
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 39: Pay a Visit (1)

Xin Suan immediately stunned. A pile of his troops dead bodies laid on the ground and have been rotten. Half of them has been eaten by the wild beasts. They are treated like nothing but trash that should be discarded.

"T-This.... Our friends.", Yin Ling flinches his eyebrows.

"... Yin Ling, lend me your power once more. Let's give them a proper rest."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

The wind blows stronger. Some of the dead bodies emit red lights, and the other emit purple lights. Deep holes created on the ground, and the dead bodies laid on each holes that Xin Suan and Yin Ling made, and for the finishing touch, they covered them with the dirt. They created a mass grave inside the wood.

"Yin Ling, their cores...", Xin Suan flinched his eyebrows

"What's wrong?", Yin Ling turned his head.

"Their souls are still trapped inside their bodies. Their souls are still unease. Let me do what I should do as an asura.... And as their king."

Xin Suan kneeled, he landed his forehead on the ground. He whispered some mantras that even Yin Ling couldn't understand. When he has done casting his spell, he stood on his feet, and bowed to them. Balls of rainbow light came out from each graveyards, they are flying away up to the sky. The scenery was beautiful, like fireflies that lit up the dark sky.

Thank you, Your Majesty, General Yin!

May we meet again, I wish for the both of you a good health!

Long live Your Highness, General! Rule this world under your widsom for eternity!

Praise be to my Lords! Please accept my last respects, Lord Asuras!

"Y-Your Majesty! This...!?"

"It's their unspeakable words. They aren't directly talking to us, but they send their words inside our minds without a voice. This is how 'gods' like us recieved messages from those who have died."

"T-This... Somehow making me....", Yin Ling flinches his eyebrows stronger than before.

Goodbye, Your Majesty, General Yin! See you again!

You both should've get married and have children after this, before you grow older and no one wants you! Hahahaha!

I wish someday I could be your soldier again, General, I wish to be trained by you! It was fun!

Ah, if only I know I'll go this fast, I should've tell my wife and my son! Please, send my farewell to them, My Lords! Thank you for everything!

"Oh my goodness...", Yin Ling covered his eyes. Silently he is bursting in tears.

"I pray for all of you to be reincarnated as better creatures. Each of you, I hope you'll be reborn as a human, or even a god. The darkness in your paths have perished and now you have atoned your sins. You shall crawl up to the better realms and walk in the right paths. Now, farewell, my brothers.", Xin Suan bowed at them.

Those fireflies shattered like bubbles. The glitter from their light falling down upon both of their heads. Xin Suan raised his palms, he catched some of them. The glitter lit up his pale cold palm, and vanished after the moment they touch his skin. He is staring at it with cold expression, but deep down in his chest, his heart broke to pieces. It's always hard to lose those who are important for him, but it's his fate as the guardian of the death to send those who has died to the River of Souls, the place where the souls will receive their final judgement, their final destination before reborn in another lives. Death is something that can't be avoided after all.

"Sigh... We lost so many competent soldiers. At this rate, we will start to lose power. We need to open new recruitment in the next month."

"Oh my... Everyone, all of them are my friends, my pupils... I can't believe we have to parted this way.... Some of them have kids too. What if they found out that they can't see their fathers anymore?"

"Now their agony had gone, Yin Ling. We should let them go. Everyone has their own agenda, even I, too, will be perished someday. Just pray for them to have the better future. Yet us, who is still living, we should stay and protect their families they had left. We have important roles, so we must not join them too soon."

"Y-you... S-Since when did you learn to put beautiful words like that on your prayer?", Yin Ling sobbed.

"That child.", Xin Suan lifted his head up with sad face, "The day when she rescued the baby bunnies, she prayed that way to their dead mother. She wished their mother to be reborn as a better creature, meanwhile it was merely a prey animal. She treated it like it was a human, she even asked me to bury it. Somehow... Her kindness melts something cold inside me. She taught me to show mercy even to small frail animals."

