
Sell Your Soul to Pay Debt

Ai Lie, 18 y.o. high school girl, who is prioritizing her family more than anything, meet her dead end because of the trouble her family created. Her family has a loan of 75.000$, but all of her family members are jobless. Despite being an undergraduated high school student, she tried her best to pay her family's loan to prevent her family, and herself, become homeless. But when the payment deadline is near, she is giving up. None of her family member really cares about how to pay the debt they had. It's impossible to pay that huge amount of loan all by herself. She is gradually losing hope, desperate enough to think about her family's future, and finally decided to do suicide. But suddenly a ghost that appears in a snake form stops her from doing so, and give her a worthy offering. The snake asks her to exchange her life to an Asura's King with a huge amount of money. She is agreed, and the new journey between her and the dark side of the world begins.

LadySolidorXII · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
48 Chs

Chapter 17: The Convenience Store (1)

'Knock! Knock!', Xin Suan knocking Ai Lie's door.

'Ah! It must be Jie Jie Jiu Lan! I'll ask her help!', Her skirt is already having a stain behind.

"Hey, Ai.", It's Xin Suan's voice.

"!?", Ai Lie can't believe it's Xin Suan. Finally the person that she really wants to be mad at has appeared! But she is still in an embarrasing state.

"Hey, Ai. Are you there?"

'Noooo what should I do!?', She is silently in panic, the she remember she has Xin Suan's black robe. She immediately uses it to cover her stain.

"I know you are still angry to me. Let me in, I want to talk to you."

"... Come in.", She tightly wraps her body with his overzised black robe.

"Hey.", He opens the door, "Long time no see."

"H-Hello...", suddenly she forgot all of her anger. She only wished Xin Suan wouldn't notice.

"Why are you using my robe? Are you feeling cold?", He steps in and shuts the door.


'Sniff! Sniff!', Xin Suan smells a human's blood scent. He knows very well that scent.

"What is this!? Ai Lie, are you injured!?", He immediately runs to her.

"Huh? Why did you ask me that?"

"Isn't it obvious? The smell of blood! Are you okay?? Are you injured??", He is checking every inch of her.

'WHAT!? HE CAN SMELL THAT!?', Ai Lie's in a great embarrasment. 'Should I ask his help instead?...This won't last in a day though..."

"Yeah... I'm injured.", She is hesitant to answer.



"Huh? What do you mean? An internal injury? Are you sick?"

"Yeah... Well, it's not so hurting me though..."

"Huh?", Xin Suan doesn't get what she meant.

"Y-you... Don't understand what I mean?", Ai Lie widened her eyes. Xin Suan shooked his head.

'Haaa should I said it bluntly?', Feeling helpless, finally she tells him the truth, "I-I'm... on my period."

"Period? What's that?"

"Huh?? You don't know that?", Ai Lie can't believe how hopeless he is. Xin Suan shooked his head once again.

"A cycle that women have to suffer every month."

"Ahhh.... Nope, I still don't get what you mean. Sorry."

'Dear God...', She internally crying, doesn't know what to do.

"But... Is there anything I can do to help you?"

'Behind his jerk personality, this man is actually kind...', Ai Lie got carried away. 'Ah!! Why don't I ask him to buy my things?', Then, she got a 'brilliant' idea.

"I guess, there is... Umm...", She is actually feels awkward to ask a man's help.

"Don't worry, just tell me. I'll do anything I can for you."

"Uh... Can you go to my world?"

"Hmm... I can, but what for?"

"I-I need to buy my needs that I can't get in this world."

"Okay. It's an easy task."

"Ah! But you need to know where to buy that! Uh... Can you read my mind? I'll try to give you a picture of the place..."

"I can do that. Close your eyes, try to imagine the place.", He puts his palm on her head.

She tried to remember a place. It's the convenience store, just two blocks from her house.

"Okay, I'll teleport there."

"Okay...", Then she suddenly remember that Xin Suan can't go there with that kind of appearance and no money.

"Oh, wait wait!!"

