face with her small palms in random places and almost poking Xin Suan's left eye. But Xin Suan puts a smile while letting the kid explores the details of his face.

"Meng Yue! Your hands are still wet! Clean your hands first and don't touch his face! How presumptuous!", Old Na yelled at her.

"I shorryyy!!", Little Yue immediately clenched her small fists at Xin Suan's collar.

Xin Suan and Yin Ling have done patrolling around this village. Fortunately, this village's condition is not as bad as what Ai lie visited with Xiu Zhen. They stopped by the shelter for those who are infected and helped the physicians taking care the ill people. They noticed that the tonics have lost their effectiveness, but they can't do anything except forcing the ill people drink their special medicine. The physicians were grateful that the asuras had paid attention to them. Now, their tasks has accomplished, it's the time to go back to the manor.

"Leaving so soon, Your Majesty?", A group of people are standing in front of Old Xiang's house.

"Hmm. I have some matters to do.", Xin Suan still carried the little girl at his arm.

"Kyaaa His Majesty is so handsome!", A group of young girls talking to each other.

"Little Yue, take a good care of my mother and your grandma, will you? Tell your Papa and Mama to lend you a hand.", Xin Suan turned his head.

"Mm-hmm!!", Meng Yue nodded excitedly.

"Clever girl.", 'Chu!', Xin Suan kissed her cheek. Meng Yue's cheeks turned red. Perhaps she is flustered.

The crowd of people gasped in surprised unexceptionally Yin Ling who stand near those grandmothers. They all can't believe what they just watched. Xin Suan oftenly meets the girl in his arm, but he never ever kiss her cheek regardless how adorable she is.

The group of young girls started to feel jealous towards a little girl who is still very far from adulthood but very very lucky to receive a precious kiss from their 'idol'. Xin Suan puts Meng Yue down and strokes her head a few times. Then, Meng Yue who is very happy, she is running around and laughs. But a young girl pulled Meng Yue to the crowd and telling her not to wash her face. Of course, pure little Meng Yue doesn't understand what that girl meant.

"We will take our leave, Mother."

"Wait wait. Come here both of you! Help me to stand!", Old Xiang waved her wrinkled hand.

Both Xin Suan and Yin Ling placed their grips at each of her arms. Her feet and her hands are trembling so bad, as if she has used all of the power inside her body in order to stand. The young asuras feel sad watching her current condition since at least 60 years ago she wasn't this weak.

"Ahh, my little Yin Ling! Ahahaha I miss hugging you like this. Stay loyal to Xin Suan, yes? I'll leave him under your supervision.", Old Xiang embraced Yin Ling tightly and stroked his back a few times.

"Of course I will... Mom.", Yin Ling curled his arms.

"Good boy! Someday I will make you your favorite dish!"

"Hahaha you don't have to, you should be taking more rest, mom."

"Very well, very well... And you, my son.", Old Xiang hugged Xin Suan, "Do be wary, being a king is no simple role. Someone might try to stab a dagger behind your back, or poison you without you noticed. Be wise and kind, alright?"

"I will, Mother, you've told me for hundred times.", Xin Suan closed his eyes.

"And also give me a grandchild soon, hmm?"

"Ha?? Why so sudden??", Xin Suan flustered.

"3000 years has passed, my child. How many days have you spent without a girl on your side? Before I die, I want to see you marry and having a kid. I want to meet your wife and carry your baby. That's my last wish as your mother."

"Hey, don't push me so hard by claiming that as your last wish. Finding a wife and having a heir cannot be done as quick as blinking our eyes, you know?"

"Hahahaha cough cough! I don't care. Only with that, I could rest peacefully."

"Very well.", Xin Suan hugs her tighter, "Next month, I will introduce you someone I'm interested with."

"Ohohohoho!!", Old Xiang pushed Xin Suan a bit to see his face, "No wonder you look more cheerful today! Who is that lucky girl? Yin Ling, why didn't you tell me he is finally into someone!?"

"Well... They both don't have any special relationship though..."

"Does she dislike him or what?"

"It's not that, mom. In fact they fell for each other in less than a month!"

"Hey! I've told you that I'm not in love her!", Xin Suan turned his head to Yin Ling.

"But look, mom, your son is just too shy to admit his true feeling. Coward, isn't he?"

"Coward!? You-!"

"Ohohoho! Still confused, I see. Of course, you are a first timer."


"Hahahahahaha!!", Yin Ling laughs so hard.

"Make sure you'll fight for her, hmm? I'll be waiting for that day."

"Haa... Why is everyone keep poking their noses in my business?", Xin Suan muttered.

