
Habitual of friendship

In the mid of seventh standard ,there came a new girl in my class and was very talkative. After some days she find my company good and decided to be my friend without asking me. She asked me many a time to be my friend but there was a problem with me. I was very self centred girl till 7th standard and used to be in myself and hardly have any friend in the class. I used to spend my time by decorating my notebooks and by spending some time with myself. But I don't wanna break her heart, so I agreed. In a very less time ,there was very strong bond between us just like one of best friends. But when we were in 8th ,the bond broke. She changed me ....here ,the change means replacement. She found someone better than me . My life was like nothing with everything. Everyday I was losing something in myself and miss my best friend . I apologised her for no reason and asked her several times to come back to me but all of that went in trash . She ignored me in ebery possible way. I loss my contact with her. The thing that I was having was just her small gifts and memories. Iused to cry for hours and hours feeling the loss of friendship for whom I was habitual...