"Oh my... Shit. I don't know I would cry over something like this. J-Just like what Lord Water, she is the light upon the dark.", Yin Ling dismissed his flame on his palm and rubbed his teary eyes.

"That's why... I don't deserve her, Yin Ling, as well as I don't deserve my role in this realm. Everyone keeps reminding me that I will fail to protect her, even some said that I'll be the one who harm her, as if I am a big villain who will betray who I hold dearest."

"T-That's not true!"

"Haa... Xia Xiaoli was right, what if someday she finds out my past? What will she do? She will on her knees for me to bring her back to her realm, right?"

"What do you think, Yin Ling? Should I bring her back to her realm?", Xin Suan turned his head to his best friend.

"No!", Yin Ling suddenly yelled, "Don't even try to remove her from this realm! She is kind, she is not like what you think! I believe... I believe even if she knows your stories, she will show you understanding instead of begging you to throw her away!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Her heart is pure and white, Your Majesty, she will never run away from you! Beside... Take her as your reward for your deeds, Your Majesy, you've been suffering too long."

".... My reward, huh? Hahaha. Then, help me, Yin Ling. I sometimes lose my head into madness as a result for being the greediest person in this realm. When that happens, you shall be the one who stop me. Be prepared and gain yourself more strength before I made a breach on the peaceful contract."

"I will, Your Majesty."

"Let's go back.", Xin Suan turned his body and walked further.

Even if Xin Suan showed his back on Yin Ling, Yin Ling knows so well his master sheded a tear. Of course, no one wouldn't cry after seeing their own friends brutally murdered. Xin Suan just trying to act tough in front of his young general. Yin Ling watched Xin Suan's back farther and farther away from him. His mind is full of words that he wanted to spit out, but he can't, so he chose to keep them by himself.

You were always walk in the thorny path, but you endured the pain, even you suffer the burden of the others on your shoulder. You fought for your land, won the war alone by yourself, and brought the peace for the three realms. No one prayed for your happiness, but I will do it for you. Ai Lie, if that child is really your reward, then I prayed for the best fate between you two. Even if her life destined to be shorter than yours, I prayed you both will create blissful memories and not to waste any time. In the end, just be happy, Your Majesty, you deserve it.

Those words and sentences will never reach Xin Suan's ears since Yin Ling treasures them inside his mind, so are they counted as unspeakable words too? Yin Ling wondered. He silently gives his master a blessing. An asura who blessed another asura, this kind of phenomenon has never been happened before. He wished his prayer will be come true. Of course, Xin Suan noticed that Yin Ling casting his power towards him. Xin Suan stopped his feet, and turned his back.

"Hey, what happened? Why are you sharing me your power?"

"N-Nothing, I-I was just making sure you are alright.", Yin Ling still sobbed.

"Huh? I am perfectly fine. Weren't you the one who was injured? You should save your power for yourself."

"Don't worry, I still have more power left."

"What's wrong with you? You are acting weird, Yin Ling. Beside, you really need to take a look of your injury. I forgot to tell you that the poison they used in that arrow was made by Qiong."

"WHAT!? QIONG!?", In an instant, Yin Ling forgets his sadness, "How could that possible!?"

"Yeah. They extract the contaminated water and mix it with regular poison. That's why you were unable to sensed the Qiong."

"What the hell!?", Yin Ling immediately checked his injured leg that has been healed, "I was infected for 5 minutes and I'm already suffocated. I didn't even have the time to scan what poison they used."

"That's how dangerous the Qiong is. Regeneration is nothing but a waste of time once we infected by it. If only I didn't come right in time, I guess you will lose your life. I can't take out the poison if it's already attacked your heart."

"Shit. I was pretty lucky, huh? Then, what about the affected villages? Especially Bao Hu village, that place is at the front line... It must be worse than the others."

".... Should we go there? I've kept the 3 remaining food aids and the goods in your cart. We can give them to that village."

"Okay, but aren't you tired? It's almost midnight, we will arrive tomorrow morning if we travel on foot."

