
I got a quirk, again, yay?

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world need-

Wait, wrong world. The concept is there but now's not the time for my childish games. I'm at the hospital again, in the room I've gotten used to over the past year in front of the doctor I've come to know so well. He's writing something down on his notepad, mouth moving in silent words to himself. My mother is at my side, constantly stopping me from taking off the hearing aids that are protecting me. I really want them off, even if for just a few seconds. My ears need freedom and it feels weird having my quirk blocked out like this. I've gotten used to the buzz in my head and the thoughts of those around.

"It's not unusual for a child to inherit their parent's quirk so this is to be expected" the doctor finally speaks again, gaining my mother's attention and successfully distracting her from me. I've been wearing these things for a while and it sometimes starts to feel as if they're clamping my ears. It's not painful, just noticeable.

With the devices off I can clearly hear the inner monologue of my doctor. It's familiar and somewhat relieving to have that buzz back in my head. I really need to test how far I can reach with my quirk because I swear I hear over a thousand voices in my head right now. Pros of letting my mind roam free at night are that I get used to the overflow of voices in my head and even better at ignoring them. I've even learned to single out a chosen thought, that's how I lock onto my father to know what he's up to every now and then. It's also very entertaining to listen to his silly thoughts and ideas. Sometimes he would start talking to me, never sure if I'm actually listening but still doing it anyway.

"You actually went and developed two quirks" my father, who had left to get me a box of juice, finally returns. Only he does not have a box of juice in his hand for me. Why is he back without the juice he promised me? Did he go and forget that his daughter wants juice?

"Where's my juice?" I specifically said that I would like some juice after he had asked me what I wanted. So how is he here without it?

"The vending machine's out" there's that apologetic look on his face, the one he uses on mom when he forgets to get the groceries. It never works on her so it sure as hell is not about to work on her child. That look is pathetic and even if it was convincing I can read his thoughts as clear as day. This guy's lying to me

"You liar, I can hear your thoughts you know"

That surprises him and he only then sees the hearing aids in my hands. He chuckles nervously, steps away and starts talking to the doctor.

"So you say she has my quirk"

He's ignoring me


It's alright

He's so lucky I have no clue how to use my new quirk.

Speaking of my new quirk, yes I do have my father's quirk now. My father can control the four elements, just like the avatar. Apparently, he's somewhat like Todoroki when it comes to his quirk and the family genes. His family is known for their elemental quirks, each varying from person to person. Someone can lavabend, the other can waterbend and so on and so forth. My father won the lottery with his ability to manipulate fire, water, earth and air, something that never happened in his family before him. So for me to have his avatar powers is just plain lucky.

"I am the avatar" hehe, I need to find myself a Katara, Sokka and Toph. Especially a Toph. Everyone needs a friend like Toph. Toph is amazing and super powerful. Oh and a Zuko too.

I need to get this under control as soon as possible before I burn down the house in an accident. I feel as if fire is the one I need to worry about the most, because well.....fire. It almost killed my birthday cake. I will not stand for that. Now that I have a quirk my family is familiar with I can be trained to control it. This is literally my dad's quirk and he has immaculate control of his powers. So I guess I'll be spending even more time with my father now. I feel sorry for our backyard because I know I'm going to destroy it one way or another.

Man I'm thirsty

"Dad, I still want some juice"


See, I knew I was going to destroy our backyard. I just didn't think it would be so soon. Fire sparks on the ground, slowly spreading from plant to plant. My dad just stands there, a look that seems stuck between disappointment and hope. He had been trying to help me control the fire first, for it is the riskiest and destructive. Things had been going great at first. He made his own fire, a small flame held within his palm, its colour a reddish-orange. I should feel the fire before it erupts, feel it and tame it. It should listen to me and not rage out of control. That is far easier said than done. I had felt the heat, burning under my skin so much so that I feared it would harm me. It could scorch my flesh, ruin it until I'm resembling Dabi. I know of the damage a fire quirk can do to its user, I know it well.

Maybe it's my fear that caused all of this. The fire must react to my emotions, flickering with the smallest shift in emotion until my fear helped stoke the fire.

And now the back yard is in flames.

All those precious flowers.

"Okay," my father snaps out of whatever mental state he had been in, finally returning to the situation with a laid back smile in place. He releases a breath slowly, the fire stops spreading. "We'll try again"

He brings his hands up to his chest and as he brings them back down the fire disappears entirely. We're left standing in the burnt back yard, the smell of smoke still strong in the air and the heat of the fire still lingering. It's a wonder my mother hadn't come out to yell at either of us.

"Remember to take steady breaths, sweetie, it helps" he's sitting in a patch of unharmed grass, still calm despite everything.

Oxygen only makes fire burn stronger, dear father, but yes, breathing is important.

The sun is at its peak right now, burning my flesh. Some good old vitamin D never hurt anyone, I guess. I sit down as he's doing, fully copying his position.

