
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 40: Pay a Visit (2)

The three went around the whole port under Physician Luo's guidance. Too many people are at the edge of their lives, even the water for their drink is turned blackish. After delivering them, Physician Luo left the three and went back to his duty as a doctor.

"The tonics are lost their usefulness now.", Xiu Zhen raised a clear bottle with a clear liquid inside it.

"I-I know I might sounded too impudent, b-but can't Lord Water or Priestess Yi Fei cure them with your healing spells?"

"Sadly, we can't. This is something beyond our power, Young Maiden, even Lord Xin Suan couldn't seal the portal. It's the wrath of this realms nature after all."

"And these tonics were made by...?"

"By the water of the Shengshui Lake, Young Maiden.", Yi Fei replied, "The purest lake in this realm, some of them called it 'Lake of the Source of Life'. The water in it works like purification elixirs. One drip of its water touching our skin, our bodies immediately feel renewed. Yet now the tonic is unuseful, the lake must've been contaminated as well."

"So... Even this place needs a light to fight the evil plague, huh?", Ai Lie muttered.

"Indeed, the dark needs the light, but that doesn't work the same way for the light. It needs no dark to shine, instead, it will perished the darkness. Such an unfortunate fate for us, yes?"

"Unfair... Why is life always unfair? The one who created the light and dark is the nature itself, so why would the nature hates its own creation?", Ai Lie muttered in a low voice. Yi Fei and Xiu Zhen heard her, but they refused to reply her statement.

"Young Maiden, why don't we visit the Shengshui Lake for now? We have finished travelling this port.", Xiu Zhen pats Ai Lie shoulder.

"Okay.", Ai Lie nodded.

Back to the place where the white snakes patiently waited for them, and now they moved to another place. Ai Lie's head is somewhat dizzy. The skinny faces of those ill people, the voices of coughs and groans, the splattered black blood dotting the commoners shabby garments, the tears falling down to the ground, and their desperate screams, all of them keep playing inside Ai Lie's mind. To be an unfortunate creature is hard, she knows that so well.

Seeking for a god's help? Wait, what is a god anyway? No, there is no such almighty thing exsisted in this world. That toxic mindset she had carried when she entered the high school. Since she was a kid, she was taught to pray every morning and every night to show her gratitude towards her creator. Yet no matter how hard she prayed or cried just like what those pretas did, her life never changed. In contrary, her life became worse and worse as she grows older. The gods were never there whenever she needed them the most.

"Young Maiden?", It's Xiu Zhen's voice.


"We are here. Come."

Ai Lie was daydreaming. She didn't realized she had arrived in the place that they said as the holiest place.


The beautiful sight in front her eyes catched her attention. The sun lit up the clear sky, its light reflected on the blue water. The water is very calm, it didn't move at all eventhough the wind blows pretty strong today. The trees surrounding the lake, and the huge mountain in very far distance behind, they are painting this scene perfectly. A dock leading on to the water, and a pretty tall tree standing firmly in the middle of the lake. The tree has an odd color, its trunk has a pure white color, and its leaves, too, are white but transparent like glass. Somehow, the tree is glowing. But the thing that disturb Ai Lie the most is the size of the lake, it's too small to be called as lake, it's almost the same as the pond in Xin Suan's manor but a little wider.

"What is that tree?", Ai Lie pointed her finger.

"We called it The Butterfly Wings Tree. As you can see, the tree is different than a normal one. If you see them closer, the bone leaves are similar to butterfly wings shapes. Come, Young Maiden, let's examine it."

"W-With pleasure!", Ai Lie feels excited.

The three walked to the dock then they stepped their feet on the surface of the water. Because Ai Lie's afraid if her shoes dirtying the pure water below her feet, she removed them. Yes, what Yi Fei said was true, the water felt so calming and soothing, somehow Ai Lie regained more positive energy just by touching it with barefoot. No wonder why they protected this lake with all cost.

