
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 29: Take Off

Today is the D Day where Ai Lie should go from the manor. She wakes up earlier and taking her breakfast. She packs her things on her school bag, and of course, before she goes, she feed her pets and saying goodbye to them. Not only to them, but also to Jiu Lan, Fang Yin, Hei She, Yin Ling, the twins, and the other servants. She won't meet them for a while.

"See you again, Xiao Mei. Take care, and stay healthy. Here take this with you.", Jiu Lan hands over something wrapped in a handkerchief.

"What is this, Jie Jie?"

"Some candied medicine. It can help you to increase your health and stamina."

"Thank you, Jie Jie!", She hugs Jiu Lan tightly.

"Look, someone is twinning jewelry with His Majesty's.", Yin Ling stares at her earring.

'Gasp!', "T-This is.....", She covers it with her hand.

"Yeah, yeah. Just go away, His Majesty is already waiting for you.", Yin Ling waves his hand, asking her to go away.

"See you again, General.", Ai Lie bows to him politely.

"May good fortune be with you, Ai Lie.", Hei She bows at her.

"Thank you, Ge Ge!", Ai Lie hugs his small snake body.

"W-What!?", Yin Ling is surprised by Ai Lie's action towards Hei She.

"Goodbye, see you in next month!!!", Ai Lie waves her hands to them as she running through the bridge.

Ai Lie reaches the front gate. When the gate is opened, she can see tall handsome man dresses in elegant fancy black robe standing all alone, waiting for her presence. She walks down to the small stairs, and moves her feet near to him.

"Are you ready? Have you check your things?"


"Nothing left behind, right?"


"Very well. Let's go."

"Uh.... What will we used to go there, Ge Ge?"

"This.", 'Whoosh!', He summons red palanquin.


"Come, get in."


"Wow...", She is scanning around. The palanquin is big enough for two.

"Hup!", Xin Suan sits beside her.

"Uh... Who will be the palanquin bearers?"

"No need to. We will travel through the sky."


"Hang on to me.", He curles his arms to her shoulder.

'Whoosh!', The palanquin suddenly dived upwards and launched into the sky in a high speed.

"Whoaaaaa this is scaryy!!", she holds onto Xin Suan's robe tightly. Her heart is going to burst.

"We'll be fine."

After a minutes of high tension, the palanquin is finally flying with a stable speed. It seems the two already reach the top of the sky.

"Open your eyes."


"Want to take a look outside?", He opens a small window beside her.

"Whoa.... It's so beautiful!!"

From high in the sky, she could see beautiful the mountains, green forests, small buildings like a city, and a very long and large river. The wind blows so hard, her unraveled hair is already messed up.

"Ow! It's poking my eye!", She tidied up her long hair.

"Hahaha", Xin Suan helps her, "Let my try to braid your hair."

"Ge Ge can braid hair?"

"Hmm. I know a thing or two about braid. But maybe the result won't be as good as expected."

"Then, later I will try to braid your hair too!"

"Very well."

He brushed her hair softly with his fingers. He devided her hair into three parts, and starts to twirling them to each other.

'This child... Is a heaven's spy? But from her scent it's obvious she is a human. I sense no holy power inside her. Or was it an odd coincidence? But how could she stopped my regeneration? Should I test her? But how?', Xin Suan silently discussing with himself.

"There you go."

"Whoa you really can braid!", she puts the end of her hair to her chest.

"I can't tie it, it will loose after this."

"That's okay. Now it's my turn."

"Go on.", He turns his back to her.

"Wow... Your hair is very smooth, just like silk! What kind of shampoo that you used?"

"Huh? What is that?"

"Oh! I-I mean, what kind of treatment that you usually do to your hair? It's very beautiful, my hair isn't as smooth as yours..."

"Treatment? I only rinse it with water. Or do you mean hair oil? If yes, sometimes I used it when I'm not lazy."

"So this is how it looks... Virgin hair that never been contaminated with any chemical products.", She keeps brushing his hair.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh nevermind! Hehehehe."

She divide his hair into four parts. Now is the time for her to play with his hair. She is happily braiding his hair into so many styles. Starting from fishtail, but it doesn't fit to Xin Suan so she changes it. Now, she tried to do french braid, but of course, it doesn't fit perfectly. Now she tried to do double dutch braid, and he looks very odd.

"Hahahahaha you are so pretty, Ge Ge!"

"Huh? What did you do to me?", He summons a hand mirror, "W-What is this!?", He tries to undo her braid.

"You are very beautiful!"

Xin Suan doesn't know whether she is praising him or actually that was a sarcasm, "Beautiful, huh? But I am more beautiful than Yu Wen, right?", He crossed his arms.

"Ah.. stop that, don't ask such question! Of course you are more, beside, I actually don't remember much how Ge Ge Yu Wen looks. I only remember he has blonde hair just like his mother."

"Do you know that their hair colors are actually dark just like ours?"


"Yeah. Then they colored it with their power. Bai Wu is a woman who loves beauty more than anyone else in this world, she thinks golden hair is beautiful. But in my eyes, it's tacky."

"Hehe. You are finally talking about someone else in front of me!", She smiles widely.

