
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 34: Days Without Her

'Knock knock knock!', "Your Majesty."

"Come in."

'Creak!', Yin Ling entered Ai Lie's room. He saw his master is kneeling on the floor, while his long pale finger rubbing the bunnies heads. The bunnies grew bigger than before, their fur became thicker, and finally they could open their eyes.

"Wow, what a lovely scene to be watched."

"I know you are mocking me but I don't give a shit."

"Why do you care for them so much? It's been a week you came here just for them. Did she ask you to do this?"

"Yeah. Beside, they are my children."

"WHAT?", Yin Ling picked his ear, "I BEG YOUR PARDON? YOUR CHILDREN?? WHO? THEM?"


"HUH??", Yin Ling moved his feet farther from him, "ARE YOU MAD??"

"She said so. She said they are our kids, and I am their father."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA FATHER!? AND YOU TAKE THAT SERIOUSLY!?", Yin Ling couldn't believe how childish Xin Suan is.

"So what? I don't care with your opinion."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Haa..... Enslaved by love, aren't you?"

"Love, huh?", Xin Suan raised his body. He walked to the chair and sat on it elegantly.

"I never said that. I never said I'm in love with her."

"HUH????", Yin Ling immediately pulls the chair beside him and sit, "After all what you did?? You said you didn't love her?? Are you mad??"

"Ha... Since when did my comrades start to poke their noses in my business?"

"Hey! Of course we give a shit about you! You are fucking different from before!"

"Am I?"

"Fucking of course!! Look at you now. How could you said you aren't in love with her?? Are you sure??"


"Ohhh... You just don't want to admit it, right? Pretending to be shy, aren't you?"

"I am not. I am serious, I don't have such feeling towards that child."

"Then why the hell are you keep flirting with her?"

"I just want to play a bit. I'm bored."

"Wow! What an asshole!", Yin Ling smack his fist on the table, "Now I understand why you kissed her. You certainly don't do that to eat human's energy. So it was a reason to hide your true intentions. What a jerk!"

"Curse me as much as you want, I don't fucking care."

"Playing with her, huh? Are you sure with your words?"

"I'm a man who sticks to his words. I have lived long enough without any woman in my side, Yin Ling, so cut me some slack."

"Yeah yeah. You've just got the opportunities to create memories with her. Then, what do you want to do next? Deflowering her chaste?"

"Of course."

"Tsk tsk tsk... What a pervert asshole.", Yin Ling shooked his head.

"We are men, that's normal right? Beside, I have never done that before. For once in my life I want to know how it feels before I die."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Can you at least lie a bit? You are fucking blunt, you huge perv."

"Look who's talking. You think I didn't know you have slept with many girls from the brothel back when you were a human? Even after reborn as an asura, you have ever slept with a lowly preta too, am I correct?"

"Y-YOU!! YOU READ MY PAST, DIDN'T YOU!? WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHTS TO DO THAT!?", In an instant, Yin Ling is blushing so hard, as if his greatest secret is being leaked.

"Who gave me the rights to do that? Who gave you the rights to prohibit me?"

"Y-YOU!!", Yin Ling pointed his finger.

"That's why cut me some slack. Let me be a jerk in this lifetime.", Xin Suan slaps Yin Ling's hand away from his face.

"She is not going to long last just like us, Yin Ling. She will get old, sick, and then die. Just like what you said, I've just got the opportunities to create memories with her, so I won't waste it."

"Ha... She is a pure girl, Your Majesty. If she finds out about your motives, she will be sad."

"I know. I'll shut my mouth. You too, you should cooperate with me, or I'll kill you."

"Yeah yeah. Then, after you got what you want, what will you do next? Throwing her away?"

".... No. I won't do that. I always failed to protect her. Keeping her by my side will make a new history in my life, so I'll create that memory too."

"Tsk tsk tsk... You clearly are a hypocrite. That's what they called as love, you virgin dumb."

"I told you, I am not in love with her."

"Alright, M'Lord. You aren't in love with her, of course, of course. Do whatever you want, just don't eat her. If you ever tried to break the contract, I'll step in to stop you."

"I won't, I swear it. Even if I was a greedy person, I know how to hold back my bloodlust."