Ai Lie lifted her head up. She placed her eyes to the direction where the leaves are moved slowly as a result of being blown by the wind. The leaves really are similar to the butterfly wings. While the bone leaves had unique patterns, the leaves themselves are translucent yet they slightly glows like clear crystals. Suddenly, the wind blows heavier than before, some of the leaves are falling down and one of landed on Ai Lie's forehead. She took it and examined it closely. It's so magnificent. Ai Lie didn't know a leaf could be this beautiful.

"Congratulations, Young Maiden, I heard those who is touched by its leaf accidentally, she will receive a good fortune.", Yi Fei pats Ai Lie's shoulder a few times.

"R-Really!?", Ai Lie's getting more excited.

"Yes. Good news, this leaf can't wither even after they fell from its origin unless the Qiong doesn't touch it. You have to keep it as a lucky charm, Young Maiden, this is a rare opportunity."

"Oh... Qiong.", Ai Lie's smile immediately disappeared after hearing that word.

"This tree is a symbol. If the color of this tree changed, let alone blackened, it's obvious the Qiong has contaminated this lake as well. Yet it's still white, why were the tonics become useless?", Xiu Zhen strokes the trunk with her palm.

"Could it be the Qiong grew stronger, Lao Shi?"

"Reasonable. The true mechanism of the Qiong is one beyond my knowledge after all. The only thing I know for sure it longed for a holy woman to cast it away."

"No. I won't let it happened.", Ai Lie suddenly muttered. The two asuras lay their eyes on her and wondering what she meant.

"The Qiong. I will stop it. To think it will also destroy this beautiful leaf on my hand... It hurts my heart. I won't let it happened, My Lord. But still.... I'm nothing but a blind child without your guide, so I beg you, please, clear this blind child a path!", Ai Lie flinches her eyebrows. Her eyes are full of fire, represent how strong her will is.

Xiu Zhen and Yi Fei smiling at each other, then they throw their smiles to Ai Lie. This is the first time Ai Lie saw their beautiful warm smiles on their pale lips. Before this, they are unshakable and cold. Somehow, Ai Lie feels a little happy.

"Then, allow me to be your eyes, Young Maiden."

The lake is pretty small. To think this small lake is their source of life, it's too cruel. That means the chance of their living is just as small as the size of this 'pond'. The goddess of fortune must've never smiled upon them, but now Ai Lie has her burning desire. She wanted herself, who was an outcast, to be the goddess of fortune that her smile would bring an eternal peace for those who needed her help. Her determination was made, now is the time for her to proof herself worthy.


"Hey... Who is that?", An old woman rubbed her grey eyes with her wrinkly index finger.

"Hmm.", Another old woman who sat beside the first one flinches her grey eyes, "I can't see it clearly... Little Yue! Little Yue! Where are you?"

"What ish it, Ah-ma!? No nit to shoud!", a little girl, appeared to be 5 y.o. if she was a human, came out from a wooden door near those old women. She's still can't speak fluently.

"Is anybody coming from the wood?", She pointed her finger.

"Hmmm..... Oh!! De kings, de kings!! Yeayy!!!", The little girl jumps excitedly.

"Kings!? Could it be them!?", the first old women immediately stands. "Ah, my back!! Wait, where is my rod!? Little Yue, where is it!?", She scanned her surrounding.

"No nit to shoud!! Here!!", The little girl handed over the rod rudely.

'Knock knock knock!', The old woman used a wooden short rod to help her walk. Her body is already too weak to move, but her curiosity renewed her strength on her fragile small feet. She walked slowly, closer and closer to the two young men that Little Yue meant, and voila! They really are Xin Suan and Yin Ling. They were travelling by feet all night long, but they seemed to be fine.

"Ohohohoho! Look who we have here! Our young lord and his general are back! What brings you here, my sons?", The old woman with no hesitation patted each of their heads.

"Stop it, Mother, don't call me young, you're making me embarrassed.", Xin Suan puts a long face.