"Haa... I don't care with those trash feelings."

"Why don't you try to knot your hair to half? Just like what the other men do.", She is twirling the end of his long black hair.

"Back then I usually did that, but currently I just want to leave it like this. Is it ugly?"

"Not at all, your hair is very smooth and healthy, I can brush my cheek with this all day long.", She pulls the end of his hair and play with it.

"Hmph. You're a funny girl."

"But you know, Ge Ge, if I am allowed to be honest, since the first time I met you, I'm mesmerized by your appearance. You are very tall, and very handsome. Your nose is pointed, your skin is flawless, and your hair is shining black. Your body is also dashing. You are perfect, like a figure of prince in the fairytale books!"

".... Really?", Somehow, deep inside Xin Suan's heart feels satisfy of her compliments. Everyone loves to be praised, and so does he.

"Hmm! I'm telling you the truth! Hehehe."

"You too. You are beautiful, Ai Lie.", He pats her head.

"That's not true. I know as well as the others that I am ugly. Hahahaha."

"Who said that to you?"

"Uh... Everyone?"

"That's only your negative thoughts. You are beautiful, especially for me."

"Then... Except you.... Maybe?"

"Good. If everyone thinks so except me, then it's good."

"W-What? Why?"

"Because that means...", He brings his face closer to hers, "No one except me attracted to you and your beauty. And that means, you are mine alone. Isn't that good? I have no rival here."

"W-W-WHAT!?", She is blushing, "S-S-STOP BEING SO FLIRTY!"

"I'm not.", His finger brushes her cheek. His eyes stares at hers sharply.

"H-H-HUH!?", Ai Lie's body became hotter than before, as if she has a fever.

"You always stutter when you are nervous."

"I-I-I-I'M NOT!! S-S-STOP TEASING ME!!", She throws her face away.

"Hahahaha. You are very cute.", He pinches her cheek.

"...", Ai Lie stares at the blue sky, trying to hide her red face away from him.

"Don't avoid me. I want to see your face more. We will be parting ways for a month.", His cold palm leads her head turning back to face him.

"T-That's right... We can't see each other for a month, right?"

"Hmm. I will be missing you a lot."

"W-Why would you miss someone like me?"

"Isn't that obvious? I said I'm attarcted to you, didn't I?"

Ai Lie doesn't know whether those words were the truth or just lies. She doesn't know his true feelings, and his true intentions. She can't help herself but falling deeper and deeper at every of their meeting. Her heart beats faster everytime she meets his eyes. His sweet words are ringing loudly inside her mind, too loud for her to forget them.

"Then... Excuse me.", Ai Lie pulls his robe and lands her lips to his.

"You have become bolder than before, huh?"

"I-I'm sorry if you think what I did was a disgrace...."

"Did I say that? To be honest, your kisses taste so addicting for me. I want to kiss you all day long, and lick your tongue until your lips are numb, but I know you will slap me if I overdo it like that to you."

"H-HUH!? WHAT THE-??", She can't believe how blunt he is.

"Yeah, now that I think of it, I will miss these sweet little lips of yours too. A month without you will be like five hundred years of waiting.", He brushes her lips with his finger.

"T-That's too much... Time flies so fast, Ge Ge."

"Not really. Without you around me, I will feel nothing but emptiness."

"E-Eh? B-B-But why?? I'm no one important!"

"Very important, even more, you are my priority. Let's end this chit chat and move to the bigger matter."

"W-What do you mean big matt- Mmph!"

Xin Suan embraces her waist tightly. He doesn't show any mercy to her tongue. He keeps playing and stroking every side in her mouth with his long wet weapon. Ai Lie begin to fall into this inappropriate moment. Her mouth fills with joy and sweetness, while her mind is in paradise, she couldn't think clearly until she starts to make odd noises when he strokes the roof of her mouth. It seems that part is special for her, but she didn't get it because this is the first time she has such unusual reaction.

"Haa... Your voice... It's like a melody."

'Blush!', She's just realised the shameful she just did, "I-I-I'M SORRY!!", She covers her face with both of her palms.

"I still want to hear it more."


"Why? No one will hear you except me."


"Think of it as a way of your repayment for your loan to me."

"W-WHAT!? D-DON'T BE SO SELFISH!!", She wished she could run away from him, but that's clearly impossible. She is trapped in the palanquin alone with the dominating man beside her, especially right now they are floating high up in the sky.

"Then, are you not willing to give me what I want? My demand isn't hard to make."

"....", She is in a great dilemma. Yes, it's true, whatever she wants Xin Suan will always presents them to her. It's time for her repayment, and his wish is simple. But in one side, it was such an outrageous reflex from her vocal chords to ring whenever he reached a special spot inside her mouth. Just by remembering it, she wants to peel her face off.

"A-Alright... But after this, please forget what happened and don't judge me..."

"I won't judge. I'm the one who ask you this."

"O-Okay then. We are- Mmph!"

Ai Lie hasn't even finished her words yet Xin Suan ruthlessly smooch her thin lips and forcely enter his weapon inside it once again. Everytime he strokes that special part of her, Ai Lie's throat will unconsciously produce odd voices. Then finally Xin Suan noticed the reason why she does that.