"What? Is there something else you need?"

"Ah, no, it's just you can't go to my world with that look.", Ai Lie stares at his old fashioned but elegant robe.

"Is there something wrong with this?"

"No... Nothing wrong, but your style is a bit... Not up to date...", Then she got another 'brilliant' idea, "Oh, Your Majesty, can you disguise yourself in a woman form?"

"You mean.... Like this?"

'Snap!', Xin Suan's appearance turns into woman. Her face is very feminine and mature. She has an extremely pale skin, her eyes are wide, and her eyelashes are long. Her nose is pointed. She has tall and perfect body. Her unraveled hair is straight, and long. She's still dressed in a black traditional robe. Her beauty is almost like a painting.

"Wowww....", Ai Lie's amazed by the beauty of the 'woman' in front of her.

"How? Is it enough?", His voice turns into a woman's voice.

"Woww!! Amazing!! You are very stunning, Your Majesty!!", Ai Lie applaused at her.

"Huh? Stunning?"

"You are very beautiful! Even the prettiest woman I ever met! You are looking very feminine!"

"Hey, I'm not a real woman!"

"Hihihi! Okay, okay!!", She is smiling widely, "Now your clothes... Hmm..." She is opening her wardrobe.

"Can you use this?", She hands over her another shirts and her new jogger pants.

"How to use this?", Xin Suan took the clothes from Ai Lie's hands.

"I'll help you to dress!"

"Okay...?", She feels a bit unsure.

She helped the woman form Xin Suan to used her clothes. She even borrowed her private bosom wearing because the woman form Xin Suan didn't use it. She put a bit of her lip tint that she found in her bag so that Xin Suan's face would look more lively. Voila! The perfectly dressed woman Xin Suan has done! Because she is still taller than Ai Lie, Ai Lie's shirt became a pressed body crop tee, and her jogger pants became a 7/8 trousers. The woman form Xin suan is forced to use Ai Lie's small shoes, and it feels too tight for her, so she reduced the size of her feet temporary.

"Whoa!! You are so pretty, Jie Jie!!", Ai Lie claps her hands once more.

"Grrr!! Who do you call 'Jie Jie', huh!?"

"Hihihihi! But you really look so pretty!", Ai Lie teased him.

"Cih! Look at you, this morning the maids said that you went crazy at your room, but now you are very happy!"

"Oops... I think I'm having an extreme mood swing, huh? Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have forgive you and I'll payback your kindness! I promise!"

"Payback with what?"

"I dunno.. Anything as long as I'm capable to?", She raised her shoulders.

"Hmm...", Xin Suan lowers her face closer to Ai Lie, "Hehe... I have an idea. You definitely can do this for me."

"W-What is that?", Ai Lie's a bit blushing. 'Srrrr...', Her lower part is reminding her to be quick.

"Ah, Your Majesty, can you buy that for me now? I need it fast..."

"Wait, now that I think of it, I don't know what kind of thing you need!"

"Ahh right! Oh no, what should we do?"

'Swoosh!', Xin Suan summoned a black blindfold in his hand, "Here use this, it can help you to connect with my mind. Close your eyes."

Xin Suan wraps the blindfold to Ai Lie's eyes. It really helps her to connect with Xin Suan, eventhough she closed her eyes, her view changes to Xin Suan's sight. She sees herself as if she is standing in front of a mirror.

"So this is how it feels to have a tall body...", Ai Lie is amazed.

"Hey, focus!", Xin Suan snaps her fingers.

"O-okay. Oh and one more thing, Your Majesty, in my bag, there is a pink wallet, take the money inside it. I still have some, enough to buy a thing or two."

"I'll use mine. You have change those golds into nowadays money, right?"

"B-but I already have to much debt on you!"

"Don't worry, I won't charge you anything. You said you need it every month, so that means you will need much, right? I'll buy you more."

'Whoa this man is like the two sided coin, so contrary, one side is jerk but the other side is like an angel!'

"I can hear your mind, Ai Lie... We are connected.", Xin Suan's narrowing her eyes.