"I'm fine, I still have so much energy. What about you? Or shall we go home instead?"

"Nope. Let's go help them. I can't stand to see the people suffering from that toxin, it was super terrifying, you know. C'mon."

"Hmm. Let's go.", Xin Suan smiled.

'Chirp Chirp Chirp!', Ai Lie gasped in surprised from her bed. She can't believe she woke up too late. The sun has been arise, its light thrust into her window, reflecting on the floor. Yet oddly, no one wake her up. She rushingly changed her clothes and went down. She met Xiu Zhen at the chamber of prayer, but Xiu Zhen and the other monks are still praying. Ai Lie had no choice but to hide away, or else she will disturb their moment.

'Knock knock knock!', The sound of the wood beating wood. Xiu Zhen, as the head of ritual, she makes a rhythym with her wooden fish, while she and the others chanting mantras that Ai Lie never heard before. What kind of teaching that Xiu Zhen and her discpiles adhere? But by remembering Xiu Zhen's past, it's obvious this monk isn't a normal one as well as the teaching she adhered and spreaded to the others.

After a moment of praying, the monks kneeled on their cushions, pay obeisance to the so called 'gods' that Ai Lie have never seen before. Then, they burned some black incenses and placed on the altar, now the ritual has been ended. Wow, Ai Lie obviously never seen this kind of ritual, it's new for her. Beside, why would someone who has already as strong as god like Xiu Zhen and Yi Fei still worshipping someone else? Is there a 'god' above a 'god'? Ai Lie wondered. The only thing who is stronger than gods and the asuras is the nature itself, who wrote the fates of every creatures, so that doesn't make any sense. At least, that what's inside Ai Lie's mind.

"Young Maiden.", Xiu Zhen suddenly called Ai Lie.

"A-Ah, I'm sorry, My Lord, I-I was too tired.", In an instant, she trembles in fear after remembering today she woke up very very late because of exhaustion.

"You don't have any training schedule today."

"Yes- Eh, wait a minute. I'm sorry, could I ask for you to explain?"

"Today, let us visit the western part of this territory, to see the port nearest to the middle area."


"Yi Fei, summon them."

"Yes, Lao Shi."

When Ai Lie came out from the shrine, there are three gigantic white snakes waiting for their arrival. Although they scared her for the first time, the snakes are seems to be friendly. One of them lick Ai Lie's cheek without being alarmed of Ai Lie's fear, as if it tried to gain Ai Lie's trust. Ai Lie begin to fall for their beauty, especially their yellow serpent eyes and their shiny white scales.

"Woah... Beautiful!", Ai Lie pats the snake that licked her.

"You may ride her, Young Maiden, it seems that one likes you."

"E-Excuse me? Riding it?"

"Yes, they are the ones who will deliver us."

"But how to ride this- KYAA!"

Ai Lie's legs rammed by the snake. She immediately slides on its back, and sit on it.

"Hold on tight.", Xiu Zhen and Yi Fei climbed to the other snakes.


Ai Lie grip its body tighter. Somehow, the scales feel softer than it looks. The three started their journey. The snakes moved in pretty high speed, almost like riding a motorcycle. The wind blows Ai Lie's hair away, but somehow she feels excited. The three passed by some villages near the shrine, and the people there who saw them greeted Xiu Zhen. She is the 'queen' after all. About thirty minutes after their long journey and passing dozens of fields, some buildings near the coast seen by Ai Lie from far distance. That must be the place Xiu Zhen meant. Yet oddly, the trees near that place are dried, and the branches are blackened. The village, too, somehow feels too quiet, Ai Lie didn't see anyone until the three finally jumped off from the white snakes, and walked closer.

'Cough Cough!', A sickly man sat on the ground. He leaned his back on the walls of a small building. His body is very thin until his ribs printed on his pale skin clearly.

"My Lord, this...?", Ai Lie's stunned by what she watched in her sight.