"Yeah, he definitely is NOT young anymore.", Yin Ling crossed his arms.

"Yet both of you will always be looking young! While us will grow older and wilt just like me! Ahahahaha cough cough! Agh, my back!!", she placed one of her palms on her lower back.

"Stop it, you have to rest! Let me take you to your house.", Xin Suan carried that old woman on his back.

"Tsk tsk tsk.", Yin Ling could only shooked his head.

"Ah... I wish my husband is still here, Xin Suan, he will definitely happy to see you. He didn't even get the chance to watch your enthronement day! Cough cough!"

"Father will always watching us from the other side, Mother."

"Hahaha! I wonder where he is now... Is he still waiting for me? Well, I'm gonna go anyway, my time is not much. Cough cough!"

"Don't say such nonsense, you are still healthy!", Xin Suan started to feel upset.

"Haa... We will never know what will happen, son. Once your hair turned grey just like me, all you think inside your brain is about death. Even sleeping now is scary, I'm afraid if I closed my eyes then the other day I'm already not in this imitation body. Oh well, you asuras are eternally young so you all can't relate to this, huh? Hahahaha cough cough!"

"C'mon, Mother... You always said that. Stop saying that you're gonna die, you make me sad. Do you really wanna see me cry or what?", Xin Suan turned his head to the old woman on his back.

'Pow!', That old woman lands a fist on Xin Suan's back head, "Hahahahaha! Alright alright, my bad! My son is still needing his mother's warm hug anyway, so I won't leave him behind!"

"Heh. This is the real reason why you are so excited to go here, right? Only in here you will be pampered like a little prince. Even the cold-blooded demon still longs for his mother's lap, huh?"

"Shut up. Are you jealous of me? Go find your own mother, you lonely brat!"

"What the-!? Lonely brat!? And what do you mean find my own mother!?"

"Oh my, you both are hurting my ears! Beside, Yin Ling is also my son, dum dum! He is your little brother, treat him like how the elder supposed to be!", That old woman lands another blow to Xin Suan.

"Bleee!", Yin Ling sticks his tongue out.

"You!!! Look, Mother! He isn't behaving good towards me! I don't want a younger brother like him!"

"Ahahaha cough cough! You silly kids, just take me home already!"

Xin Suan and Yin Ling delivered that old woman to a small wooden old building, more like a hut. It's her house, and her house is at the very beginning of this village's gate. This old woman is of course not Xin Suan's biological mother nor Yin Ling's. She is the village head, also the oldest preta in this small village. Everyone called her Old Xiang. She and Xin Suan had an unique history.

About 3000 years ago, when Xin Suan first reborn as a preta, he was a fragile soul. The preta Xin Suan grew weaker each day because he rejected to eat anything and prefered to wandering around the human world endlessly by feet. One day, his life was at the edge of the doom. He saw his hands were starting to decomposed, and afterward he lost his consciousness at a field. A couple human husband and wife found him and brought him to their small house. They treated his wounds and forced him to swallows porridge even if his consciousness still not in his mind.

Two weeks had passed, weak preta Xin Suan finally opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a middle aged woman wiped his face. Her expression was somehow both worried and glad at the same time. He saw his armor he usually used had already changed into a shabby commoner garments. The couple treated him with full of heart, they gave him expensive meat despite living in simplicity. One day, the preta Xin Suan accidentally heard their secret conversation.

The young Xiang told her husband that she knew Xin suan wasn't a human. She was worried because Xin Suan's body didn't show any improvement yet still as weak as when they found him. She saw some of Xin Suan's body part were still decomposing. She didn't know what to give to him, and it was impossible for them to feed him with the 'proper demon's meal'. Yet, the preta Xin Suan mistook their conversation, he thought they minded taking care of him. The preta Xin Suan, who was usually untalkative, asked them the real reason why they keep treating him kindly instead of being afraid of him after finding out his true nature.