"Are you sure? Usually, when you do that to a virgin girl, she will bleed, you know. Judging by that innocent brat looks, she is definitely still chaste. Can you handle yourself when that happen?"

"Bleed? Really?", Xin Suan widened his eyes.

"Look at that face! Ahahahaha! How naive you are!! I can't believe you are far older than me but your experience is zero! You really are an old maid, who are you for stealing her first night!? Are you sure you can do that?? You will only make yourself embarrased in front of her! Hahahahaha!!"

'SLAM!', Hearing the way Yin Ling called him an old maid makes Xin Suan's pride hurts, "Shut up you little bitch!!"

"HAHAHAHAHA!!", Yin Ling rubs his teary eyes.

"....", Xin Suan begin to lose his patience.

"A-Alright, alright, I'm just fooling around, okay? I don't want to lose my head because of one joke."

"Listen well, my brother, I will tell you a thing or two about basic education that you don't understand. But I'm not a professional, if you wanna know more, go ask Lord Fire, he is mastered at this kind of shit.", Yin Ling grins mischievously.

"To hell with you...."

"It's a common thing to bleed at her first night. If she doesn't bleed, it may have a chance that she has an experience before."

"Bleeding, huh? Does that mean it's hurting her?"

"Of course it will hurt her for the first time! Imagine you are being stabbed by something long like sword? It's similar to that. Especially virgin girls are still tight. But as time goes by, she won't feel hurt anymore, instead she will enjoy it. That's why, to satisfy her, you should-"

"Enough! Shut your dirty mouth up! Do you really think I don't understand anything about that!?"

"You have to listen to me, or else you will ruin both of your first nights!"

"You fucker, you are the one who is pervert, not me!"

"Hmm... I can't imagine. If both of you are unexperienced, what will happen next?"

"Ha! You talk as if you are experienced since you were born! Then what about your own first!? Did it ended well!? Or instead you ruined it!?"

"...", Yin Ling face become serious.

"My first partner was...."

'Here we go again. Shit. I shouldn't ask anything about his life!', Xin Suan's facepalming.


Kingdom of Qie Lan, one of the richest kingdom ever exist in the history. Under the rule of He Dynasty, the kingdom lived in their supreme legacy. Their territory was very large, from the north to the south. It is said the capital city of Kingdom Qie Lan never sleeps. The hedonism of the nobles there are absolute, feast for all day all night. Young Yin Ling was a son of wealthy merchant. He was one of the people who enjoyed this luxurious habit in the capital city.

"Biao Ge!", Young Yin Ling running in the middle of crowd.

"Oh! Ah-Ling!", A mature man wave his hand. He was Yin Ling's cousin.

"Hosh... Hosh... Why are you calling me this late??"

"You are seventeen right? I want to give a present for your birthday!"

"Awww my youngest cousin has been grow up, huh!?", He curles his arm to Yin Ling neck.

"Ugh! Let me go!", Yin Ling struggling to remove his arm.

"Let's go!!", He drags Young Yin Ling away.

The two traveled to a small district called the Blue Moon District. Just right after entered the gate, Young Yin Ling could see there are so many naughty couples roaming on the street. Holding each other, kissing, everything that made Young Yin Ling felt disgust.


"You'll see later. C'mon!!!"

The two reached a fancy building on the corner of the district. Young Yin Ling could see a wooden plate on the top of the building with the words 'Tea House' written on it. The building was very large and fancy, like a manor of a nobleman. Young Yin Ling heard music and laughter inside that tea house.


"It's time for you to be a man, Ah-Ling! You are adult already! This place will teach you how to be the best man in the world!"

'BEST MAN MY ASS!!!', Young Yin Ling internally screamed.

"T-This is crazy! I'm going home!", He turned his back from the tea house and readily to stepped away from that naughty place.

"Why so in rush?? Are you nervous?? That's normal, this is your first time anyway!", His cousin pulled his arm.

"My parents will kill me if they know about this!!"

"Aww c'mon!! You are no prince, why should you remain pure!? You should know how to satisfy girl, Ah-Ling, so your future wife will not be disappointed of you!"


"Shut up and follow me! I paid much to book a girl for you!", He dragged Young Yin Ling inside.