"This is the most affected village in this territory, or we called it port instead of village. The Gong Ji port. This is the gate of this territory for the voyager that travelled by the ocean."

"Oh my God....", Ai Lie scans the path she walked between those buildings. There are so many people laid on the ground, some of them have passed away, and the rest are dying. She doesn't know who they are but she shedded a tear. She couldn't bare to see their skinny pale condition with their mouth and shabby robes are stained by their blood.

"Lord Water!", A young man that seems to be healthy yelled at them.

"Good morning, Physician Luo."

"Ah! Priestess Yi Fei are here too! Greetings! And you are....?"

"O-Oh! M-my name is Ai Lie, sir!", Ai Lie bows at him.

'Sniff Sniff!', "A human? Are you lost, my child?"

"She is the new Sword Maiden, Physician Luo. She is bought by His Highness, practically she belongs to him."

'Bought!? I'm not an item you know!', Ai Lie silently scream.

"New Sword Maiden? Why would she changed Lord Water's role?"

"As you can see, the Qiong is unstoppable now. The Eye of Puritiness has chose her by itself, she may be the new savior to save this world from the crisis."

"Oh I see... Did His Majesty bought her to be the new Sword Maiden or...?", Physician Luo's scanning Ai Lie from her head to her shoes.

"No. He bought her for some other reasons."

"A-Ah...Well, I can't explain because the story is long (actually embarrassing), but all I can say is I owe him my life, so I pay him back by serving him right now..."

"By serving do you mean....?", Yi Fie suddenly barging into the conversation.

"A-Ah... I-I do the house chores at his manor. Hehehe."

"Ah...", Yi Fei suddenly put a reliefed face, as if she is afraid if Ai Lie's stained.

"So that means you are now his servant, yes?"

"Yes, sir. Hehehe."

"Hmm... His Majesty bought a human woman? That's new...", Physician Luo stares at Ai Lie without a blink. Somehow Ai Lie feels nervous.

"Physician Luo. I'm aware with the situation of the people in this place, but I will still ask for your report."

"Yes, Lord Water, half of the commoners are infected. Some of them are incurable, so with all dissappointment, I couldn't do anything but let them 'rest'. I have rescued the uninfected ones and took them in the capital city, and those who can be saved I isolated them at the shelters."

"Lao Shi, I heard the tonics we had are now unable to cure the infected ones."

"Yes, that's true, Priestess Yi Fei, you are always good at your ears."

"Unable? Does that means the Shengshui Lake are already contaminated as well?"

"I know not, but I'm afraid yes.", Physician Luo flinched his eyebrows.

"I-Is there anyway we could do to stop it? I-I mean except doing the ritual...", Ai Lie finally decided to open her mouth.

"The Qiong spreads mostly through the water, Miss Ai Lie, while the five territories are all seperated by oceans except here and our sister territory, the south-east. Unfortunately, this territory contains water more than the others, even the land that we stepped on is the fertilest in this realm."

"E-Eh? You mean, even the Qiong can spread through this ground?"

"Yes. Once the land is contaminated, the Qiong will starts to destroy everything it touches even the air. The spreading speed, too, increased. It needs about 100 year to swallows this whole realm into calamity. We already performed the ritual 50 years ago, yet oddly the Qiong keeps spreading and the condition is getting worse each day. We had no choice but to fight this misfortunate once more."

"So... That's the only way.", Ai Lie threw her eyes to the sad sights around her.

"Young Maiden. We believe the Qiong is our eternal punishment of our sins. To satisfy its resentment, the sky blessed us by sending you down to this world. Though indeed, this is not what you wish, but you are the one who will represents our redemption. You are our last hope, everyone is praying for your successfulness."

"Y-Yes, please, Miss Ai Lie, help us the small people!", Physician Luo grips Ai Lie's shoulders.

"...", Ai Lie couldn't reply a word but put a long face, "I wish I could... B-But I'm just a normal human..."

'As I thought.', Xiu Zhen staring at Ai Lie.