"So you like it there, huh?", He smirks mischievously.

"L-LET'S END THIS!!", She pushes his chest away.

"A bit more."


"Not yet."

Xin Suan went out of control by listening to those tempting voice. He couldn't part his tongue away from her mouth. The scene become more improper when he slides his palm to her lowest back, while he places his other palm below her right armpit, really close to the soft bun that is forbidden to touch. His unusual reaction begin once again, and so does with Ai Lie. This is the first time she feels burning desire triggered in her body. This isn't right. Ai Lie has to be protected, and now she carries a heavy duty as a Sword Maiden that has to be the purest woman in the demon realm. Yet Xin Suan might have forgot about it, and chose to stain her mouth while he still can.

"Haa...", The two finally parting their lips away from each other. Their lips are already wet as a result of the long hot battle.

"G-Ge Ge, your hands...", Ai Lie feels uncomfortable.

"Ah. I'm sorry, I got carried away.", He throws his hands away.

"....", Her face is boiling red. Her body become warmer than before. However, she puts a long face.

He placed his palm behind her head and pushed it to his chest, "... Are you mad at me?"

She shooked her head without saying a word.

"Then... Did you enjoy it?"

"....", Ai Lie doesn't know what to say. She curles her arms towards his waist, and presses her face torwards his chest. After collecting courage, she nodded a few times. Somehow, her lovely response makes Xin Suan's heart melts away.

"Shit. You are too cute, Ai, like those baby rabbits. I can't keep my head cool everytime you are around me. I can't hold back not to touch you."

"T-That's okay, because..."


"B-Because I'm yours, Ge Ge...", She lowers her voice.

"Hahaha. Yes, you are mine alone, Ai. No one else may lay a finger on you except me. Not the other demons, not the gods, and not even the humans.", He strokes her head.

'Blush!', She couldn't understand the meaning of his words. Is this a sign that finally her feelings reciprocated? Or does it means Xin Suan only like to kiss her? Xin Suan is just a man, just like what he said, who knows he only likes to play with her, not wishing her to fall for him.

"Let me take a look of your belongings.", He takes her school bag that was placed on the floor.

"Oh. I don't have too much to be brought. Hehehe."

Xin Suan rummaging inside, "Oh you brought the robe that Jiu Lan made. I wonder how you look in this dress.", The robe that she brought is the pale blue one.

"Ahaha... It's obvious, the beauty of this robe is shining brighter than my face."

"You are incredibly inconfident. You should change your personality, Ai. Who the hell made you think you are unworthy?"


"Was it your family? Or your friends? Or someone else?"

"Uh... Hahahaha....", she is scratching her cheek awkwardly.

"Hah! Whoever that was, I will make them pay for it."

"N-No! You don't need to! You don't have to use violence! Beside, it doesn't matter anymore..."

"Huft... Your heart is too big. Very well, if my little goddess doesn't want me to make those filthy sinners paying their debt, then I will listen to her."

"A-Ah... I-It isn't right to avenge something that has been left behind, you know..."

"We really are Yin Yang. For me, revenge is the way of my life. But as you wish, my dear. Now let me take look a bit more...", He checks her school bag deeper.

"Oh you brought my robe?", He took out his plain black robe from it.

"Hmm! Hehehehe."

"You like this robe so much, huh?"

"Yeah! It reminds me of the first time we met. Hehehehe."

"That's so kind of you. This is your trousers and... Very well.", He folded his robe and put it back to her bag.

"Oh! What are those huge buildings, Ge Ge?", Ai Lie suddenly interested to beautiful ancient buildings that she saw from a distance. Those buildings surrounded by high walls.

"That's Chang Huan Palace. My palace."

"H-Huh?? You have very big fancy palace like that, why would you live in the manor?"

"I don't like it. Everytime I visited that cursed place, I will have a misfortune. Why? Do you want to move there? Is the manor not comfortable?"

"Eh of course not... Your manor is very elegant and huge, I'm very grateful to be allowed to live in such fancy place."

"Ah. Speaking about misfortune, is this Bai Wu's lucky charm?", He summons a small golden bag.

"Oh! She gave it to me, but I guess I dropped it without notice."

"Then, I put it in your bag. It may give you good fortune."

"T-Thank you."

"By the way, Xiu Zhen place is still far away. Is it okay if I increase the speed of this palanquin?"

"That's okay!"

"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable."


'Whoosh!', The wind blows heavily through the opened small window. Ai Lie closed the window before she catch a cold because of it. Thinking about Lord Water, Ai Lie's curiosity began to take over her thoughts.

"Ge Ge, I want to ask..."

"Go on."

"If Lord Water is a priestess, then how could she became an asura instead of a goddess?"

"Hmm. Good question. Her past life is interesting. She is a white sinner."

"White sinner? What does that mean?"

"Her story is quite long, do you still want to hear it?"

"Am I allowed to know?"

"Of course, my little goddess. We have plenty of time before arriving there, you may ask me anything you want."

"Then, do share with me, Ge Ge."

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