
Idle 2

It's early into the night when Morgan returns, a medium-sized box cradled in her hands and a bag of takeout hanging from her wrist. The young woman struggles to get in her house, almost stumbling over her feet as she tries not to drop the box and bag she has so precariously in her arms. Staying on her feet she finds her way into the kitchen where she dumps the bag and puts the box on the floor. It jostles when it touches the cold floor, shifting an inch away from where she had originally placed it. Standing over the box she couldn't help but think that she had been tricked once more by her friend, the only person who always finds a way to have her agreeing to even the dumbest things. She had left the house for one thing and ended up returning with a group of kittens. For crying out loud, she already had a buttload of animals out in the yard and house. Of course, that is why she was given the kittens as her love for animals never failed her friend once. Most of the creatures she has, have been given to her by that girl, especially those bunnies. The bunnies are funny and ironic.

"Well, what's four more?" The box is opened up, each kitten being lifted up and out to find their way around the house. Their loud calls fill her ears as she gathers some bowls to give them a feeding of milk for the moment. Perhaps she'll hand them off to one of her female cats who would love to have kittens of her own. They tend to adopt pretty easily.

Leaving them with some milk she finally heads off to find her cousins. The stairs are ignored as she heads straight to the basement, fully expecting to find them there after she had told Zena about it. She may not have seen them in forever but she's heard enough to know that they are all skilled in multiple fighting styles and that they take to sparring at any opportunity, so naturally they would be in the basement. She could hear the fight taking place before she opens the door leading down to her little gym set up. She can also hear what she assumes to be Israel's grunt of defeat. Either he got double-teamed or he let one of them win. It is most likely the latter.

Coming down into the gym, the first person she lays eyes on happens to be Zena, who seems to be showing off as she walks on her hands with ease. Though from the way Alissa's grinning Morgan considers that Zena may have been dared or forced to do the handstand. She earns a wave from Alissa and is barely regarded by her younger brother as she finds somewhere to sit and simply watch. Vincent had bragged to her on the phone, telling her all kinds of things about Zena's physical abilities, as well as her physical appearance. True to his words Zena does indeed have a fit body with muscles Morgan couldn't have noticed under the baggy clothes she had arrived in. Her biceps flexed as she held her body up, sweat dripping down her forehead and onto the floor, yet she moved like liquid as if she were not straining. Perhaps she wasn't and it indeed is that easy for her to support her weight. Her shirt had flopped into her face at some point, revealing a toned stomach that is a testament to her physical health.

"What are you lot up to?" Morgan finally asks, eyes still on Zena, observing. Zena couldn't see her, not through her curtain of hair that had fallen into her face with her activity.

"Nothing really" Alissa shrugs. "Zena just lost a bet so she's being punished"

"This is nothing," said girl says with a grunt as she continues her activity.

"If you say so, you still have four minutes to go" Lissa smiles. "You're really strong"

"Thanks for the compliment"

"Hey, it's the truth. You came pretty close to beating me in an arm wrestle, that's impressive" Israel offers his own words of praise, just the slightest quirk of his lips indicating his cheery mood.

His words earn a chuckle as Zena turns to take another walk down the mat. Her legs are bent at the knees, offering her a better sense of balance, hands spread shoulder length aiding in that department as well.

"Obviously not strong enough dear cousin"

While Morgan has no clear idea what any of them are capable of, she does believe her brother's statement, especially when she finds out that Zena had been on her hands for over thirty minutes. She had to be tired, but she sure as hell wasn't showing it.

"Aren't you tired?" Morgan had to ask, concerned and curious. "Thirty minutes is a long while"

"Forty-three minutes" Zena corrects, the words leaving her in a huffed breath. "And yes, I am tired, but this is nothing. Once I went on for over an hour just to beat my dad"

"Oh yeah, you should've seen it" Isreal's the one to laugh. "She could hardly move her arms after that, but she was damn happy to have won"

"Uncle Vincent let her" are the words from Lissa, words Zena doesn't try to deny. She had won, but she had known that her father gave her that victory.

That is the topic of their conversation for the next two minutes when Zena's time runs out. With Alissa's word, she dropped back down to her legs before sliding to the floor and sitting motionless for a moment. She flexed her arms carefully, Morgan watching her every move. She really did have impressive muscles for her age. They weren't overly noticeable, not bulky or anything of the sort. They were subtle, which fits since she has a lean body. It fits her, Morgan supposes. Zena's standing soon, doing a full stretch before focusing on her arms.

She looks a good deal like her mother, Morgan had to admit. They have the same upturned eyes that sometimes reminded her of feline creatures, the very same eyes that are often filled with amusement over one thing or another. The same heart-shaped lips that are currently pulled into a taunting smile as she bickers with Alissa over how easily and flawlessly she had executed her punishment. It's kinda funny though, she even has the same round shaped face. Almost all her facial features are that of her mother, safe for her nose. No, her nose is definitely her father. Vincent has a small nose that feels so wrong when it's said, but it's really good on him. It's good on Zena as well, adorable really.

"I've been gone for over four hours" Morgan gets their attention as she speaks, each of them watching her with raised brow as if asking her what that has to do with anything. "Have you been down here for all that time?"

"Yup" it's Alissa who answers. "We did go back up for food, but yeah, we've been down here. I'm determined to get two points over Zena"

"Impossible" Zena doesn't even sound arrogant, just confident. "You get cocky when you one-up me, which just leads to me getting my point back"

"I do not get cocky"

"Well, something happens when you win" Israel shrugs.

"Oh shut up"

"Either way, we've been down here way too Long" bouncing onto her feet, Zena tugs her shirt down her abdomen as she makes a beeline for the door. "I need a shower, a long one, and some tea with milk, or maybe some cocoa. Do we have cocoa, Morgan? It would be a crime not to have any"

"Yes I have cocoa"

"Great, what about oats, I like oats"

"Have that too"

"You got macaroni?"