'Pow!', Old Xiang punches his firm belly, "I'm your mother, dum dum! I have the rights to do so!"

"Hahahaha!! Bleeee!!", Yin Ling sticks his tongue out.

"This brat!!", Xin Suan started to be angry.

"That goes for you too, Yin Ling! You should get married and gave me a grandchild! Stop visiting the brothel and choose only good girl!"

"Why are you suddenly bring that up!? It was a mistake I made when I was a human!!", Yin Ling's face is boiling red.

"Hahahaha! Bleeee!", Xin Suan took his revenge.


"Aghhh!!!", Old Xiang's pinching both of her children's ears.

"Stop fighting and go home, noisy brats!"

Moments of reunion has passed. Time to go back to reality. Farewell and parting ways, be that as it may but every meeting will come to an end. This peaceful small village has to be left out regardless Xin Suan's wanting to stay beside his old and frail mother.

The journey to go back to the manor is still far. Yesterday mostly has been spent by travelling and involving themselves into a huge battle. It's tiring, but it's impossible for them to use teleport spell since they will waste too much power. Even god like creatures like them still need a time to rest.

They have passed hundreds of trees and bushes. In their way, they encountered some wild wolves, so they had no choice but to raise their swords. The more they drawn attention caused of the battle, the more the wild beasts attracted to strike them, so in the end, they decided to flee. The heat of the sun pressing down their heads along with their vigor, yet their path is still a long way to go.

Fortunately, time flies quicker than expected, eventhough the sun is on its way to sleep, they are almost reaching their desination. But Yin Ling, who kept whining along the way, he preferred to lay his body on the grass and catched a breath. Xin Suan seemed displease with his pause since he thought Yin Ling would only slowing down their journey.

"Wait a minute, Your Majesty... My feet are sore!"

"We are already close with Huang Hun mountain, Yin Ling. Resting yourself now and we will back home too late."

"Ugh!! How much energy left do you have actually!? It's normal, we have been travelling like wayfarers for two days!!"

Xin Suan squatted on the ground, and offering his back without saying a word.


"Come. I don't want you to slow us down."

"NO FUCKING WAY!!", Yin Ling is flustered.

"Don't be stubborn."

"Thanks, but no!!", Yin Ling tried to stand with his feet.

"I am the king, do as I say. Don't make me repeat my words more than two times."

"Ugh....", Yin Ling lost his words, "Aghhhh!!!! Fine!!!", He always lost when it comes to Xin Suan's authority.


"Don't worry, I won't do that.", Xin Suan lifted Yin Ling up easily, "Beside, this is for my own good. I also want to work on some matters in my room soon, guess I'll sleep late tonight."

"Hey! Take a proper rest, we didn't sleep yesterday! Now that we don't eat humans anymore, you have to be wise at managing your energy!"

"Haa... You have turned into a grandma, Yin Ling."


"Shut up! I'll be deaf if you keep shouting at my ears like that!"

"Then listen to me! In this case you are the one who shouldn't be fucking hard headed, okay? Let's discuss everything tomorrow and go take a rest. I promise I'll help you to finish your job."

"Oh wow, what a rare opportunity. Then, I'll share half of the documents I haven't touch to you."

"Tsk! Whatever, just make sure those documents won't make my little brain spinning!"

"Hahahaha!", Xin Suan laughs so hard.

"What are you laughing at!? Are you happy because I mocked myself!?"

"Half of it yes, but the other half.... I was just being grateful to have a friend like you."

"W-What the fuck are you talking about!?", Yin Ling started to blush.

"You are already like my own brother, Yin Ling. We are always together in both hard and good times."

"What are you blabbering about, Your Majesty? I fail to understand you.", Yin Ling flinched his eyebrows.

"A random thoughts. I was just wondering... If my real younger brothers ever had the chance to grow up, will they become just like you?"

"What.....?", Somehow, Xin Suan's unanswerable question saddened Yin Ling.

His words mean his biological younger brothers never get the chance to be adult, or in other words, they died at very young age or at least when they were teenagers. Yin Ling, despite having lived for around 2800 years, he has his appearance at early twenty, and the ghosts normally would take their form based on their latest appearance before their death. Yes, it's highly possible for Yin Ling died at least at 22 or a year older.

"Ahahaha.", Xin Suan chuckled, "Nevermind. Let's forget it."

"....", Yin Ling took a pause before replying, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. We both have lost our precious biological families. Nevertheless, family doesn't require blood relation to be created, just like us and mother."

"So... Do you mean you are accepting your fate to be my younger brother?"