"Shhh you are noisy!"


When Young Yin Ling enterer the main door, there were plenty of girls who dressed improperly. They didn't use outer robe, exposing their upper chests, shoulders, and arms. They put heavy make up on their faces, and used the best hair ornaments they had. Some of them were crowd around an old man who looked very wealthy. They rubbed their dirty hands on that man shoulders, and they laugh together along with that old man. That old man seemed to be very happy. Young Yin Ling wondered about his wife that he left in home alone, wouldn't she feel sad if she knew his old husband having fun in this dirty place?

"This place is paradise, Ah-Ling!!", His cousin lead him to a room.


"Ah! Welcome back, Master!", Three girls greeted them inside that room.

"Hahahaha I've missed you so much!!", His cousin hugged those girls.

"Ugh!!", Young Yin Ling couldn't believe his cousin is very bold to hug someone he doesn't close.

"Hey, Ah-Ling, for your first time, I presented you that girl!", His cousin pointed his finger to the direction behind Young Yin Ling's back.

"Huh?? Who??"

When Young Yin Ling turned his head, a beautiful young woman already stood behind him for 5 minutes ago. When their eyes meet, Young Yin Ling immediately fall for her beauty. She had glowing hazel brown eyes, perfect white skin, long black hair, her arms were slim and slender, as well as her whole body, and her bossoms were great. Even with thin make up, she was already beautiful like an angel. She brought a wooden well decorated zither on her hands.

"H-HAAA!?", Young Yin Ling blushed.

"Welcome, Young Master.", That girl bowed at him.

"Ah-Ling, you loved music, right? That girl is the best zither player in this town! Go have fun with her, I'll leave you in this room!"

"B-Biao Ge, are you mad!?"

"Bye, see you later! I'll pick you up when my business has done!"

His cousin and those three naughty girls left them alone. They locked the room so Young Yin Ling couldn't run away when his cousin isn't around. Young Yin Ling felt so uncomfortable to be in one room with stranger, and that stranger had opposite gender as his.

"Young Master, what do you want me to play? We have done nothing for 10 minutes."

"U-Uhh..... W-Whatever you like, please!"

"You don't want to request anything?"

"Y-Yeah, anything would be fine."

"Very well. This song is dedicated for the queen of our kingdom. It's called The Plum Blossom."

That girl started to play with her long slender fingers. She picked every of strings skillfully. Because Young Yin Ling loved music, he knew that she didn't make any mistake on her performance, eventhough he couldn't play a zither. He began to fall deeper into her and her beauty.

"How was that, Young Master?"

"Very beautiful... Just like you.", Young Yin Ling unconsciously praised her appearance.


"O-Oh! I mean- Err... You know. You really are beautiful, Jie Jie."

"Thank you."

"Uh... What should we do now?"

"This is your first time to come into this place, right?"

"Y-Yeah... My cousin dragged me in."

"Very well, Young Master. If you are allowing me to, I will take the lead."

"Umm okay?", Young Yin Ling didn't understand what she meant. He was young, pure, and innocent after all, coming to dirty place like this will only confused his mind.

"Very well. Please, excuse my impudence, Young Master."

That girl started to undress herself. In an instant, Young Yin Ling felt so shocked until he removed his outer robe and covered it on her body.

"W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?", Young Yin Ling closed his eyes tightly.

"I-I'm only doing my duty, Young Master.", That girl also shocked.

"Your duty!? What kind of indecent duty is that??"

"...", That girl didn't reply a word.

Young Yin Ling collected courage to open one of his eyes. He saw that girl put a long face.

"A-Are you angry?"

"I'm not. It's just weird to be called indecent when you already know what kind of place is this."

"Y-You're right, but I'm not ready yet!"

"This place is where the women should served the men they didn't know, Young Master. It's their duty, as well as mine."

"You... Somehow I feel like you actually don't wanna do this."

"Certainly. But I need money for my mother's medication, Young Master, I had no choice but to sell my own body. Please understand me."

"... How long have you worked in here?"

"3 years."

"... And your mother is still sick?"

"Yes. She is at the end of her life, but still, as her oldest daughter, I will do my best to help her. So please, Young Master, understand me. Let me do what I should do, you have pay me much after all."