"And cheese?"

"Yes, Zena and I have everything you would need to make some good mac n cheese"

"Nice, I'll make mac n cheese"

~~~~~~~~~~ Zena P.O.V

"Alissa and Zena start school upcoming Monday"

Upcoming Monday is just three days away, we're really starting school within three days. I'm not sure whether to be excited or not, nervous perhaps? The indecision had me feeling very neutral as I simply focus on stuffing my face with a delicious piece of pork. Morgan brought home something, I'm not sure what it is, but it's really good. I've been alternating between the pork, the rice, the greens, and everything else while I listened to Morgan explaining where she got the cats from. That has led to talk about us starting school. By us, I mean, Alissa and I because Israel won't be attending this year and simply prepare himself for UA. Perks of finishing middle school early I guess. I also learn that I don't have to suppress my quirk because of the dumb rule. After a talk with the school, things worked out.

"Three days is pretty quick, don't you think?"

Alissa and I tend to share the same thoughts on most things so oftentimes I let her speak while I focus on better things. Things like my food.

"You both speak Japanese, right?"


"Good, then you're going to school in three days" Morgan grins. "Your uniforms are already in your closets"

"Are those two going to the same school?" Comes the question from Israel. "If so then I fear for that poor school"

"They're going separate"

"We are?" I almost laugh when I realize Alissa asks the same question at the exact same time. "Probably for the best"

This time I do snicker, finding it a bit too funny that we speak at the same time. We really do think alike and I forget this because my cousin can be very annoying.

"It's a long boring story, but in the end, you couldn't go together so you're gonna go to different schools. Both are private and both are close enough for me to drop you off without issue"

"Could you imagine the destruction, Lissa?" I snicker, trying not to laugh as I chew on my food. Can't be choking right now.

"The carnage would be immaculate" she's on the verge of laughter and just looking at her makes my chest hurt as I try not to laugh as well. There is no real reason for us to be laughing, but we're idiots, so of course. "Those peasants would only be so lucky to witness such chaos"

I can practically hear Israel roll his eyes next to me as clearly as the laugh that spills from Lissa not seconds later.

"There's nothing to be laughing about" exasperated; Israel drops his chopsticks to his plate as if he couldn't dare eat when Alissa's acting like a clown. "Why are you laughing?"

"I don't know" she wheezes, I cackle, Morgan sputters.

"Not you too Morgan"

I'm trying so hard not to choke on the food in my mouth, so, so very hard. By some miracle, I manage not to fall into a fit of coughs, though my chest hurts nonetheless from the amount of laughter spilling from my being. There is no reason for me to be laughing, but damn. It's Alissa's fault.

"Okay look, we're having a conversation here" Morgan tries to stifle her own laughter, failing at least three times before she clears her throat, adopts a serious look, and clears her throat again. She's snickering soon after when Alissa tries to say something but can't get it out over her laughter. "Okay, okay, I'm done. I'm not laughing anymore. I don't even know why I'm laughing"

"These jokers are infecting you with their sickness"

"Yeah, sure, Dr. Killjoy"

"I'm done," Morgan says again, adopting a neutral look once more, this time not failing to keep her words. "Yes, you two are going to separate schools. Both are very good schools that I have cleared with your parents. You already have your uniforms as well as a document filled to the brim with rules....I think. I'm not sure, though I do know that it's very boring. Rules are there to be broken more often than not"

Yes, I agree with that statement completely.

"We don't have to take a test or anything?"

"Nah, mom handled that" Morgan reassures.

Of course Aunt Eliza handled our entire school situation. That woman is deep into the education system and is well known all over the world, I'm sure. If she handled it there's not a single thing for me to worry about then.

"Also, I have some house rules"

That's surprising, but okay.

"Well, they're not rules, I just need to make sure you guys will be okay here I guess. I'll be off most of the time so you'll be on your own, just like today" she explains somewhat casually. "You can take care of yourselves so I doubt I need to worry too much about it"

That doesn't mean you shouldn't worry at all. Let your guard down and you'll be called by the fire department, informing you of the loss of your house to an unknown fire.

"I'll be taking you to and from school and when I can't you'll either return on your own or I will have someone come get you," she says. "Also, while I'm your guardian I'm also gonna be prepping you for UA, so expect training, though I doubt you guys will ever have any complaints about that"

I'm liking the sound of that.

"You're basically allowed to do anything when you're with me, just don't hurt any of my animals in any way, please. You can help feed them if you want, you can even take a few as your own if you want, I fully support that, just don't hurt them, okay. They're precious creatures"

From the look in her eyes, I fully believe she will kill us if we harm those animals in any way and that is enough cause for caution. Don't hurt the animals no matter what you do. I'd never hurt an animal for no reason anyway, but there are always accidents.

"Oh and friends" she seems excited about the next part. "I fully support any friendships you'll have in the future because you kids don't interact with those your age. It's good to make friends, so have fun with that. Um yeah, when or if you get to the point where you want sleepovers, you're free to have your buddies over, just clear it with me first"

Alissa lights up at this, already planning over a dozen sleepovers in that head of hers while I can't really say anything. Hey, if I make friends I wanna invite then it happens. If not then too bad. Friends are overrated anyways. I don't need friends. I need gremlins, clowns, menaces to society. I need people that will watch me fall and laugh about it for hours. I need people who will blindly follow me into danger. I need freaking clowns who are just as stupid as me.

"And lastly, I really need you guys to not bring the house down"

She's looking at me when she says this. I wanna be offended, even just a little bit, but I know better. I could burn the house down and she knows it.

"I can't make any promises