Breathe, think of fire, feel the heat, tame it.

Focus, Zena

It's easy to find the fire within this time, but no less unnerving to acknowledge it and feel the heat beneath my skin. It's burning hotter than I think I can handle as I let it spread through my entire body. There is no destination and no intention other than to acknowledge the fire within. Acknowledge it and get used to it. Get familiar with the intense heat, get familiar with the thought of it manifesting through me. It's frightening when I acknowledge it. I acknowledge it and see the damage it can cause, see the pain it can inflict. I never understood why Aang had been so afraid of it at first. Yes, he burned Katara, but accidents happen and she was fine after that. While I haven't hurt anyone I worry I will with how little control I have. The fire intimidates me as much as it makes me feel powerful.

"You can't be afraid of it, Zen. You'll only lose control like that"

I know. I know, you've told me before. I know and I understand, but that does not make it easier. Dabi permanently scarred his flesh with his own fire, Shoto can suffer the same fate if he doesn't regulate his fire with his ice. Katsuki can blow his skin off if he's not careful. Fire does more damage than good sometimes and I do not want to burn myself.

So yes, I'm afraid and I failed to acknowledge it before.

Taking a deep breath I finally open my eyes again. I'm still feeling incredibly hot, but there is no raging fire in front of me. That's good, that's really good.

"It's really hot"

"It's supposed to be" dad's smiling gently and I allow myself to relax for the first time since this process began. "It feels hotter than the sun, doesn't it?"

Yes, it does, which is concerning. Dad is not worried in the slightest so I suppose it's not as bad as I think it is.

"It's hot but it's not hurting you. It won't hurt you as long as you don't fear it. This is your power and you control it"

Quirks are things I never fully understood, something I want to change soon. How do they work aside from what everyone already knows? A quirk is a part of who you are as a person and perhaps it can cause a change in behaviour and personality. I'm not sure about that, but it's worth considering. While I've only had this quirk for a single day and have been interacting with it for less than three hours, I've come to understand that my quirk, at least the fire part, works with emotion. Whether it reacts specifically to fear or not, the fact remains.

If my quirk truly works with my emotions I'll really need to control my feelings too.

More work

"Can we try air now?" I really want to switch over to something that does not make me uneasy.

"Nope, one at a time, Zen"

Thought as much.


My skin burns and it's a wonder I didn't actually hurt myself. It feels as if I have some serious burns littering my body, but there is not a single wound to be found. My father kept me at it until the sun was setting. We only came into the house after my mother came to get me, claiming that it was enough. It was enough because I want to soak in a tub of cold water. That's exactly what I'm gonna do when I get out of these pesky clothes. I have to remind myself to wear more loose-fitting clothes the next time I'm training with my dad. We did no physical tasks but I'm soaked in sweat.

Finally out of my clothes I fill the tub and immediately climb in. After this bath, I'm going to bed. I deserve a good rest after everything that's happened in the last two days. First, my cake almost burns into nothing, then I learn I have my dad's quirk and now I'm trying not to burn myself or anyone else.

The contrast of the cold water on my heated skin is almost painful until it becomes heavenly.

I sink deeper into the water, planning on staying here for a good minute while listening to whoever's thoughts enter my mind. It seems one of our guards has a song stuck in his head, I feel bad for him. Mom is worried about me while listing down the ingredients for brownies. Sounds about right. When she's worried she cooks and when she cooks I'm happy. That woman can cook and I love to eat.

Then there's dad, screaming at his team for losing the ball. Ah, basketball, what an amazing sport.

I wonder how long it will take for me to learn to control my powers. It never seems like it'll be hard, but then you try and it seems impossible.

Or maybe it's just fire.

I dip my finger into my water, concentrating on it completely. It ripples and I watch as if that'll help in any way. I bring my hand up, it doesn't follow.


I'll try again. Water seems easier to master than fire. It's something that is easy to manipulate as it goes where you want it. On the other hand, it can be hard to control when flowing, rushing. Now it's still, a stillness only broken by the small ripples I cause with small movements. Water slips through my fingers, dropping back into the tub, forming little waves. I lift my hand again, the water follows closely, droplets falling behind the higher I go. It's a string of sparkling liquid reflecting the light of the room. It's beautiful the longer I stare at it, the colours shifting with different angles and the string never staying in one shape.

Then it all falls back into the tub.

Disappointing, but still something to smile about. It's good to know I can do something at will.

"Why can't we focus on water instead, huh? Or air or earth? "

Fire is hard to tame and is constantly playing with my emotions. One minute I think it's cool the next I realize the dangers. It's exhausting on top of that and leaves me feeling burnt.

Luckily the water helps cool me down, so I should be fine in a while. Yeah, I'll be fine. After my bath, I'll go down to mom and she'll feed me whatever delicacy she has concocted.

Food is life and food brings joy