The husband told him that they were once ever had a son, but he died by illness by the age of 11. Just by seeing Xin Suan reminded them of their son, that was why the two decided to tend and adopt him despite being a different creature. The preta Xin Suan didn't believe in that nonsense and threatened them that one day he might devour them. Still, in the next day, they treated him like nothing happened. They didn't show any fear towards the preta Xin Suan and keep talking to him casually. Xin Suan was once had unstable temper when he was a newborn preta, he became angry towards their kindness instead of being grateful.

A week after that moment, Xin Suan decided to unleash his unstable feeling that tormenting his icy cold heart. He wandered outside the house when the couple left him to work at their field, and he saw his neighbour's pig barn was quiet. No one was there to guard, so he came inside it. He was so hungry, a cooked meat will never be enough to fulfil his frail body, he needed something more powerful. Thus he torn one of the pig's neck with his own teeth and its blood was splattered everywhere. He devoured all of its parts and left only the bones. After having his huge lunch, he went back to his house. The couple couple immediately gasped in surprised watching their 'adoptive son' already covered with red blood. His red eyes for the first time started to glow, marked his ultimate power's first awaken after drinking the pig's blood and swallowing its fresh meat. This is what a proper meal is for him, but he knew he need something more to gain more power.

Still not showing any fear, young Xiang chose to bathe bloody Xin Suan with her own hands. The preta Xin Suan became confuse, why are these people remain unshakable after what he did? They didn't even asked whose blood it was, their lips were tightly sealed as if nothing big happened. In the next day, their neighbour tried to barg inside the couple's small house. She was so angry and knocked the door with strength while yelling like a mad person. Of course she knew the real culprit who ate her pig. Ten minutes and the woman started to lose her energy, as the last warn before she went back to her house she threatened them that she will brought the whole villagers to kicked Xin Suan out from their village. Even their neighbour knew Xin Suan wasn't a human from his unalive appearance.

After listening to that angry woman threatening words, the couple decided to cover his sin. They faced that woman and tried to calm her down. They said it wasn't Xin Suan's fault but the wild wolves from the forest. Day after day, the people from the village keep coming to their house just to mock them, curse them, spit on their door, or asking Xin Suan to go away. There was a day where some villagers burnt down the couple's field, but the couple endured all of the bullying and chose to rebuild their only asset after their small house. Yet at the last day, someone called Xin Suan a demon and the husband was so angry because of it. He went into endless argue with that person and defended Xin Suan with his all might. Watching that scene, the preta Xin Suan felt guilty. He thought that his presence in that village disturbing this innocent couple, later in the middle of the night, he ran away from the couple's small house and brought back his full armor. He left them only one thing and it was his shabby garments.

"Heyy!!! Old Na!!!!", Yin Ling waved his hands at the old woman who was sitting next to Old Xiang.

"Good day to you, Young Lords! Sorry I can't go there, my feet are sore!"

"I will go there!!", Yin Ling yelled.

"Hey, my sons, I changed my mind. Why don't we walk arround a little longer?", the three are actually have arrived in Old Xiang's house.

"Is that okay with you, Mother?", Xin Suan turned his head.

"But of course! You are here to check our conditions, right? Just carry me like this, I won't feel tired."

"As you wish, then.", Xin Suan inhaled a long breath, "Old Na!! We will visit you later!!"

"Alright!", She waved her hand.

This Old Na's ears are no longer as perfect as when she was younger, so to talk with her they need to speak loudly. The three continue their journey to the center of this village.

"It's His Highness! His Highness!!", A man saw Xin Suan and Yin Ling passed by his house a few minutes ago.

"YOUR MAJESTY!!", That man is running out from his house with full of vigor. The other villagers noticed his scream and immediately summoned themselves surround the asuras. The villagers here are very happy to meet them since Xin Suan and Yin Ling are pretty often visiting this place.

"Kyaaa!! It's His Highness Lord Xin Suan!!", Some of the young girls running forward to Xin Suan with their cheeks blushing red.