'Physician Luo.', Xiu Zhen connected her mind.

'Yes, my Lord?'

'This child is highly inconfident. Please, help us to create a scene to move her heart.'

'E-Eh? But how to...?'

The man that they called as Physician Luo is only a conventional doctor and nothing more. Of course he had no idea how to make a drama in order to gain Ai Lie's confident. But still, after seeing Ai Lie who stares at a sickly man near them, he found an inspiration to create the scene Xiu Zhen asked.

"EVERYONE!", Suddenly he yelled. All of the people near them turned their attention to him, as well as the asuras and Ai Lie. Everyone's waiting for him to continue his words.

"This... This child is our new Sword Maiden. She will be the one who pulled us out from this eternal darkness. Should she done the Jinghua Ritual, our suffering will be perished! Together let us pray for her successfulness! May your light guide our lives to the peace, Sword Maiden!"

"New Sword Maiden...?", The sickly people muttered. They started to walk closer to Ai Lie.

"S-She's a human! A human!", One of them pointed her finger.

"Yes, she is a holy human the heaven sent for us. She is not here to be a meal yet instead she carries our burden to help us all. Please, show her greatest respect.", Xiu Zhen bowed at the crowd.

"What? A meal?", Ai Lie muttered.

'Cough, cough!', "Then, Jie Jie is here to seal the Qiong?", A boy pulled Ai Lie T-Shirt. His robes and all is dirty and shabby.

"Uh... I wish I could, but I don't know...."

"Please, help us the peasants, young human!", An old woman kneeled to Ai Lie. Her eyes are bursting with tears.

"Please help us!", The other people started to do the same.

"N-No, please raise your feet, I don't deserve this!", Ai Lie squatted.

"Please, I beg you, milady, my son, he is still a baby!", Another woman cried. She seems to be healthy, but the little preta inside her embrace is not. His mouth is covered by blood, it seems he has been spewed for a few times.

"Oh my God.... Poor child.", Ai Lie started to cry. She reached that baby's mouth and wiped the blood away.

"Miss Ai Lie, you should be more careful! We can't let yourself infected too!", Physician Luo pulled her arm.

"O-Oh I'm sorry, but he...."

"That's why, Young Maiden, we need your help.", Yi Fei leads Ai Lie to stand.

As a girl who always been an outcast, suddenly become the spotlight here. Of course her mind is mixed up. She was just a normal high school girl, but everyone here treated her as if she is a pure heroine the heaven sent. Deep down in her heart, she is afraid if she fails the ritual, and this world's condition become worse. Yet everyone depends on her, and the poor people begged for her help. Well, it's just one simple dance, and the dance could bring the peace to this world, so why don't she change her mindset? After that one dance, the Qiong will be returned to its origin, isn't that an easy task to do? Beside, Ai Lie has ever learnt ballet, performing a dance shouldn't be a big matter fot her. Ai Lie begin to think that way.

"Very well.", Ai Lie rubbed her teary eyes, "I will do my best. Please, everyone, support me with your prayers."

"Thank you, milady!"

"Thank you, human!"

"Best of luck for you, Sword Maiden!"

The people cheering her up after listening to her words. They kneeled at Ai Lie, as if she is a goddess. Maybe they are too desperate with their current state. Witnessing this condition, Ai Lie has learned something new. Not all demons are cruel, and in contrary, not all gods are kind.

The demons here, most of them has atone their sins, but no gods has ever showed their mercy to help their arch enemies. Ai Lie knows that the gods must have the power to be lent to the demons, but they are too arrogant to came here, let alone to help them closing the portal in the middle area. Instead, the gods simply turned their eyes blind and keep punishing the demons for eternity, no matter how hard their lives will be.

If the nature itself sent her down to be a heroine here, she will willingly accept her fate. No one has ever cherished her the way the demons did. For the first time in forever, she is grateful of having too much loan and ever attempted suicide, if only she never decided so, she will never saw the bright side of the darkness below her original world.

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