"Then, serve only me."

"Pardon me?"

"I will give you as much as I could, but you should serve only me. I won't let the other guys touch you."

That girl couldn't reply anything but stunned by his request. She was only a lowly woman, why should he be possessive towards her? But Young Yin Ling was pure. He never came out to the wild side of the town just to play. He spent most of his time inside his house. Hearing the sad story behind her choice to work in such dirty place made his heart melt away. For him, she was more beautiful and precious, even more than the daughters of the noblemen. He began to wanting her more, and thus his intuition told him to own her alone. In an instant, Young Yin Ling lost his first time to that girl that can be counted as his first love.

"And that's how my story end."

"Oh. Did you say something?"


"I'm joking. Of course I heard you, my ears are totally work."

"You really know how to make me lose my cool."

"Then, what happened to you both after that?"

"Well... We met for 7 times. After that, she was gone. The other girls said she left the town after her mother's death. But I kept coming back to that dirty place like crazy, hoping that I could meet her for the last time."

"Ha. You met her in a short time yet you've fallen for her. Do you still hold any special feeling to that girl?"

"Yeah.", Yin Ling smiles widely, "She is someone precious for me. I can't forget her."

"Hmm... Was she really served only you?"

"Yeah. She obeyed me. Beside, I told everyone there not to sell her to any men except me. I gave them much money as a compensation for that because she was the star of that tea house."

"Your own money?"

"Half of them yes, but the rest is my old man's. My old man was very rich, and he pampered me because I'm his only son. Whenever I asked something to him, he gave me with no hesitation."

"Then, why did you sleep with the others? Is that how you pay her loyalty?"

"T-That's different!! I was really young and I wanted to explore too!"

"Ha. Interesting.", Xin Suan closed his eyes and smile softly, "Your story is interesting. Reminds me of my own."

Yin Ling stares at him sharply. This is the first time he saw his master smiling so calm.

"When I was that age, I already joined my hands in the battlefield in order to clean my father's name."

"What happened to him?"

"He was a traitor. The emperor banished him from the palace, revoked his title as a royal official, and hunted my family down. Somehow, we managed to run away, and lived in a small mountain. The emperor knew that, yet oddly he didn't send his army to terror us anymore."

"Then what happened next?"

"He died by illness, leaving his wife and his three sons. My mother was weak, she oftenly sick, yet my younger brothers were still small. They both 7 until 11 years younger than me. I had to take care of the three of them as the oldest son."

"Wow. Then what made you choose to join the battlefield beside cleaning your old man's name? Err.. I mean, you know. You have to take care of your family, right?"

"No specific reason. Just like you, I was very young, I wanna know how it feels to be a hero. But it turned out, I grew older and older, stuck in the battlefield until my death. Wins and loses, I have experienced all of them."

"Wow. You are amazing. A man who devoted his whole life for his country eventhough his king exiled his family. Trully merciful, huh?"

"Haa. Totally opposite, I am full of rage."

"You know you have changed a lot since you met her. It's unusual for you to share your stories with me. I wanna know more about your past!"

"Nope. That's all I can give."

"HUH!? That cliffhanger is unfair!! C'mon, don't be a jerk, tell me more! What happened to your family after that? And what kind of position your old man had?"

"Stop that, you are acting like a kid. My human life was boring, not like yours."

'Knock knock knock!', "YOUR MAJESTY!!"

"Come in."

"Y-YOUR MAJESTY, THERE IS AN EMERGENCY!!", One of the front gate guard barging into their conversation.

"Calm down. What's wrong?", Yin Ling stands up.

"T-There's a large group of bandits assaulted the soldiers that we sent to deliver food supplies to the poor villages and they stole all of them!! We have sent our troops to aid them, but the troops haven't came back since yesterday!! I'm afraid they are all have been slained!!"

"Since yesterday!? How could you not report this to me!?"

"F-Forgive me, Lord General! We thought we could handle this matter by ourselves! Please, spare me my life!!", that guard kneeling at them.

"Hmm. Right on cue. Spending days without her, I become very bored right now. I will go there by myself. Do you wanna join me?"

"Ha. I'm lazy, but it would be fun though."

"Then, let's go."