"Oh my!! You are very handsome as always, Your Majesty!! You have melted my heart, please, accept my love!", A girl staring at Xin Suan with twinkling eyes. Three young girls are blocking the asura's path from moving forward.

"Me too!! I will give you all I have, My Lord!!"

"Please, accept my love too!! Even if I became a secret mistress or a lowly concubine is more than enough, my Lord!!", This one is a bit too far. Xin Suan patiently keeps his mouth shut tightly and staring at their thin layered make up with cold expression.

"Tsk!", Feeling jealous, Yin Ling yelled, "Make way, ladies! Show some respect to your king!"

"Good grief his grumpy general is here too! I didn't realized it!", the crowd of young girls scrammed away, along with those who blocked them before.

"Grr! He is disturbing our precious time with Lord Xin Suan! I really want to talk with him in person!"

"Ah... If only I know His Highness will come here today, I will put more make up and wear my best hanfu!", Someone replied to her friends.

"What's wrong with those damn girls!? They ran away after I open my mouth!"

"Hahahaha cough cough! Because you are rude, dum dum! It's always been like this, eh? Spare a girl for your little brother, Xin Suan, he has no fans! What if he ended up being single because all the girls in the world choose you?"

"Why should I care? Beside, he knows really well how to win over the women's hearts unlike me, so he won't be."

"Such a hypocrite. Acting like he is untouchable, while even without speaking a word he could make someone fell for him.", Yin Ling muttered.

"I heard that.", Xin Suan continued to walk forward

"I know you are proud of your stunning pretty face that could made all the girls fainted!"

"Stunning my ass. My face is clearly ordinary."

"Wow. Look at you. What a sarcasm.", Yin Ling applaused.

"Hahahaha you are at your usual vigor, Lord General!", A man from a small crowd behind them replied.

"My mood is currently no good. Anyway, how is the Qiong?"

"Not a grave matter, m'lord, but still dangerous. About 25 people infected, and 3 of them have died a week ago, but the rest are still curable.", Another man replied.

"What about the tonics? Do you still have enough?", Xin Suan's barging in.

"Unfortunately no, Your Majesty. To treat 22 people and each day they have to drink the tonic at least 3 times... Obviously they are getting less and less.", A woman behind Yin Ling replied.

"Hmm...", Xin Suan flinches his thin eyebrows.

"Oh my goodness, it's His Majesty!!!", A man from far distance waved his hand.l after seeing the asuras and a small crowd behind them.

'Snap!', Xin Suan snaps his fingers, summoning the food aid carts and Yin Ling's cart. He placed Old Xiang on a wooden chair at a random house. They have reached the heart of this small village, and thus Xin Suan and Yin Ling started to share their goods for the poor people surround them. The healthy villagers lined up, patiently waiting for their allotments. Everyone said 'thank you' to the two of them, and everyone's smiles are widened each time their rough pale palms receiving worthy things from Xin Suan and Yin Ling.

Each of the villagers get their own 'white gold', and Xin Suan always told them not to sell those sugar but to use it for their own needs. It turns out, the sugar here has a good effect for the demon's body. Aside from the succulent sweet taste, the sugar also gave them additional energy and worked as a catalisator to make any medicine react faster than it should be. So it's a 'magical' sugar, not the ordinary one like in Ai Lie's world, no wonder they said the price is insanely expensive, even a nobleman would prefer to steal it instead of buying it properly.

Here, in this small village, laid so many precious memories. He used to live here at Old Xiang's house with Yin Ling when he hasn't get his throne as a king. Now this place has changed so much. The people he knew have been long dead as a result of the endless war, unexceptionally Old Xiang's husband. If only he is still alive, he may be proud of what Xin Suan has achieved. Everyone has their own agenda tough, so when will the fate took Xin Suan's adoptive mother away from his embrace? He wished he could see her a little bit longer, and had the chance to introduce his Ai Lie to the one he called 'mother'.

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