"WHAT!? SORRY, SORRYY!!!", Ai Lie forgets that she is wearing that magical blindfold.

"Alright, I'll take my leave. I'll be as quick as possible."

"Okay!", Ai Lie sits on the floor. Her belly feels a bit cramp.

'Whoosh!', Xin Suan vanished within air. She arrived at a park, one block from that convenience store. She chose to teleport there, because there was no human in that area. The sun is shining bright, the weather feels so dry and hot. It must be summer.

"Hmm... So this is what it looks like. The human realm has changed a lot.", Xin Suan talks to herself.

'Welcome to my world. What do you think, Your Majesty? Is this world looks nice for you?', Ai Lie communicates via telepathy.

'Hmm, I don't know. The air is contaminated and not fresh. Just like the Qiong in our world.'

'Qiong? What is that?'

'A toxin that keep spreading through the air, water, and earth.'

'Oh... Somekind of pollution. Well, I guess we have reasons for that... The world already had around 8 billion people...'

'WHAT!? THAT MUCH!?', She widened her eyes.

'Yeah... hehehe...', Ai Lie chuckles awkwardly.

'Hmm... Only in 500 years we left the world behind and the humans already reproduced that much... Then if we eat one or two the heaven wouldn't notice, huh?'

'Don't ever think about it! Killing people is a great sin! Don't break your own vow!'

'Hahaha I know, I know, I'm just joking. Well, I have to go now, is it that building?', She points her finger at the store.

'Yes! Thank you, Your Majesty! I really owe you much!'

'Make sure you'll pay for it later.'

'U-uh... Yes, I will!', She is unsure whether she really can do what Xin Suan asks or not.

Xin Suan has arrived and she stands in front of the convenience store. She is admiring the modern building design, with a large sign that said 'Meow Meow Store'.

"M-meou meou?", She tried to spell it.

'Hehehe! That's not how it said, it said miau miau!'

"Ah... Miau miau she... to... re?", Xin Suan can't read english words, but it seems she knows how to read alphabet letters.

'It said store! Stor, something like that. It's a foreign language.'

"Oh I see... Miau miau shhtoor?"

'Hehehe he is so cute!!', She forgets that their minds are connected.

'Who did you call cute?'

'Oops! Nevermind, let's move forward. Oh right, when you step your feet near that huge glass door, the door will open automaticly. Don't be surprised, okay?'

'Hmm, understood.'

When she steps in, of course, the automatic door opens. Xin Suan silently admiring those new technology. This is his first time traveling to the human's realm after 500 years of locking himself in the demon's realm.

"Welcome to Meow Meow Store!", Two workers greeting her. One is a young boy, and one is a young girl. They appeared to be at Ai Lie's age. Maybe they are part-timers.

"...", Xin Suan didn't reply anything and move forward.

"Whoa that girl is really my type!", The young boy whisper to his colleague.

"She is very pretty! But with that stunning face, she should have used more trendy clothes! If I was her, I'd definitely buy the newest dress and use a high heels instead of that casual style.", The young girl replied.

"Ah, but you are not her. Pretty woman like her can use everything she wants, because no matter what she used, she is still pretty!"

"...", Xin Suan and Ai Lie heard everything they said.

'Ah my clothes are really bad, huh? If only I were rich, I'd buy the newest style too!'

'Don't mind them. You are pretty no matter what they say.'

'Yes... Wait, what?'

'Let's move to our priority. Where should I go?'

'O-oh! Uh... It's to the leftmost shelf.'

Xin Suan moves to the direction that Ai Lie shows her to.

'Turn to your left. The item is right there, the one that has dark blue color.'

'This?', She points to the wrong item.

'Below it.'



Xin Suan takes that item as much as she could brought. The part-time workers are confused, why would someone need that much of that thing? Ai Lie forgot to ask her to brought a shopping cart.

'Where should I pay this?'

'To where those young workers stand.'

Xin Suan walks there with so much items on her hands. Maybe even more than 20.