
Seiichi Yukimura the son of God, in kuroko no basket

This is a story of young man who’s dream was to become an NBA player but unfortunately he couldn’t achieve it. He died in a car accident and was reborn in the world of kuroko no basketball. And just as he thought he could make it to teiko or at least play against all the miracles, he got sick, this sickness paralyzed him, and made him spend most of his middle school life in a hospital. But no he didn’t give up, he swore to himself, that he will beat this sickness and that at the start of high school, accompanied by his best friend, they will dominate Japan!. “Losing will be unacceptable !”

Hades09 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

The new coach


" moshi moshi~ who's this?" Said kisuke

" Hello Urahara san it's Yukimura, I can't believe you still haven't saved my number!"

" hahaha if it isn't little Yuki, looks like you haven't forgotten this old man. How are you and Haizaki doing?"

" We're doing well really, we just joined the Seiho high basketball team."

" Seiho well it's not bad I guess, so what's up with the call?"

" Well I would like to ask for a favour."

" hmm~well first let's hear it." He said

" Well here's the deal, Sho and I wanted to join the team, but the coach got mad because we refused to learn his martial arts, he kept saying how useful it is but still we refused. Things got heated so we made a bet which he lost and as a result, I became the captain while he ended up quitting, leaving the team without a coach, which is why I'm calling you." I summarized what happened and the line went silent for couple of seconds before

" HAHAHAHAHA my God, I knew you guys were crazy but this hahaha. " he bust out dying of laughter which made my and Sho's eyebrows start twitching.

" Ha~ Thank you, I haven't laughed so much in a long time. So let me get this straight, on your first day of high school you managed to become the captain of your high school team and at the same time fired your coach?" He asked

" [Sigh] yes"

" And now, you're asking me to what, become your new coach?"

" Yes but hear me out first-"

" Nope I refuse kid, sorry but you're gonna have to look for somebody else " he cut me off

" Urahara san just listen to what we're saying firs-"

Haizaki tried to say but got cut off as well.

" [sigh] Listen both of you, if there are two people on this earth who could get me into coaching a high school team it's probably the two of you, but you can't. You gonna talk to me about your dreams of being champion and I'll say no, you gonna talk to me about a coach's salary and I'll still say no, then you're gonna appeal to my love of basketball and I'll say no because I don't anymore so how about we stop all that and talk about the old days" he said in a calm voice

" [Sigh] Urahara san sure, it's true that I want you to become our coach because we need you but that's not the only reason, during the time you helped with our training I noticed your love for the sport and also how bored you are. Sure I know you help a lot of people with their rehabilitation but I also know that you miss the excitement. And if you join us, not only will you get that feeling again but you will also have the chance to compete with your former teammates!" I ended with a smirk on my face.

" Huh? You mean to tell me that those old men are coaching high school teams now! Who?"

" hehe, I don't really know all their names, i know of a high school girl named aida she's the coach of Seirin, her dad is kagetora Aida and even tho he is not the official coach, he usually goes there to train their team. And even tho I forgot their names, I know that the coaches of Too, Shutoku, and Rakuzan are all your former teammates~" I told him with a huge smile on my face knowing he was already convinced.

{A\N: I know it was never confirmed but I just made them all former teammates to make it more interesting}

" haa? So these old farts we're having fun on their own while I was argh!!! Gimme a sec I'll call you back!" He angrily said the hung up.

Sho and I just looked at each other and started happily laughing knowing we were about to get a great coach. He's probably checking with them to confirm what I told him.

And just like I thought, a few minutes later he called back.

" [Sigh] Alright I accept, But tell me how are the players, are they any good? Cuz I just heard from those guys that they have some great players, even more, they each have a player of huuuh what are they called again the children of destiny?"

" You mean the generation of miracles ? " I corrected him calmly but the corner of my mouth kept twitching while Haizaki was already rolling on the floor holding his stomach.

" Yes! That's it!"

" Well the team is not bad and with your help, they're going to be great."

" Alright then, I'll be there starting tomorrow "

" That's great, thank you Urahara san!"

[ Next day]

I entered the gym accompanied with Haizaki and Urahara. We were in our gym clothes but Urahara was wearing a baggy black jacket and pants, a green shirt and a fisherman's hat.

" Alright everyone come here, there's someone I need you to meet!" I said while clapping my hands loudly.

After they all lined up I started:

" This here is Kisuke Urahara, he used to play for the Japanese team, and from now on, he will be our new coach. So say hello to our coach!" I told them with small smirk on my face as I saw their shocked expression.

" Hello coach!!" They shouted

" Hehe~ Nice to meet you all, now before I go on-" he first said as he took a sheet paper out his pocket " I want all the former regulars plus, Yukimura, Haizaki and Tsugawa to line up in front of me~" And we all did after hearing that.

" Now I will divide you all into two teams and have a practice game. I want to see what you're all capable of.

First team: Yukimura, Tsugawa, Sakamoto, no name

Second team: Haizaki, Iwamura, Ryuhei, Omuro"

After hearing the teams we all walked on the court.

But as we were walking I heard from beside me:

" Careful Yuki~ cuz I'm about to wreck your whole team. " said Haizaki as he stared at me with a wild smile.

" Those are some big words Sho~ let's see if you can back them up " I replied with the same smile on my face as I stared back at him.

We kept staring at at each other and every one could feel our auras colliding like two beasts roaring to assert their dominance.

'Hehe~ a storm is brewing' thought Coach Kisuke with a smirk on his face.

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