"Yes.", Yin Ling smiled while watching the back of Xin Suan's black hair, "Without being told, I will gladly devote my life for you as a guardian, a friend, and a brother."

Xin Suan paused his feet. He threw blank stares on the path in front of his eyes for a while. Yin Ling began to wonder what's possessing Xin Suan's mind right now.

"But.", Finally Xin Suan spews a word, "But I don't want to have a younger brother like you. You are stubborn, rude, and talkative."

"WHAAAAT THEE FUCKKKKKK!!!!????", Yin Ling slapped the back of Xin Suan's head.

"Ow!! Hey!! It fucking hurts!!!!!"


"I was just joking, you short tempered brat!"

Xin Suan started to move forward. His head is still aching due to Yin Ling's powerful slap.

"Hey, Yin Ling."


"You have helped me a lot. Tell me, what do you want?"


"No. I really meant it. What do you want for your reward?"

Yin Ling's sighing a long breath, "You don't have to give me anything! Stop asking that kind of quesiton to everyone! I'm afraid if someone take advantages from this soft side of yours!"

"Is that so...?", Xin Suan grins cunningly.

The path going uphill and the air is getting thinner. They have entered the mysterious mountain that covered mostly with pine trees. Their leaves are having dark color. This mountain is clear from any beasts, so they can continue their trip without any obstacles. The sun is almost set, some crows are flying on the orange sky. Now, Xin Suan has regained his magical power, he chose to teleport to the manor. 'Snap!', in an instant, they arrived inside Yin Ling's room. Xin Suan put him on his bed.

"Jiu Lan!", Xin Suan yelled.

"Your Majesty!", Jiu Lan cried. She teleported inside, "What happened to you, my Lords!? You have been missing without any words since yesterday!"

"Well... It's a long story.", Yin Ling scratches his head.

"Jiu Lan, take care of him. He was injured and poisoned yesterday."

"Poisoned!?", Jiu Lan immediately check on Yin Ling.

"I'm going to go to my room."

"Very well, Your Majesty. I will prepare the hot water and-"

"No. I will prepare my own bath. You just have to stay here."

"E-Eh?? B-But..."

Xin Suan vanished from their view, leaving the two alone in Yin Ling's room. Jiu Lan is worry after hearing the word poison. She is afraid if something bad ever happened to Yin Ling so she summoned all of the medicine she had in her room with her spell. She mercilessly forced Yin Ling to drank whatever she had eventhough Yin Ling refused and almost puke because of the gross taste from those pills.

'Clack!', Yin Ling tried to open the door because they have finished and Yin Ling wanted to see Jiu Lan off from his room. Oddly, the door is tightly shut with magical force.

"What the-??"

"What's wrong, General?"

'Hey, Your Majesty!', Yin Ling connects his mind.

'What's up?'

'What's the big deal with locking the door!? Jiu Lan wants to go out!'

'She is your reward. Take her.'


'No need to worry. I've set a barrier where the others can't see nor hear what you do. Beside, I'm gonna promote her to be the head of elite servant, isn't that great?'

'Promoting her? Are you sure? I thought you were never care about our servants.'

'I do care. I just never thought about this. After I promoted her, you don't have to be worried about the gap rank anymore.'

'Shit. Many thanks, Your Majesty. I will never forget your kindness.'

"General, what's wrong?", Jiu Lan pulled Yin Ling's arm.

"Jie Jie, I guess we are trapped here."

"Eh!?", Jiu Lan tried to open the door. She even tried to teleport but something blocking her from casting the spell.

"I miss you a lot.", Yin Ling hugs Jiu Lan's body.

"N-No! You must release your embrace before someone sees us!", Jiu Lan pushed his chest.

"No one will. Now we are alone."

Jiu Lan stunned and stared at Yin Ling's somewhat handsome face without a blink. Alone? What will happen next? Of course Jiu Lan knows for sure. She started to blush as Yin Ling removed her mask. Yin Ling stroked her cheek and put a warm smile.

"G-General, this isn't right...!"

"Who cares?", Yin Ling pulled Jiu Lan's hand and placed her palm on his cheek, "Care to take a bath with me?"

His smile is hiding nasty intention behind it, but what can she do? Jiu Lan could do nothing but to follow his lead. This backstreet relationship is honestly makes Jiu Lan tired. Everyday she yearn to talk with Yin Ling properly like a normal couple, but the rules are prohibiting all of the lowly servants to get themselves close to royal asuras. Just for one night, she who obeyed that rules for most, finally crossed the line with the man she hold dearest inside her heart.

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